The mask isolated a lot of the disgusting smell emitted by the Tier 1 Demon Spider, so that the smell of the nightingale in the nose could hardly be smelled after the mask was isolated.

The effect of that pair of glasses is even greater. In the process of killing the first-order demon spider, Nightingale can't see clearly the **** scenes of the first-order demon spider, so that Nightingale will not be easy to vomit.

With masks and glasses, Nightingale is also very courageous, and no longer worry about the **** scenes when killing the first-order demon spiders. Anyway, with the filtering of sunglasses, even those **** bloody scenes. The scene of appeared, Nightingale can also ignore it.

After all, Nightingale is a gas refiner with the strength of the mid-Golden Core cultivation level. Before, because he could not accept the **** scenes, he could not show his cultivation skills, but now with the help of masks and sunglasses, Nightingale can completely ignore it. Those vague scenes.

Thinking of this, Nightingale thought of Xiao Han’s unfeeling, but now thinking about Nightingale, she was a little grateful to Xiao Han. If Xiao Han hadn’t put her in such a desperate situation, it would have been impossible for Nightingale to suddenly think of what happened in this situation. The solution to her adverse reactions, so I really want to talk about it, it was because of Xiao Han that she thought of this way.

Now that the four Tier 1 Demon Spiders were already in front of them, Nightingale directly greeted them, and the entire battle lasted for two to three minutes.

To say that Nightingale is an outstanding disciple of the Emei school after all, she usually lives under the aura of her sister Nightingale, so no matter whether it is talent, roots, or overall strength, it is not obvious, but there is no doubt. Nightingale's overall strength is still very outstanding.

Speaking of it, her true strength wanted to kill four first-order demon spiders very easily, so Nightingale did not spend much time beheading all the four first-order demon spiders.

However, it took Nightingale a lot of time to take out the four inner crystals of the first-order demon spider from the body of the first-order demon spider. After all, although she was wearing sunglasses and a mask, she didn’t see it clearly, and the taste was also great. You can hardly smell it. But to personally take out the inner crystal of the first-order demon spider from the corpses of those first-order demon spiders, it still made Nightingale vomit several times with a bitter face.

If it hadn’t been for a pair of gloves and the sharp blue frost sword in Nightingale’s hand, it is estimated that Nightingale had vomited all the contents in her stomach, and she would be able to remove the four first-order magic spider inner crystals from there. Four first-order demon spiders were found out of the dead bodies.

After getting the four first-order magic spider inner crystals, Nightingale’s face was filled with this happy smile. After all, the four first-order magic spider inner crystals in his hand were the first time that Nightingale was able to kill a first-order magic spider. Although it is not so precious, the significance is still very significant.

"Hmph, Xiao Han, you bad guy, I think you have something to say when you see the four first-order magic spider inner crystals in your hand, don't you think I can't do it? My Nightingale wants to prove it to you. I can do it, wait to see how you look when I drop the four first-order magic spider inner crystals on your face!" Nightingale said bitterly.

At this time, Nightingale’s thoughts were very simple. Since Xiao Han wanted to leave her here alone, it was to make it difficult for her to test her. Now Nightingale has successfully passed Xiao Han’s test, and of course she has to show her off in front of Xiao Han. Scold Xiao Han, otherwise, how could Nightingale get rid of her hatred?

Seeing that she had reached the edge of the cliff, Nightingale waved at Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, and shouted, "I'm back!"

With that, Nightingale floated over, stepped on the rope smoothly on the opposite sand, and came to Xiao Han, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others.

"Have you seen the four inner crystals of the first-order demon spider, I have successfully completed the task!" Nightingale walked to Xiao Han, and directly took the four inner crystals with the green blood of the first-order demon spider in his hand. Put it in the palm of your hand and spread it out directly for Xiao Han and others to watch.

Nightingale's face was full of triumphant expressions, so she almost said to praise me directly, you quickly praise me, quickly praise me for my ability.

Xiao Han looked at Nightingale and just nodded faintly, and said, "Well, you have completed the task!"

"What does it mean that I have completed the task? I already completed the task, okay?" Nightingale pouted and screamed.

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian, Zhan Peng, Tian Daren and others saw that something was wrong, and they quickly stood up to ease the conflict.

"Oh, sister Nightingale, I really didn't expect you to actually be able to kill the four first-order demon spiders. It was a big surprise to us!"

