The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1173: Shock stage

Xiao Han felt a little ridiculous about Ye Longxuan's thoughts. In fact, Xiao Han didn't care about this so-called opinion leader.

To say that Xiao Han is so generous, last night I first shared with you some things you need to pay attention to when fighting a Tier 1 Demon Spider. Let everyone who enter the Penglai Wonderland be careful. This is also Xiao Han gave everyone the first meeting of the sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland.

As for sharing to all the sect disciples tonight how to trap and hunt the hordes of Tier 1 magic spiders, Xiao Han just made an attempt today and found that this method is still very effective, so he took it out to everyone Sharing in front of him, I also hope that other teams can use this method. If it helps them kill Tier 1 Demon Spiders, it would be even better.

Xiao Han hoped that all the sect disciples present would be able to kill as many first-order demon spiders as possible, and obtain more first-order demon spider inner crystals, so that everyone's strength could also improve faster.

For Xiao Han, there is no fear that other cultivation realms will surpass him. After all, Xiao Han has this confidence. Since other people's cultivation realms can be improved in a short period of time, Xiao Han himself must be able to.

Xiao Han is now at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, only a little bit short of being able to cultivate to the Deity Transformation Stage. There is no doubt that Xiao Han will be the first among all people to enter the Penglai Wonderland. People, Xiao Han is quite sure of this.

But Xiao Han now feels that except for himself, the cultivation level of others is really too low, and the overall strength is also too weak. With the current overall strength, not to mention going to the Devil Mountain. Even in the peripheral areas of Penglai Wonderland, it can only be considered reluctantly. If you really want to drag the more than 90 sect disciples present to those areas close to Zhenmo Mountain, as Ye Longxuan said. To kill the first-order demon spider, then the final result is that they kill the first-order demon spider, or they are besieged and killed by the first-order demon spider.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han said softly: "With our current overall strength, we can only fight in these areas far away from Zhen Demon Mountain, kill more Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and improve the strength of all of us as soon as possible. The team pulled to the area close to Zhendevil Mountain. It was really too aggressive. You know, in Penglai Wonderland, we have reached the first-order demon spider so far. As for the second-order demon spider? What about the third-order demon spider? I haven't encountered it so far. Think about it, everyone. The combat power of those first-order magic spiders has been so powerful. How powerful is the fighting power of the second-order magic spiders? How powerful is the fighting power of the third-order magic spiders?"

Having said this, Xiao Han paused, just looking at Ye Longxuan, Hua Feng, Ouyang Bing and others with a calm expression.

Although Ye Longxuan's face is still a bit ugly, not only Xiao Han, but even Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing can see that Ye Longxuan's face is much more relaxed than the angry face before. , This shows that Xiao Han's words are not unreasonable, nor are they untouched by Ye Longxuan.

What Xiao Han said is not wrong. It has been two days since all people have been killed. Until now, I have not seen a second-order demon spider. The combat effectiveness of a first-order demon spider is so powerful. At this level, how powerful the second-order demon spider's combat effectiveness is, everyone present is not clear.

It takes a lot of time and energy to kill a sect disciple with the strength of the early Jindan period to fight a Tier 1 Demon Spider. If you are fighting two Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time, you can kill it. , But it will inevitably be a little bit injured.

But what if a sect disciple with early strength in the Golden Core Stage encounters a Tier 2 Demon Spider? You don’t have to think about it and know that if a disciple with the early strength of the Golden Core Stage encounters a Tier 2 Demon Spider, it must be dead. As for whether a disciple of the Sect at the peak of the Golden Core Stage can defeat a Tier 2 Demon Spider, it is still Questions.

Xiao Han was still moved after seeing everyone listening to him, so he thought about it and said, "I know that everyone wants to kill more Tier 1 Devil Spiders. That's why I am so selfless in many people. Before I have hunted and killed the first-order demon spiders, I will share my fighting experience in the day with everyone without reservation. That is why I tried a method of trapping and hunting the first-order demon spiders today. I immediately took out to share with you, I also hope that all the sect disciples present will be able to improve their realm as soon as possible.

But in my opinion, our current strength is still a bit too low. Among the more than 90 people in the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation realm, only six of us are present here, and the rest are all Jin Dan Stage cultivation realms.

The closer you are to the town of Demon Mountain, the greater the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. What I am worried about is that if so many of us are really drawn to the area near the town of Demon Mountain, the entire army may be wiped out. . "

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, not only Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing, but also Wang Mang and Ye Longxuan looked at Xiao Han with incredible expressions, only Ye Yu's face looked normal.

Ye Longxuan glared, and said disapprovingly: "Should be alarmist, you are definitely alarmist. Even if you don't agree to drag everyone to the area close to Zhendevil Mountain, you don't need to be so bad, right?"

Although only Ye Longxuan said this meaning among the people present, Xiao Han was not invisible. Not only Ye Longxuan thought this way, but even Ouyang Binghe Huafeng, Wang Mang and others thought so. , They all felt that Xiao Han's words like this were indeed a bit alarmist.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "I know you may not believe it, but I am here to tell you one thing. As for believe it or not, that's your business!"

Then, Xiao Han glanced at the direction where Zhendevil Mountain was, and said softly, "I took my squad of Zhendevil and walked forward today. I walked about tens of kilometers. It should be closer to Zhende Mountain. In the nearby areas, I don’t know why. The closer I get to Zhendevil Mountain, the more intense the uneasy feeling in my heart and the faint sense of crisis brought by it, as if the direction close to Zhendevil Mountain is very dangerous. Things exist the same, and the faint sense of crisis that this faintly brings makes me subconsciously want to stay away from Zhendevil Mountain instead of approaching Zhendevil Mountain!

