The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1154: Brother and comrade

"No one has joined your slaying squad, are you feeling uncomfortable now?"

Ye Longxuan didn't know what Xiao Han was going to do now. At this time, he had just taken down the sect disciples who originally wanted to join Penglai Wonderland. Of course, he had to adjust Xiao Han's breath quickly.

But at this time, Xiao Han ignored Ye Longxuan at all, and didn't even look back at it. There was no place for the long rhetoric that Ye Longxuan had planned.

Xiao Han walked in front of Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren, and said with a smile: "Are some of you interested in joining our Jade Devil Team?"

Huh? Xiao Han is here to personally invite Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren to the "Devil Slayer Team".

You must know that not only Zhanpeng, but also Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are the strengths of the peak realm of the Jin Dan stage. If you count Zhan Peng, here are the three masters of the peak realm of the Jin Dan stage. If you add Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, who were originally in Xiao Han's team, were also the strengths of the Golden Core Stage peak realm. In this way, Xiao Han's team had five strengths in the Golden Core Stage peak realm.

Xiao Han just opened his mouth and said a word, and the atmosphere on the court completely changed. Originally everyone was surprised that Xiao Han was dug a corner by Ye Longxuan this evening. It seems that none of the new members of the "Zhu Devil Team" were recruited tonight. .

But what is Xiao Han doing in front of Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren? Is this the rhythm to recruit Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren to his subordinates?

Everyone present could not figure out what Xiao Han meant, knowing that Xiao Han took the initiative to walk towards Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren, and then politely asked that sentence. Everyone knew that Xiao Han really wanted to To recruit Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren to his "Devil Slayer Squad".

In this way, as long as Xiao Han can successfully recruit Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren, then Xiao Han’s "Devil Slaying Team" will take it for granted that they have five masters with the strengths of the peak realm of the Jin Dan period at the same time. The biggest profit tonight was not Ye Longxuan of Wudang School, nor Wang Mang and others of Kunlun School, but Xiao Han of "Devil Slayer Squad".

Why didn't Ye Longxuan follow Xiao Han's meaning? Originally snatched several sect disciples from Xiao Han's hands who wanted to join the "Devil Slayer Squad", Ye Longxuan directly dug the foot of the wall from Xiao Han's hand and dig it directly in front of everyone. Losing Xiao Han's face, Xiao Han's "Devil Slayer Team" did not recruit a new member tonight.

However, if Xiao Han really recruited Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren to his subordinates, then Xiao Han would not have gained nothing in this way, but would have won a complete victory.

Xiao Han is trying to regain the rhythm of one round in one fell swoop. Ye Longxuan is not a fool. At this time, there is no way to break Xiao Han's intentions, but at this time it is inconvenient for him to say anything.

If Ye Longxuan had dug Xiao Han’s corner in front of so many people before, it would be too much to dig the sect disciples who originally wanted to join the "Devil Slayer Squad" to their Wudang faction. Although Xiao Han was not very angry at the line, Ye Longxuan also knew that Xiao Han had only suppressed the anger in his heart, and did not show it.

If Ye Longxuan now ran out to dig Xiao Han's corner again, even if Ye Longxuan repeatedly embarrass Xiao Han in front of everyone present, Ye Longxuan knew if he was really like this. If he did, Xiao Han, who was so embarrassed and furious, would go directly to Ye Longxuan to work hard.

Besides, Ye Longxuan also knows that the one named Zhan Peng among the three is better off. Compared with Ye Longxuan before, he did not directly conflict with him. If Ye Longxuan now actively invites Zhan Peng to join their Wudang sect team, Zhan Peng might still agree to it.

But Ye Longxuan knew very well that the proposal he made this evening gave all ordinary sect disciples the right to choose which team they want to join, which is equivalent to forcing Zhang Qi and Tian Daren to disband directly. The team is on this path, so Zhan Peng is very likely to agree to join the Wudang faction of Yelongxuan, but Zhang Qi and Tian Daren do not resent him even if Yelongxuan is good, how could they still agree to join the Wudang faction?

So Ye Longxuan knew that even if he stood up to dig Xiao Han's corner now, the possibility of success was not very high, at least there was almost no possibility of success in Zhang Qi and Tian Daren.

But did Ye Longxuan watch Xiao Han recruit three masters who were also at the peak of the Golden Core Stage?

Ye Longxuan was obviously not so generous, why Ye Longxuan stood up now, Ye Longxuan stood up now to make trouble.

Originally, Ye Longxuan was still going to give it a try. Even if he couldn't grab all three Golden Core Stage peak masters from Xiao Han's hands, it would be good to grab Zhan Peng alone.

