The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1158: That's it

Ye Longxuan, who was about to win a complete victory, lost in an instant, which made Ye Longxuan happy.

Had it not been for Ye Longxuan's intervention, maybe Xiao Han hadn't had such a good harvest! So now Ye Longxuan's face has become extremely ugly,

Many people did not expect that Xiao Han would actually think of another way to invite Zhan Peng, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi to join his "Devil Slaying Team". You must know that Zhan Peng, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi, are both at the peak of the Jin Dan stage. , Now let’s recruit the three of them to their subordinates, so that the entire "Devil Slaying Squad" will have five masters of the Golden Core Stage peak realm at the same time, so that they will be the strongest among all the teams present. A big force.

In terms of the number of people, Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer" should be the least recruited tonight. Kunlun faction only recruited five people, while the "Devil Slayer" only recruited three people. The three people recruited by the squad are all the strengths of the Jin Dan stage peak realm, so the two are completely incomparable.

Who doesn’t know that a refiner with strength in the peak realm of the Golden Core period is at least equivalent to three strength refiners in the middle of the Golden Core stage compared to the strength of the middle Golden Core stage. It was more than three times more powerful than the mid-Golden Core Refiners' combat power.

Ye Longxuan was ready to turn around and leave. Xiao Han had to seize the opportunity to sell him when he got cheap at this time.

"Yelongxuan, I, Xiao Han, really want to thank you tonight!" Xiao Han yelled at Ye Longxuan, and then said after Ye Longxuan stopped, "If it weren't for you to help out tonight, How can I have such good luck to recruit three players at the peak of the Golden Core Stage at the same time!"

Xiao Han deliberately said the word "help", to emphasize that what happened tonight was all caused by Ye Longxuan. Otherwise, Xiao Han would not have the opportunity to put Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren. A team member with the strength of the peak realm of the Jin Dan period was recruited.

At this time, Ye Longxuan was slammed by Xiao Han. He was embarrassed to turn his head back when he was angry, and his face was as pale as pig liver.


Ye Longxuan snorted coldly, and then he hurriedly walked back to his team. When he saw that the Wudang faction's more than ten people were added in the team, most of them were in the mid-Jindan period or even the early-Jin Dan period. The strength of his cultivation realm makes his face even more ugly.

Xiao Han grinned and looked at Ye Longxuan's back. He knew that Ye Longxuan was exhausted tonight and wanted to make himself a big somersault, but fortunately, his head turned so fast that it resolved them one by one. .

At this time, the sect disciples who were onlookers looked at Xiao Han very admiringly, except that it was because Xiao Han unselfishly shared today’s method of trapping and hunting Tier 1 magic spiders. The main reason is that Because in everyone's hearts, I am afraid that only Xiao Han can make the Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan collapse.

After Ye Longxuan walked back to the Wudang Sect's team, it didn't take long for him to take the Wudang Sect's disciples and the ten ordinary sect disciples he received from the new recruits and evacuated from the field and returned to his camp. Up.

Seeing that the Wudang faction has been withdrawn cleanly, that is to say, things have been handled almost tonight, and now it is getting late, and work is almost over.

Next, Wang Mang from the Kunlun School, Huafeng from the Huashan Gate, and Ouyang Bing from the Kongtong School all came over to say hello to Xiao Han, and then took their respective players out of the field.

It can be seen that the main purpose of Wang Mang, Huafeng, Ouyang Bing and others is to thank Xiao Han for sharing the methods he tried today to trap and hunt the first-order magic spiders. As for Xiao Whether Han's sharing method is suitable for every team, let alone at least Xiao Han's spirit is worthy of their respect.

After Wang Mang, Huafeng, Ouyang Bing and others all left the field with their respective teams, only Xiao Han’s "Zhu Demon Team" and Ye Yu’s Emei faction remained on the field.

When recruiting people tonight, the Emei faction has no limit on the number of recruits, so there are many sect disciples who applied to join the Emei faction. It seems that the Emei faction has recruited at least ten new members tonight.

Xiao Han knew that during the day today, Ye Yu was the only one who witnessed how he killed Tier 1 Devil Spiders with his own eyes. Therefore, Xiao Han believed that the methods he shared tonight, among all the leaders, Ye Yu Yu is definitely the one who understands most deeply.

In this way, Xiao Han believed that with so many newly recruited sect disciples of the Emei faction, if Ye Yu wanted to trap and hunt the first-order demon spiders, it would be more handy than other sect teams.

Xiao Han is now preparing to greet Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, as well as Zhan Peng, who has newly joined the "Devil Slayer", and Tian Daren and Zhang Qi are walking back, but at this time Xiao Han suddenly heard someone behind him Calling him.

