The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1167: Sister suspicion

Even with the exception of Ye Yu, a master of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation realm, the other female disciples of the Emei School should not be underestimated!

For example, the female disciple of the Emei school named Wen Jing, who is at the peak of the Jin Dan stage, is not much more than many male sect disciples. Wanting to play with her in front of her is purely bored!

Therefore, those ordinary sect disciples who applied to join the Emei Sect just want to have eye addiction, not really want to do something, after all, when killing the first-order demon spiders, there are a few beautiful women around them. Not only is the mood easy to be happy, but even the combat power can be fully utilized, right?

As the saying goes, it’s not tiring to work with men and women. Although the words are rough but the rationale is not rough, for example, Xiao Han, a high-achieving student of Shuimu University, understands the truth. This sentence is not casual, it is scientifically based of.

Psychologists have long come to the conclusion through research that men often prefer to obtain the joy of the opposite **** through vision than women. For example, the appearance, discovery, skin color, body shape and other external characteristics of the opposite **** can easily arouse their greatness. Interest, and will have a certain degree of impact on the sense organs he does not have, making them feel happy.

In addition, psychologists have also found that men’s desire to express in front of women is much stronger than women’s desire to express in front of men.

The performance desire and performance behavior itself will stimulate the human body to produce more neurotransmitting materials-dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that can cause excitement in the human body and can enhance people’s winter. The normal increase in the level of dopamine in the human body will cause People feel full of vitality and excitement.

If in the process of slaying the first-order demon spider, there are a few beautiful beauties around him watching, no matter what the realm of the sect disciple, I am afraid that those beauties will see the scene of their incomparable slaughter, so In the course of the battle, he will be able to do everything he can, at least not to be rushed by those first-order magic spiders.

Who doesn't want to behave well in front of beautiful women?

The more amazing the beauties are, the more so. If the female disciples of the Emei sect are all crooked, I am afraid these ordinary sect disciples are rushing to join the Emei sect. Avoid it!

Besides, if it’s just one or two sect disciples, it’s okay. Now there are at least a dozen sect disciples who have joined the Emei Sect. When there are so many people, no sect disciple dares to do some deviant behavior. Don't talk about hands and feet, even peeping and other behaviors are impossible.

After all, once someone does this kind of behavior, not only the female disciples of the Emei sect can't spare him, but also the other sect disciples, in order to show that they are different from this kind of people, it is certain to draw a line, maybe I still have to give a severe lesson, so that I can show my jealousy.

Therefore, not only Yeyu is not worried about the safety of these female disciples of the Emei school, but even the female disciples of the Emei school understand this truth. With these dozen bodyguards guarding around, I am afraid not to mention others. Deng disciple, even a fly can't get close to those female disciples' tents without permission.

Ye Yu took the small cloth bag with one hundred first-order magic spiders in his hand, and was about to go through the tents, and then returned to his residence to rest. He just walked around the camp and suddenly drilled from behind a tent. A figure came out.

"Sister, what happened to you so happy?"

Ye Yu turned her head and found out that it was Nightingale who came to her.

Ye Yu suppressed the smile on his face, and then placed the small cloth bag containing one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals into the Universe Bag without showing a trace.

Ye Yu didn't want to let Nightingale find out that she had just met Xiao Han, so she changed the subject and said, "Little girl, why don't you rest, why are you running out at night?"

Nightingale smiled slightly, she ran to Ye Yu's side, and then joked with Ye Yu's arm: "Sister, who did you meet just now?"

Ye Yu was taken aback for a moment. She didn't expect that Nightingale could see from her expression that she had just met someone, but at this time Ye Yu didn't want to let Nightingale know that the person who just came here to look for her was Xiao Han.

Ye Yu had to pretend that he didn't understand what Nightingale meant, and said, "What did you just meet with whom? I don't know what you are talking about!"

Speaking, Ye Yu calmly pulled the arm out of Nightingale's hand, and then he was about to walk back to his residence.

But how could Nightingale rain so soon at this time?

It is rare for Nightingale to see the tense breath in Ye Yu's expression, which shows that Ye Yu definitely doesn't want people to know who she just met.

By the way, Nightingale guessed who was the person who had just met with Ye Yu. Locked this time, Nightingale quickly caught up with Ye Yu, she still held Ye Yu’s arm with her hand, and then slowly got to Ye Yu. Next to his ear, said softly: "Sister, don't pretend, I know who you went to see just now!"

