The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1195: Second-order magic spider

Although Xiao Han had never seen a second-order demon spider before, he was almost certain at this time. The huge demon spider not far away surrounded by dozens of first-order demon spiders is undoubtedly a second-order demon spider. Up.

At this time, Xiao Han slowly understood why so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders surrounded their "Devil Slayer Team", but Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were not there. In the midair, I found the dust raised when the Tier 1 Demon Spider was moving.

Because all the first-order magic spiders travel very slowly and slowly, they don't seem to be surrounding a group of prey, but they look like they are in a neat line and walking slowly.

That is to say, these first-order demon spiders in groups gradually encircled them, so when these first-order demon spiders walked, they did not raise the dust on the ground.

The neat and uniform appearance of these first-order magic spiders is not like rushing to the battlefield, but like walking or walking on the sand, so it is not only Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, but also Xiao Han. With such a sensitive perception ability, it is only when these first-order demon spiders are already approaching here that they can vaguely feel that there are many first-order demon spiders around.

Originally, Xiao Han still found it strange, why these first-order magic spiders seemed to be a disciplined and organized army?

Not only are they moving very slowly, it is completely different from the first-order demon spiders Xiao Han and the others have encountered before. As long as the first-order demon spiders have discovered the hungry traces of the human gas refiners, they can’t wait. Rushed forward.

But now these Tier 1 Demon Spiders came here at a competitive pace, and they looked like they had been a well-trained army. The stragglers that Xiao Han had come into contact with were completely two extremes.

Could it be said that these Tier 1 Demon Spiders really have leaders or commanders?

After seeing the huge figure of the second-order demon spider, Xiao Han finally knew that these first-order demon spiders should be following the command and dispatch of the second-order demon spider. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this many first-order demon spiders. They surrounded this eleven "devil squad" from all directions in such an orderly manner.

In other words, everything in front of him was led by the second-order demon spider, and even Xiao Han felt that everything in front of him was planned and directed by the second-order demon spider, and all the first-order demon spiders appeared nearby. Demon spiders are all acting under the command of that second-order demon spider.

Can a Tier 2 Demon Spider possess such a high level of intelligence? Although compared with the spiritual wisdom of the human race, the spiritual wisdom of this second-order demon spider is not considered to be very exaggerated, but you must know that even if it is a second-order demon spider, at least it is still a demon spider. To put it bluntly, it is a beast. A beast has a sage, and has set a trap to trap and hunt the human race as a primate. Isn't this too weird?

Just the day before, Xiao Han was still carrying the seven members of the "Devil Slaying Squad", along with Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others near a mountain not far away, digging traps and seducing them. Yes, trap hundreds of Tier 1 magic spiders in this way.

But only one day has passed, and all the characters seem to be turned upside down. It was Xiao Han who trapped and hunted the first-order magic spider yesterday. Now it has become a first-order magic spider trapping and hunting Xiao Han and the others.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's forehead slowly oozes a layer of cold sweat.

Although the first-order demon spiders knew how to cooperate with each other during the battle, they seemed to have some simple intelligence, but after Xiao Han met this second-order demon spider today, it just opened Xiao Han’s vision. .

In addition, Xiao Han suddenly remembered yesterday evening when he was on the way back to the convergence point with Ye Yu. In the middle of the road, Xiao Han seemed to sense that something faintly signaled him in the direction approaching Zhenmo Mountain.

At that time, Xiao Han just glanced back thoughtfully, and didn't take this matter to heart. He just wondered if today is looking for this opportunity to look at the area over there, and by the way, check it out here. Nothing exists.

Now Xiao Han thought about it. It was probably the signal sent to him by this second-order demon spider yesterday. As for what kind of signal Xiao Han really did not know.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned around and left, ready to go back and inform others of the situation.

Now that the Tier 2 Demon Spider mobilized so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders to come here to surround their "Devil Slayer Squad", then this Tier Two Demon Spider must definitely want to bring their "Devil Slayer Squad" "Today is wiped out here.