Xiao Han, Zhong Xuanhai and others turned around and looked over at the same time, only to realize that the person calling him was not someone else but Ye Yu of the Emei school.

Ye Yu walked towards Xiao Han's place in a white robe, followed by Nightingale, but the nightingale seemed a little embarrassed, and her two little cheeks were slightly red, staring at Xiao Han from time to time. Two eyes.

Xiao Han was a little inexplicable. He didn't understand what Ye Yu and Nightingale came to look for at this time. Thinking that Xiao Han took the opportunity to force Ye Yu to kiss Ye Yu once on the way back, Xiao Han felt a little uneasy. Yes, for fear that Ye Yu is here to trouble him.

But from the look of Ye Yu, there is no sense of anger, and Nightingale’s face is flushing red. Xiao Han doesn’t know if the two sisters are coming to find him for good or bad. At this time Had to bite the bullet and agreed.

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others saw that Ye Yu and Nightingale came to Xiao Han at the same time, with a smile on the corners of their mouths. They were not stupid, and they couldn’t see that their boss Xiao obviously followed The relationship between Ye Yu and Nightingale's two sisters is very unusual. Otherwise, why would they come to Xiao Han from time to time?

Today, when Zhong Xuanhai and others were beheading the first-order demon spider, Ye Yu of the Emei faction suddenly appeared to help the "Devil Slayer Squad" rescued the injured Ren Xin, and also helped to kill him. For the few first-order demon spiders, it was only a coincidence that the reason why the clock Xuanhai and others still Yeyu suddenly appeared.

Later, when they arrived at the meeting point, Ye Yu’s sister, Nightingale, approached Xiao Han. At this time, Zhong Xuanhai and others knew that Xiao Han and their two sisters had an extraordinary relationship. At this time, they saw Ye Yu and Nightingale. The two sisters came to Xiao Han at the same time, it must be something good to find Xiao Han.

When Ye Yu and Nightingale walked in front of them, Xiao Han smiled and asked, "What instructions do you two have to find me?"

At this time, Ye Yu did not directly answer Xiao Han, but looked at Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others behind Xiao Han.

Xiao Han only reacted at this time, Ye Yu must have something important to tell him, so Xiao Han turned around and smiled with Zhong Xuanhai and the others: "You go back first, and I will come to you later!"

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others hurriedly nodded, showing a natural expression on their faces, which means that we understand that we will never stay here to make light bulbs!

Then Zhong Xuanhai and others greeted Zhan Peng and Guo Zimo, who had just joined the "Devil Slayer Squad", and walked back together.

Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others have guessed based on what happened before that the relationship between Xiao Han and Ye Yu is extraordinary, but Zhan Peng, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi are not clear about it.

"This...Boss Xiao and Ye Yu...that..."

Zhan Peng quietly pulled Zhong Xuanhai and asked, as if he wanted to get some information from Zhong Xuanhai’s mouth. Hearing about Zhan Peng’s culture, not only Zhang Qi and Tian Daren, but even Li Jian and others were also involved. come.

Zhong Xuanhai walked forward while the crowd stayed, and said softly: "Oh, isn't this obvious? Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing? You know, I know everyone understands it!"

"Oh!... That's it, that's it!"

Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren showed a suddenly realized expression at the same time.

Zhan Peng, Zhong Xuanhai and others did not go far at all at this time, so at this time not only Xiao Han listened to their conversation clearly, but also Ye Yu and Nightingale, who stood opposite Xiao Han. I heard the dialogue between Zhong Xuanhai and others.

This time not only Nightingale's blush, but Ye Yu's face also flashed a blush, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Han smirked at Ye Yu and Nightingale, and then pretended to stare at Zhong Xuanhai and others. At this time, Zhong Xuanhai and others were still secretly observing the movements of Xiao Han, Ye Yu and Nightingale. Perceiving Xiao Han's fierce gaze, Zhong Xuanhai and the others dared not go any further, and quickly speeded up their pace and moved away from the field, heading towards the previous camp.

Xiao Han didn't know why Ye Yu and Nightingale were looking for him at this time, so they didn't take the initiative to ask.

Now all the sect disciples have evacuated from this assembly point, and the nearest Zhong Xuanhai and others are also slowly walking away. There is no one within at least a hundred meters, so there is no need to worry about others. Can overhear their conversation.

Ye Yu and Nightingale also waited until Zhong Xuanhai and others had gone far, then they said, "Xiao Han, I have something to discuss with you. I don't know if you will agree to it."

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