Ye Yu's face suddenly became embarrassed. If she went to see Xiao Han just now, it was really not. She was just a little upset before, and she couldn't fall asleep repeatedly, so she walked to the big rock alone. On, standing there to breathe, definitely not deliberately to meet someone.

But in Nightingale's understanding, if someone didn't sleep at night, how could she go outside alone?

And when Nightingale saw Ye Yu from a distance, she noticed the smile and blush on Ye Yu’s face. At this time Ye Yu refused to tell the truth, but Ye Yu knew the answer a long time ago, and now it’s just Ye Yu who wants it. Play with your sister.

Ye Yu quickly explained: "What nonsense are you talking about, you little girl? What do you mean by whom did I go to meet? Isn't it possible for my sister to breathe by herself just now?"

Nightingale didn’t hear the truth from her sister Ye Yu’s mouth. Even now Ye Yu is still talking about him, so she laughed and said, “Sister, I’ve seen it all. Didn’t you just go to see Xiao secretly with just now? cold......"

Before Nightingale finished speaking, the nightingale on the side became frightened. Nightingale covered her mouth with lightning speed, and scolded her nervously: "You are not allowed to go on!"

In fact, Nightingale only found a clue from her sister Ye Yu’s expression and face, and thus inferred who her sister Ye Yu had just met. As for who she met with, she didn’t guess, but she had a general idea in her heart. It’s just an estimate.

So Nightingale just estimated that things had been pushed to Xiao Han's body. In the end, it was just a temptation. Even Nightingale couldn't be sure of the person that her sister Ye Yu had just visited from time to time.

However, before she could finish her words, Ye Yu covered her mouth with a nervous expression on her face to prevent her from speaking. In this way, Ye Yu would be sure that the person her sister Ye Yu had just visited was Xiao Han. No doubt.

Nightingale’s mouth was covered by Ye Yu’s hand, unable to speak, and depending on the situation, Ye Yu was not ready to remove the hand covering Nightingale’s mouth for a while. There was no way for Nightingale’s mouth. Talking, but her eyes kept turning gurgling.

It turns out that my sister Ye Yu really went to meet Xiao Han just now. According to the current situation, the relationship between sister Ye Yu and Xiao Han is definitely not just as simple as an ordinary friend.

Nightingale knew that her sister Ye Yu had always had a lot of hostility towards that guy Xiao Han. Every time she saw Xiao Han, she would either fight or kill, at least it was also abusive.

Originally, Nightingale didn’t know why. At first, Xiao Han only bullied herself with words, so Nightingale went to her sister Ye Yu to file a complaint. She originally hoped that her sister Ye Yu would have a chance to see Xiao Han. When I helped teach the lesson, I didn't really care about it.

Later, Nightingale discovered that her sister Ye Yu seemed to be really hostile to Xiao Han. She was not an ordinary god. Every time she saw Xiao Han, she blushed and had a thick neck...No, no, yes. The kind of angry face is very ugly.

At first, Nightingale thought that her sister Ye Yu was trying to help her out, so every time she saw Xiao Han, she always looked like her clothes.

But later, the little girl Nightingale figured out a trace of unusual meaning from her sister Ye Yu's performance. It seemed that her sister Ye Yu was not very hostile to Xiao Han because Xiao Han often took advantage of her Nightingale in words.

It seems that there should be some unpleasant things between sister Ye Yu and Xiao Han. As for what kind of unpleasant things, and how unpleasant things happened, it is hard to judge Nightingale on this issue. .

So this matter became an unsolved case in Nightingale's heart.

Ever since entering the Penglai Wonderland, Nightingale discovered something wrong again. Slowly she realized that her sister Ye Yu seemed to feel a little bit unclear about Xiao Han, this feeling seemed to be. ..... How do you say it?

In fact, Nightingale is not quite sure what the situation of her sister Ye Yu is to Xiao Han, but combined with what happened in the past two days, coupled with Ye Yu’s reaction to being broken by someone’s secret incident, Nightingale finally speculates What happened between my sister Ye Yu and Xiao Han came out.

Nightingale is now 80% sure that she can conclude that her sister Ye Yu must be in love with Xiao Han, right, it must be like this.

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