The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1170: Only strong not weak

I’ve already assembled before, and now Ye Longxuan brought Hua Feng, Wang Mang, Ouyang Bing, Ye Yu and others here. Something must have come here. Otherwise, it’s so late. After resting, it is impossible to appear here at this time.

Besides, Xiao Han still doesn't know where, if it hadn't been for Ye Longxuan's invitation, where would Hua Feng, Wang Mang and others stay up all night and follow Ye Longxuan to come here.

Ye Longxuan was a little surprised because he didn't expect Xiao Han to see through Hua Feng and Ouyang Bing, Wang Mang, Ye Yu and others at his invitation.

Not to mention Ye Longxuan, Xiao Han of course couldn’t guess what Ye Longxuan was coming from. At this time, Ye Longxuan and others had already walked in front of Xiao Han, so Xiao Han had no choice but to attack Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhan Peng and others. The voice said: "You go in and take a rest, let's talk about the affairs of the Devil Slayer team later!"

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Zhan Peng and others knew that the leaders of these teams must have something to discuss, otherwise it would not be possible to come to the camp of their slaying demons team so late, so wait until Xiao Han said After that, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo. Zhan Peng and the others got up from the sand and went back to their tents to rest.

"Since everyone is here, there must be something, just sit down and talk!" Xiao Han reached out to Hua Feng and the others, indicating that they could all sit down and talk.

After everyone was seated, before Xiao Han could speak, Ye Longxuan looked at Xiao Han and smiled and said, "Xiao Han, you just said that your Demon Slayer team can kill a thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders tomorrow. Is it that exaggerated?"

Ye Longxuan’s yin and yang strange tone, Xiao Han was not inaudible. At this time, when Ye Longxuan took the initiative to bring up this topic, Xiao Han didn’t even want to talk to him. Xiao Han just changed the subject and said, “Let’s talk about it. Well, you invite everyone to me at this late hour. It's not always a small talk, right?"

Ye Longxuan snorted coldly, and was about to speak. Hua Feng sitting and dreaming really couldn't stand it anymore. If Xiao Han and Ye Longxuan, the pair of living treasures, continue to entangle, don't talk about serious things, think about this. , Huafeng waved his hand and interrupted: "Well, or let me do it?"

Hua Feng saw that Ye Longxuan just curled his lips and did not speak, and Xiao Han didn’t mean to say anything. Hua Feng had no choice but to say, “That’s it. Brother Ye Longxuan Ye found us just now and mentioned a new one of his. After listening to this idea, the few of us feel that this idea is still a bit reliable, so I want to come here to discuss it with you!"

Xiao Han nodded, what new ideas does Ye Longxuan have? It seems that it has something to do with everyone, otherwise Ye Longxuan would not bring the leader of all the team down to discuss it together.

Xiao Han thought for a while, and then said, "Tell me what you think. If it is feasible, I will not object to it!"

The Ye Longxuan sitting on the side was a little surprised. Tonight, he could say that Ye Longxuan was always looking for Xiao Han’s troubles. It can be said that he has never let Xiao Han come to Taiwan, but he did not expect Xiao Han to listen. When he arrived, Ye Longxuan came up with a new idea, and immediately said that if it was feasible, he would not object.

It seems that he noticed that Ye Longxuan's gaze was looking at him. Xiao Han also turned his head to look at Ye Longxuan. Although Xiao Han didn't speak from beginning to end, Ye Longxuan knew what Xiao Han meant: Laozi's grievances are public and private. Obviously, this kind of serious matter Lao Tzu is not emotional.

Originally, Ye Longxuan just wanted to say something, but later thought about it because Xiao Han gave such a face, he just didn't care about it.

Hua Feng continued: "That's what Senior Brother Ye means. There are now five teams in our sect, and if you add your slaying demon team, there are six in total. Now all the ninety-plus people who entered Penglai Wonderland together We are among these six teams, so Brother Ye wants our six teams to just stay together and go deep into the areas close to Zhendevil Mountain. After all, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders in these areas we are now in Very limited, many times you still need to search around.

Since this is the case, why not gather all our six teams together and go deep into those areas close to Zhendevil Mountain. After all, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders there must be relatively concentrated, and our six teams 90 Many people just unite together, even if we encounter hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time, we don’t have to worry about having such a powerful force with so many people! "

When he said this, Hua Feng paused. When he saw Xiao Han lowered his head while listening, Hua Feng said softly: "Brother Ye just talked to us about this idea. I think there is still some truth to what Senior Brother Ye said, Xiao Han, what do you think?"