"That is, we were still worried about you just now. You said your adverse reaction is so serious, and we are still worried about whether you can complete the task!"

"Yes, yeah, I've already said that Nightingale must have no problem killing four Tier 1 Demon Spiders, look at it! Did you complete the task smoothly?"


At this time, Li Jian took out a few bags from the Qiankun bag and stuffed them into Nightingale's hands. Then Li Jian smiled:

"Sister Nightingale, come here. I happen to have a few packs of disposable gloves. I originally used them to eat chicken thighs. I see you a girl who takes the inner crystal from the body of the first-order demon spider. There is no way to avoid those disgusting things, so I will give you these packages of disposable gloves!"

Tian Daren also took out several paper boxes from the Qiankun bag. He smiled and said, "Yes, yes, there are just a few boxes of disposable masks in my Qiankun bag. This was prepared in the secular world. Yes, I have no use in this Penglai Wonderland anyway, so I might as well give it to you! I think you need this mask!"


With praise from Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, Nightingale’s face looks much better. After all, no matter which girl it is, she likes to receive praise from other people. Besides, Nightingale also feels that she can All the four first-order demon spiders were killed, which was a pretty good start.

If Sister Ye Yu knew about it, she would definitely die of happiness. After all, Sister Ye Yu would never have to worry about her anymore. Thinking of this, Nightingale would be even happier.

As for the boxes of masks and packages of disposable gloves that Li Jian and others later gave her, they were really perfect for Nightingale. Originally, Nightingale was still worried about it. If the masks are used up later, the gloves will be too. What should I do when I run out.

It's better now. With the masks and gloves donated by Li Jian, Tian Daren and others, plus her own inventory, it should be enough for her to spend more than half a year.

As for what should be done after half a year, naturally I have to wait until the time comes.

Xiao Han had already noticed before Nightingale came over to this side of the cliff. Nightingale was wearing gloves on her hands and a mask and sunglasses on her face, which seemed to be fully armed.

No matter whether Nightingale killed the four Tier 1 Demon Spiders because of wearing gloves, masks and sunglasses on her face, or for other reasons, Nightingale was able to complete the task she set, Xiao Han is still very happy, anyway, Nightingale has taken the first step smoothly anyway.

As long as Nightingale can kill the four first-order magic spiders, then Nightingale can still try to break through her own adverse reactions, whether it is with the help of gloves or masks, it is considered to have completed the task anyway .

It's not impossible to use the power of tools in this way. Who has stipulated that you can't wear sunglasses and a mask when killing a Tier 1 magic spider? As long as you can kill all those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, it doesn’t matter what you wear.

If you have the ability to kill all Tier 1 Demon Spiders, what does it matter even if you are wearing a pair of slippers?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han didn’t care if Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others were still praising and complimenting Nightingale, but waved his hand at them, and said, “Well, it’s not too early now. , We should be on the road!"

With that said, Xiao Han took the lead and walked forward.

"Hmph, this guy, I've done everything, but he didn't say anything, as if I had no trouble killing four Tier 1 Demon Spiders!"

Nightingale looked at Xiao Han's back and couldn't help muttering secretly.

After Xiao Han took the lead and left, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others also slowly followed.

Now that Nightingale has completed the task of killing the Tier 1 Demon Spider for the first time, she feels very happy. From time to time, she pulls Li Jian, Zhong Xuanhai, Tian Daren and others to talk, and a group of people follow Xiao Han's talking and laughing. Walking behind.

Fortunately, since coming to this side of the cliff, Xiao Han has not moved forward very fast. Xiao Han walked in front of him with his hands on his back, as if taking a leisurely walk.

At the beginning, Xiao Han maintained a slow walking speed. Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others who were chatting behind saw that Xiao Han didn’t want to speed up, so they didn’t rush to follow. Behind, while talking and laughing with Nightingale.

But slowly Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others discovered something abnormal. They found that Xiao Han was walking slower and slower. Later, Xiao Han stopped altogether and stood there forever. Looking ahead at every turn.

At this time, Xiao Han didn't look back from start to finish, and now his body suddenly stopped, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others still did not see what happened to Xiao Han for a while.

"Boss Xiao, what's wrong?"

Zhong Xuanhai and the others also stopped behind Xiao Han. Xiao Han hadn't spoken all the time. After that, Zhong Xuanhai couldn't help but ask.

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