At this time, what Xiao Han thinks about is to repair the relationship with Ye Yu very quickly. After all, in Xiao Han’s thoughts, Ye Yu has long been regarded as his own woman, and from the current situation, Ye Yu It is not hopeless to forgive Xiao Han.

If Xiao Han really does something to Nightingale that shouldn't be done, it is estimated that the woman Ye Yu will definitely come over to find Xiao Han desperately.

Xiao Han is not stupid. At this time, it is obvious that Ye Yu’s hostility towards him has been eliminated a lot. Xiao Han now does not have so much thought to coax Ye Yu. Now Ye Yu has finally changed his mind slowly. Xiao Han certainly couldn't take the initiative to destroy this relationship.

When Nightingale's figure disappeared into the night, Xiao Han turned around and walked to the station of the "Devil Slayer".

Tonight is a great reward for Xiao Han. It makes Xiao Han even happier than killing 780 first-order magic spiders during the day. After all, among all the more than 90 sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland There are only so few people in the Yuan Ying period, but there are only so many people in the peak realm of the Jin Dan period.

Now Xiao Han has five masters of the Golden Core Stage Peak Realm in his "Devil Slayer Team", which is also very satisfying for Xiao Han.

Just like today when trapping and hunting those hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, if Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer Team" had the current lineup, there was no need to worry that the entire team would not be able to digest so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders. It would not even happen that Ren Xin was almost killed by a dozen first-order magic spiders.

Even according to Xiao Han’s estimation, if Zhan Peng, Tian Daren, and Zhang Qi were already in his team this afternoon, then Xiao Han and his team would not only be able to capture all the four or five hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind. They are all wiped out. After that, you should be able to go around and search for other Tier 1 Demon Spiders, so that today’s harvest will definitely be more than seven hundred and eighty, and it is very possible to break through 1,000 Tier One Demon Spiders .

For other sect teams, as the number of people in the team is large, it is very likely to face a very embarrassing situation, that is, the team members are too large, but the first-order magic spiders encountered every day are too few. Calculating the harvest of the day, each person's head is not divided into many first-order magic spider inner crystals. The more the number of people, the fewer first-order magic spider inner crystals may be allocated.

However, Xiao Han and his "Devil Slayer Squad" didn't have this kind of worry at all. After all, Xiao Han was still quite sure to kill more Tier 1 Demon Spiders with enough manpower.

Xiao Han believes that since he can think of the method of trapping Tier 1 Devil Spiders today, then as the daily battle continues, Xiao Han will definitely be able to get along with other better ways, even if it is carried out in the same way as today. With the addition of Zhan Peng, Tian Daren, and Zhang Qi, three elite soldiers and powerful generals, Xiao Han believed that maybe their "Devil Slayer Squad" could trap and hunt two batches of Tier 1 Demon Spiders within one day.

Since it is possible to kill seven hundred and eighty Tier 1 Demon Spiders today, with the addition of three Golden Core Stage peak players, maybe one thousand Tier 1 Demon Spiders can be killed tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Really speaking, Xiao Han really wants to thank the Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan. If it weren't for Ye Longxuan to stand up to make trouble tonight, where would Xiao Han have the opportunity to recruit Zhang Qi and Tian Daren to his subordinates? Those seven or eight ordinary sect disciples with low cultivation level were recruited.

Thinking of Ye Longxuan's expression as if he had eaten a few flies when he left, Xiao Han couldn't help but want to laugh. Ye Longxuan deliberately asked for his troubles, trying to embarrass him in front of everyone. When he hit his own foot with a rock, Xiao Han certainly wouldn't have the slightest sympathy for him.

Xiao Han was walking in the direction where the "Devil Slayer Squad" was encamped, and when he was halfway, Xiao Han suddenly remembered something very important.

Last night, in order to exchange the mutton fat white jade pendant from the hands of the disciples in Wuyi Palace, Xiao Han agreed to exchange two hundred Tier 1 magic spider inner crystals. The harvest was given to the disciples of Wuyi Palace, and so far they still owe Wuyi Palace a hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals.

In Xiao Han’s Universe Bag, one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals were prepared for the first-order, and they were going to be returned to Wuyi Palace tonight, but he was just stunned by Ye Longxuan, and there were none when he left the scene. Think of this thing.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han thinks it’s better to return those 100 first-order magic spider inner crystals to the disciples of Wuyi Palace. After all, what Xiao Han dislikes most is owing others. Anyway, the time is still up. Early in the morning, those disciples in Wuyi Palace should not have fallen asleep yet.