After hearing Hua Feng’s words, Xiao Han still didn’t say anything. He just continued to lower his head thinking. At this time, not only Hua Feng, but also Ye Longxuan and others sat quietly and did not speak. Give Xiao Han some time to digest this matter.

Xiao Han now basically understands the meaning of Yelongxuan. Yelongxuan feels that all the more than 90 sect disciples who have entered the Penglai Wonderland are all concentrated under the leadership of the six leaders present, so Yelong Xuan felt that the six teams present could completely sweep one area. If such a powerful force only united and went directly to those areas close to Zhendevil Mountain, it would definitely be able to kill more Tier 1 Demon Spiders. , It’s better than always turning around in these outer areas. Let’s not say how many Tier 1 Demon Spiders can be killed, so that most of the day will be spent searching nearby Tier 1 The efficiency of the magic spider is too low.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han raised his head and glanced at Hua Feng, Wang Mang and others, and asked softly: "Except for Yelongxuan, what do you other people think?"

Hua Feng first said: "I thought about it carefully, I think Brother Ye can try this idea!"

Wang Mang also nodded, and then said: "Yes, I also think that our six teams have gathered all the ninety-odd people who have entered Penglai Wonderland together. It should be enough to handle all the scenes!"

Ouyang Bing also said at this time: "I also think it is feasible, you can try it!"

Only Ye Yu faintly said: "If you all think it works, our Emei faction has no objection!"

Hearing this, Xiao Han took a surprised look at Ye Yu of the Emei School, and found that Ye Yu only glanced at Xiao Han with a calm face. There was no clearness in his eyes, even Xiao Han couldn't help but murmur. : Ye Yu, this woman's concentration is really good.

Xiao Han knew that in addition to Yelongxuan, Huafeng at Huashanmen had fully agreed with Yelongxuan’s proposal, and the Kunlun school’s Wang Mang and Ouyang Bing were the same. They all agreed with Yelongxuan’s idea. You can gather all six teams together, and go to those areas close to Zhende Mountain to try it out. Maybe you will get even greater gains.

As for Ye Yu!

She did not agree or oppose it. It seems that as long as everyone agrees with Ye Longxuan's proposal, their Emei faction will not object, and Ye Yu will follow in everyone's footsteps with the Emei faction.

But if someone opposes or more than half of the people oppose Ye Longxuan’s proposal, then their Emei faction will also express their opposition. On the surface, Yeyu of the Emei faction does not approve or oppose it. In fact, it is straightforward. Rain just abstained from voting.

At this time, the most important thing depends on Xiao Han’s opinion. After all, Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer Team" is also one of the six teams, and Xiao Han and his "Devil Slayer Team" can be said to be better than the others. The team is completely strong but not weak.

The lineup of "Zhu Demon Team" can be said to be the strongest among the six teams. The leader Xiao Han is the only master of the Nascent Soul Peak Realm among the more than 90 sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland. There are five Jindanian peak players in the "Magic Team" at the same time, and among the six teams, it is also the team with the most Jindanian peak players.

Thinking of Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer Squad" who possessed five sect disciples at the peak of the Golden Core Stage at the same time, Ye Longxuan felt that his heart twitched, if not for him to die tonight. , In turn, helped Xiao Han, and Xiao Han wouldn't have received Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren at the same time, the three sect disciples at the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

Ye Longxuan knew that he wanted to implement this suggestion. It must have been inseparable from Xiao Han, and he also left Xiao Han and his "Devil Slayer Team", so even though it is late now, Ye Longxuan will still take all the teams The leaders of the team have been brought to the camp of the "Devil Slayer" to find Xiao Han.

Now everyone’s eyes are on Xiao Han. At this time, Xiao Han’s meaning is very important. After all, in terms of cultivation level and overall strength, Xiao Han is the strongest among the people present. , And Xiao Han’s "Devil Killing Team" is the strongest among all the six teams. Therefore, if Ye Longxuan’s proposal is to be implemented smoothly, Xiao Han’s statement is crucial.

As long as Xiao Han agrees with Ye Longxuan's suggestion, starting from tomorrow, Ye Longxuan will be able to pull all six teams, a total of more than 90 people, to the area close to Zhendevil Mountain.

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