According to Xiao Han’s estimation, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders now appearing around here is indeed extremely astonishing. It is more than the 400-odd Tier 1 Demon Spiders that Xiao Han seduced yesterday afternoon. All There are at least nearly six hundred first-order magic spiders.

Even if the "Devil Slayer Team" now has a total of twelve people, there are five of them in the Golden Core Peak Realm, and Xiao Han, the leader of the Nascent Soul Stage Peak Realm cultivation base, can't be able to bring these more than 600. The first-order magic spider beheaded to kill.

Besides, this is still considering only the 600-odd first-order demon spiders, but has not considered the instigator of this time-the second-order demon spider's combat effectiveness.

In the current situation, if Xiao Han hadn't thought of a way, then the dozen or so people in the "Zhu Devil Team" might really be unable to or leave here.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's expression became even more solemn.

Now the six hundred first-order demon spiders around are about to reach the surrounding sand dunes, which means that even if Xiao Han and the others are preparing to dig traps to deal with these first-order demon spiders, there will be no time.

Xiao Han and the others were in the middle of a low-lying basin. The surrounding area was surrounded by high uplift of sand, while Xiao Han and the others happened to be in the middle. Originally there were a lot of Tier 1 magic spiders around. , After all the first-order magic spiders are in place on the surrounding sand dunes, with so many first-order magic spiders, they still occupy the convenience of the geographical position, so Xiao Han and the others want to defeat these first-order magic spiders. The magic spider is even more impossible.

"Boss Xiao, what is the situation now?"

Before Xiao Han came back from a distance to stabilize his figure, Li Jian couldn't wait to question Xiao Han.

Xiao Han had just gained a foothold. At this time, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others discovered that Xiao Han’s expressions were getting more and more serious, which made the psychology of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others emerge. There was an ominous premonition.

Xiao Han sighed deeply at this time, then looked at Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others and said: "Suddenly hundreds of first-order demon spiders appeared around, and the leader was still a second-order demon. Spider, it seems that our situation today is very bad!"

It’s not that Xiao Han has never thought about it. Should he take advantage of the fact that the first-order magic spiders have not yet surrounded them, and either take Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others to try their best to break out of this encirclement, or just Try to see if you can take advantage of the last few minutes to dig a hole to bury everyone, and find a way to keep a ventilating pipe.

The first method could have been tried, but Xiao Han knows that now he is not alone, maybe he can stay with Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren, five of them rushing out of the encirclement. Going out, but Ren Xin, Ren Nian, and Nightingale from the Emei School are a little troublesome.

The three of Ren Xin, Ren Nian, and Nightingale are only the cultivation base of the early Golden Core period, and they can still deal with four or five first-order magic spiders at the same time, but they should follow Xiao Han and others, from dozens of them. It was too reluctant to rush out under the heavy siege of a hundred first-order demon spiders.

Even if Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others can follow Xiao Han or rush out of the encirclement of the first-order magic spider, what about the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian?

What about the nightingale of Emei school? It's impossible for Xiao Han to leave the three of them alone?

At this time, even Xiao Han, who has always been resourceful and resourceful, felt a little panicked. If only Tier 1 Demon Spiders appeared around him, even if there were so many in number, there would be no more than 600. Relationship, at least Xiao Han and the others now have twelve people, even if they can't beat them, can they not run?

Now they are located only half an hour away from the cliff just now, and Xiao Han just brought the selected candidates He Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others slowly walked over. If they advance at full speed, it is estimated that the whole branch The team only needed five or six minutes to reach the edge of the cliff just now.

The rope that Xiao Han had fixed on both sides of the cliff before was still there. As long as Xiao Han took Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others to the edge of the cliff, he would be out of danger.

Therefore, the only way right now is to break through in the direction they just came from before the first-order magic spiders have formed an encirclement.

As soon as Xiao Han said that a Tier 2 Demon Spider was about to appear here, everyone present was taken aback. This was the first time they heard news about Tier 2 Demon Spiders after entering Penglai Wonderland. So as soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, the expressions on the faces of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were a little surprised.

Why did a Tier 2 Demon Spider suddenly come out? The combat effectiveness of the first-order demon spider is already very strong, so how strong will the second-order demon spider be?

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