Although tonight I took a few Wuyi Palace disciples and didn’t ask Xiao Han from start to finish to ask for the one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals, Xiao Han still felt that the sooner I gave them back, the better, so I didn’t have to keep remembering. To this matter.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han discovered that when he assembled before, he hadn’t noticed which team the Wuyi Palace disciples joined later. At that time, Xiao Han’s attention was all on other people, instead of paying attention to those few. The disciples of Wuyi Palace have joined which sect team, and now they are going to find them, but I really don't know where to find them.

Xiao Han walked in the other direction and walked to a place with more than a dozen tents. He happened to see a few sect disciples sitting around a bonfire and chatting.

"Um... I want to ask, do you know where the disciples of Wuyi Palace live tonight?"

After Xiao Han finished asking questions, the sect disciples sitting around the bonfire turned to look at Xiao Han. When they saw Xiao Han's true face, the sect disciples stood up in unison.

"Xiao...Xiao Han, do you have anything to do with the people in Wuyi Palace?" One of the older sect disciples was obviously surprised to see that Xiao Han was here.

Xiao Han smiled and said: "Oh, that's it. I still owe a hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals to those brothers in Wuyi Palace. I forgot about this when everyone gathered tonight. Now I have to look for them! Do you know where the brothers in Wuyi Palace live?"

Others present shook their heads, saying that they didn't know where the disciples from Wuyi Palace lived, so Xiao Han had to look at the sect disciple who had just been talking to him.

But what I didn't expect was that the man also shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know where the disciples of Wuyi Palace lived.

Nima, you don't even know where the disciples from Wuyi Palace live, then you can ask me what's wrong with them.

Xiao Han had to laugh twice, waved his hand at them, motioned for them to continue talking, and then walked to another camp.

"Hey, Xiao Han really went to return the one hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders from those people in Wuyi Palace, so it's true!"

"Of course, you don't want to think about it. Xiao Han and their slaying demon squad killed 780 first-order demon spiders in one day. Is it possible that they still have a hundred first-order demon spiders? Jing?"

"Fuck, it's really rich. If I had known that Xiao Han was willing to exchange two hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals for a piece of mutton fat white jade pendant, I should have been worn by the ancestral mutton white jade jade before I came into Penglai Wonderland. On the body, it would be great to exchange two hundred Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals!"

"What you kid thinks is pretty beautiful, but it's a pity that you don't have any mutton tallow and white jade pendant on your body. This means you don't have this blessing, don't you?"


Xiao Han ignored the envy and hatred eyes of those guys behind him, and went straight to the next camp. Then he asked a lot of people, and they all said they didn’t know where the disciples of Wuyi Palace lived. From a sect disciple who walked to relieve his hand, I asked about the disciples in Wuyi Palace.

But that person didn't know where the Wuyi Palace disciples lived. He just accidentally saw that the Wuyi Palace disciples seemed to have joined the Emei Sect.

Xiao Han was not sure that the disciples from Wuyi Palace had joined the Emei Sect, but it was uncertain whether the disciples from Wuyi Palace moved their tents to the area where the Emei Sect was camped.

After thinking about it, Xiao Han had to go to the Emei faction to try her luck. If it is not possible, then Xiao Han is going to hand over the hundred first-order magic spiders in his hand to the Emei faction, and let them tomorrow The help was transferred to those disciples in Wuyi Palace.

The place where the Emei faction camped is the most remote place among all the sects. After all, the Emei faction team is full of women. Therefore, the place where the Emei faction camped can not be too close here, so Xiao Han would cry.

Xiao Han's chance this time was to walk around the entire assembly point several times, and finally asked about the whereabouts of the disciples in Wuyi Palace. Only then did he find that the place where the Emei faction camped was on the farthest side, and Xiao Han was already Going to the farthest end, at least a kilometer in the middle.

There was no way, Xiao Han had to cross the entire assembly point again, bypassing the chaotic and disorderly tents, and walked to the camp of the Emei faction in the distance.

On the way, many disciples of the sect stood up and greeted Xiao Han, and they showed great enthusiasm. Many people's eyes were full of gratitude. After all, Xiao Han first shared with the Tier 1 Demon Spider last night. Some things you should pay attention to when fighting.

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