The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1179: Something bad

Not far behind is the Wudang Sect’s Ye Longxuan and others. Xiao Han was the first to rush into the Emei Sect’s camp. After entering, he bypassed some of the tents scattered on the road, and Xiao Han directly looked at the middle of the camp. , Because there are many people surrounded.

Xiao Han stabilized his figure and realized that Yeyu and Nightingale of the Emei Sect were surrounded by more than a dozen people, and the more than a dozen people standing around were just the ordinary disciples of the Emei Sect who had just joined the Emei Sect tonight. The few are female disciples of the Emei school.

Seeing that Ye Yu and Nightingale were both safe and sound, Xiao Han was relieved. After stopping, Xiao Han quickly shouted, "Ye Yu, what happened to you?"

Because Xiao Han was rushing too fast and he didn't make a sound from beginning to end, it was not until Xiao Hanwen was born that Yeyu and Nightingale discovered that someone was coming.

Ye Yu saw that Xiao Han was the first to be there, and because of his speed, he raised his whole body's cultivation to the peak state. Although the distance he flew was not very far, Xiao Han still couldn't help being a little bit after he stopped. With a slight gasp, Ye Yu's heart warmed, and he whispered: "A sect disciple of our Emei faction team just went out to relieve his hand, and he will never come back!"

Go out to relieve? Can't come back again?

What does it mean?

Didn’t you meet the evil spirit? Where is the evil spirit?

After Ye Yu finished speaking, he found that Xiao Han was still a little surprised, so he stretched out his hand and pointed back, and pointed to the vast darkness not far behind him.

Xiao Han's overnight crowd went straight to the other side of the camp and took a closer look. Even Xiao Han couldn't help frowning.

In the vast night not far away, there are many things that are darker than the night. They seem to be tightly surrounded by the camp. The distance between them is about a few hundred meters. Because of the night, if you are not careful There is no abnormality at all.

But Xiao Han is too clear about the dark things. In the night, the things that are darker than the night are evil spirits?

If there were only more than a dozen evil spirits, it would be fine, but Xiao Han looked over and discovered that in the vast night, all around the Emei faction’s camp were all black shadows that were darker than the night. Can't see the side?

How many evil spirits can these dense shadows come together to show their position?

Xiao Han had fought against these evil spirits the night before. Of course, Xiao Han knew that although those evil spirits seemed harmless to humans and animals, they were more difficult to fight than Tier 1 Devil Spiders. It's just a dozen evil spirits. How many evil spirits are there in the dense black shadows hundreds of meters away? Xiao Han really couldn't see it now, but judging from the whole scene, I'm afraid the number of these evil spirits is staggering.

If it was just like this, Xiao Han’s last discovery made him feel a little bit cold, because he found that the evil spirits were surrounding the entire camp, not just around the Emei camp, that is to say These evil spirits not only surrounded the camp of the Emei faction, they might have closely surrounded the camp of the entire human race gas refiner.

In order to verify the accuracy of this speculation, Xiao Han deliberately ran to the surroundings of the Emei faction camp to check, and finally found that the entire camp was not possibly surrounded by the evil spirit group, but was really surrounded by the evil spirit group.

Looking around, Xiao Han found that not only the direction he first observed was densely packed with evil spirits a few hundred meters away, and even the other directions were the same. Xiao Han had seen it both front and rear, and found it. The other directions are the same, hundreds of meters away are surrounded by dense evil spirits.

The solemn expression on Xiao Han's face became more and more obvious. From a rough estimate, Xiao Han can't even estimate how many evil spirits there are in the entire Human Race Qi Refining Camp.

Originally, Xiao Han was not very worried, and thought the situation might not be that serious, but now he found out after simple observation that the real situation might be more serious than he thought.

Now there are only more than 90 sect disciples in the camp. If there were only a few hundred evil spirits, then Xiao Han felt that there was nothing to worry about. The big deal would be a battle with that evil spirit. , But Xiao Han discovered that the number of evil spirits surrounding the camp was so much that it made the scalp numb. How could this be beaten?

At this time, Ye Longxuan of Wudang School, Wang Mang of Kunlun School, Huafeng of Huashanmen, Ouyang Bing of Kongtong School, and others have all rushed to the camp of Emei School. At this time, Xiao Han came back from outside investigation. , Hua Feng of Huashan Gate hurriedly asked: "Xiao Han, what was going on outside just now?"