I've already told everyone that the extraterritorial celestial demon is sealed under the Zhende Mountain. As for how dangerous Penglai Wonderland is, I don't need to repeat it, right? The blind old man in the Patriarch’s Shrine on Penglai Island told me before that when the entrance to Penglai Wonderland was opened last time, there were no fewer sect disciples in the secular world than this time, and the overall strength was better than those of us. Much tougher, but so what? So many sect disciples who have entered the Penglai Wonderland are only the blind old man who can go out alive in the end. He can go out alive because his cultivation level has already broken through the stage of transformation, but it is not. Leaving a pair of eyes in the Penglai Wonderland. "

After Xiao Han finished speaking, Ye Longxuan's expression also eased a lot. As for Hua Feng, Ouyang Bing, Wang Mang and others, they nodded gently. It seems that Xiao Han's words have worked.

Xiao Han finally said: "I can understand your feelings about killing more Tier 1 Demon Spiders. I'll just tell you this. Before stepping into the God Transformation Period, it is impossible for me to go too deep. If you go to those areas close to Zhendevil Mountain, you are not afraid of death, I am afraid."

Xiao Han had long thought about it very clearly. Now he is only the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm. Although he is considered the strongest among all the more than 90 sect disciples who have entered the Penglai Wonderland, this cultivation realm is still It’s a bit lower, not to mention the second-order demon spiders. Even if forty or fifty first-order demon spiders rushed up at the same time, Xiao Han could only escape, not to mention the second-order demon spiders that had not appeared until now. Up.

It would be different if Xiao Han has entered the Deity Transformation Stage. Not only Xiao Han has the ability to protect himself, but even other members of the "Devil Slayer Team", as long as the team has to get too close to the town Going to the mountain area, little by little advancement is always possible. Once it is discovered that something is wrong, with the strength of Xiao Han's transformation of the gods, there is no problem with the escape of everyone who wants to protect the "Devil Slayer".

As for now! No matter what Ye Longxuan and others think, at least Xiao Han feels that his own strength is still a little worse. If Ye Longxuan and others insist on trying out those areas close to Zhenmo Mountain, Xiao Han will definitely not accompany him. Go on!

Ye Longxuan’s expression was much calmer now. Although he didn’t want to listen to Xiao Han’s words, Ye Longxuan had to admit that among all the sect disciples who entered Penglai Wonderland, the person who knew the whole Penglai Wonderland best was Xiao It's cold, since Xiao Han strongly opposes pulling all the six teams to those areas close to Zhenmo Mountain to try it out, then others probably won't listen to him completely.

Thinking of this, Ye Longxuan knew that his plan was completely bankrupt.

Xiao Han stood up, patted the sand on the back of his clothes, and then said with a smile: "After all six of us have entered the stage of transformation, I think we can try to gather the six teams together. At that time, I believe that in addition to the six masters of the transformation stage, there should be more than ten masters of the Yuan Ying stage among our six teams. In this way, let alone encounter the second-order magic spider, even if it is It also has the power to fight against the third-order magic spider.

Seeing that Xiao Han had already stood up, Huafeng knew that Xiao Han had already said almost, and was about to leave. Huafeng hurriedly asked: "Xiao Han, how will you arrange for the Demon Slayer team next?"

At this time, Huafeng asked Xiao Han what their "Devil Slayer Team" would do next? Could it be said that Huafeng is still related to the next arrangement of the "Zhu Devil Team"?

Xiao Han is also a bit inexplicable. Why does Huafeng ask this question?

After thinking about it, Xiao Han still said: "This Penglai Wonderland is estimated to have a range of thousands of miles. I am going to take my Slayer Demon Squad around tomorrow and kill as many Tier 1 Demon Spiders as possible. Get some more Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals to improve the strength of our Slaying Demon Squad as soon as possible. As you know, there are now five members of our Slaying Demon Squad in the peak state of the Golden Core period alone. I am going to Nei let their cultivation level rise to the Nascent Soul Stage, and I, the Nascent Stage Peak Stage, see if I can break through to the God-Transforming Stage within a month!"

At this time, Ye Longxuan stared at Xiao Han unexpectedly. It seemed that he couldn't believe Xiao Han's words. Xiao Han was ready to attack the God-Transforming Stage after he entered the Nascent Soul Stage. It has only been a few months since I entered the Nascent Soul Stage. Although it is already the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm, it is still a bit unrealistic to attack the God Transformation Stage within a month, right?

Xiao Han seemed to understand Ye Longxuan’s thoughts. Xiao Han smiled and said, “Everyone, from tomorrow on, let’s spend more time on killing Tier 1 Demon Spiders. If we are in the secular world, we want to improve. The cultivation realm is not so easy, but now we are not in the secular world. We are in the Penglai Wonderland. There is no trace of aura here. If you want to improve your realm as soon as possible, you can only rely on killing some Tier 1 Demon Spiders. I have obtained the inner crystal of the first-order demon spider. As long as there are enough inner crystals of the first-order demon spider, and it has been refined like this, are you afraid that the progress of the cultivation level is not fast enough?"

Having said this, Xiao Han turned and left and walked into the tent, leaving Ye Longxuan and others sitting on the spot blankly.

How old is Xiao Han now? In your early twenties? Is it about to hit the transformation stage?

How long did Xiao Han enter the Yuan Ying stage? Just a few months of effort, right?

In just such a short period of a few months, is Xiao Han going to attack the **** transformation stage again? Do you want to be so perverted?

At this time, it was not only Ye Longxuan who looked blank. Even Huafeng and Ouyang Bing were amazed.

If Xiao Han were not certain, how could he say such things at this time?

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