Now everyone's eyes are on Xiao Han, and Xiao Han said solemnly: "The big thing is not good, our entire camp is surrounded by a large number of evil spirits!"

Ye Longxuan, Hua Feng and others were taken aback at the same time. The information contained in Xiao Han's words was too great, which made the faces of Ye Longxuan and Hua Feng and others difficult to look.

The entire camp is surrounded, which means that it is not the Emei camp that is surrounded, but the entire Human Race refiner's camp is surrounded by evil spirits.

This shows that the number of evil spirits outside must be extremely large, otherwise it is impossible to surround the entire camp.

The entire Terran camp covers a huge area. This camp happens to be set on the top of a big sand mountain. On the top of the mountain are scattered tents of various sect disciples. The tents are not closely connected, and the camps of each sect team are not closely connected to the camps, so the entire camp covers a large area.

If those evil spirits can really surround the entire camp, then the number of evil spirits outside must have been a terrifying number.

In addition, Xiao Han said four words at the beginning-"The big thing is not good"

Everyone knows Xiao Han more or less. Although sometimes he likes to make jokes, it is impossible for Xiao Han to make jokes on such big events, and Xiao Han has always been relatively calm in his work. He would actually describe the current situation as bad things. Does this just mean that everyone present is in a bad situation?

If it weren't for the astonishing number of evil spirits, how could Xiao Han describe it as something bad?

At this moment, a person suddenly ran out of the Emei faction team. It turned out that he looked around and found that everyone from the Emei faction was present, and the only person who was not present was his junior.

Isn't the person who just went out to relieve him is his junior? Originally, this person slept in a tent. He was awakened by the movement outside just after the incident. At first he was a little sleepy, so he didn’t know what happened. Until this time he heard other things. He only reacted after the introduction of the sect disciple and Xiao Han's words, and the only junior disciple who entered the Penglai Wonderland with him disappeared.

That sect disciple rushed in front of Ye Yu and suddenly shouted: "Boss Ye Yu, please save my brother, the person who just went out to relieve him is not someone else but the only brother in the same sect, please help Boss Ye Yu. I save him?"

Before Ye Yu could speak, Xiao Han, who was standing not far away, waved his hand quickly and said, "You don't need to save it. Your junior should...have been killed!"

The former screaming sect disciple seemed to have been killed. This should be undoubtedly a matter. After all, he walked so far away and was a person. Not to mention facing the densely packed evil spirits, even ten Many evil spirits attacked, and it seemed that the sect disciple could not resist.

Besides, the situation outside is obvious now. The entire camp has been surrounded by evil spirits. At this time, let’s not say whether the sect disciple who went out to relieve his hands is still alive. There are just thousands of evils outside. Where is Lingwei, who dares to go out and save people?

And Xiao Han knows that the attack method of evil spirits is not like a first-order magic spider rushing up with real swords and guns, but relying on the demon energy floating around the evil spirits to attack the enemy, before they rush to you. In front of, the devilish energy floating around has eroded, and it is very difficult to resist!

The cry of help and that scream that Xiao Han and the others heard before was probably the last voice that the sect disciple made before he died.

Hearing this, everyone's heart sank. Even if the sect disciple who had just gone out to relieve his hands was only in the middle of the Golden Core Stage, it would not be possible to breathe out just by screaming?

Even if a sect disciple with a mid-level Golden Core cultivation level is besieged by dozens of Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time, he will definitely die in the end, but he can resist it for a while, right? Even if it was resisting for more than ten seconds, it was resisting, but the evil spirits I encountered now only made a scream at the last pass. In this way, the attack methods of those evil spirits are really terrifying.

Among the people present, only Xiao Han has actually fought against the evil spirits for the time being, and the reason why the people present were able to know the existence of the evil spirits was only known after listening to Xiao Han’s introduction last night, and yesterday. All the people present at night gathered together, knowing that there was no chance to encounter the so-called evil spirits.

Now they are not only not very familiar with the attack methods of evil spirits, the only thing they know about evil spirits is some small clips that Xiao Han introduced last night.

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