Ye Longxuan was about to talk, but in a blink of an eye, all the ordinary sect disciples on the field have already selected the team, why now only Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren have not come forward to choose ?

Maybe Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi, and Tian Daren have chosen the team they want to go to in advance. Only then will they sit there with confidence. If this is the case, it means that Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are both It may not be poached by Xiao Han.

Since this is the case, what is there to worry about Ye Longxuan? Wouldn't it be better to just stand aside and watch Xiao Han eat the food?

When Xiao Han was directly rejected by Zhan Peng, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren in front of everyone, Ye Longxuan stood up and satirized Xiao Han again. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable?

Thinking of this, Ye Longxuan was happy again. He planned to stop his soldiers for now and look at the situation on the court for now.

Zhang Qi and Tian Daren obviously did not expect Xiao Han to stand up suddenly at this time, and they personally invited the two of them to join their "Devil Slayer Squad" with Zhan Peng, so there would be no response for a while, and they didn't know what to do. The answer is good.

Originally, the two of them hadn’t figured out which team they wanted to join until now, and they couldn’t hold back this face to go with other sect disciples to grab the places of the famous sect, so until now Zhang Qi and Tian Daren are still there. Worry about which team to go to!

At this time, Xiao Han also decided not to hide it. Anyway, he and Zhan Peng had agreed at the beginning, and Zhan Peng had agreed to join the "Devil Slaying Team" in advance. Since this is the case, Xiao Han Decided to solve Zhan Peng's issues first, and then slowly invite Zhang Qi and Tian Daren. Moreover, with Zhan Peng as an example, Zhang Qi and Tian Daren should be more acceptable to them.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han turned to face Zhan Peng, arched his hands, and said sternly: "Brother Zhanpeng, as the leader of the Zhan Demon team, Xiao Han now solemnly invites you to join our Zhan Peng team. Fight friendly brothers and explore the Penglai Wonderland together. I wonder if you want to?"

When Xiao Han just said these words, his voice was very loud, and he was completely shouting out of breath, so Zhan Peng knew that everyone on the court must hear clearly and clearly, and Xiao Han was so solemnly in front of it. Everyone shouted in their faces, which was enough to give him face.

Although Zhan Peng didn’t know beforehand that Xiao Han was planning to recruit Zhang Qi and Tian Daren into the "Devil Slayer Squad", he couldn't control this kind of thing. Xiao Han wanted to invite who to join the "Devil Slayer Squad". It was Xiao Han's freedom, and Zhan Peng was really hard to interfere.

Secondly, the relationship between Zhanpeng and Zhang Qi and Tian Daren is pretty good. If both Zhang Qi and Tian Daren can join the "Devil Slayer Team", then he and Zhang Qi and Tian Daren can become comrades in the team. Good brother, Zhanpeng is of course happy to see it happen.

Besides, Zhan Peng had already promised that Zhong Xuanhai and Xiao Han would join the "Devil Slayer Squad" before. Although they have not yet accepted it in front of everyone at this time, Zhan Peng has already regarded himself as before. I'm a member of the "Devil Slayer Squad", and I just saw the Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan brazenly digging the corner of the "Devil Slayer Squad" in front of so many people, and I was suffocated long ago.

Can't Zhan Peng still see that Ye Longxuan did this to deliberately demolish Xiao Han's station and embarrass Xiao Han? At this time Zhan Peng naturally saw it. As long as he, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi agreed to join Xiao Han and the others, Ye Longxuan’s intentions would fall to nothing, and the "Devil Slayer" would get it. Of course, Zhan Peng was very happy for the new players who were stronger than those ordinary sect disciples.

Now Xiao Han extended an invitation to him first, clearly wanting Zhan Peng to agree to it first. This was done for Ye Longxuan and the others on the court, as well as for Tian Daren and Zhang Qi.

Thinking of this, Zhan Peng showed a flattered appearance, and then quickly stood up from the sand, and replied with excitement: "Since Boss Xiao likes me Zhan Peng so much, he personally invited me to join the Devil Squad, I Zhan Peng happens to have nowhere to go. Starting today, I Zhan Peng will follow Boss Xiao!"

Xiao Han grinned, and happily walked over holding Zhan Peng's hands, haha ​​smiled: "Okay, we are good brothers and comrades in the next, you first go over to say hello to Zhong Xuanhai and the others Let’s get to know each other, and when things here are over, let’s sit down and communicate!"

Zhan Peng doesn’t know where Xiao Han will focus on persuading Tian Daren and Zhang Qi. Anyway, the fact that Zhan Peng joins the "Devil Slayer Team" has long been determined, and now he is just walking in front of everyone. It was just a cutscene, so he also promised with full mouth, arched his hands at Xiao Han, and was about to walk to Zhong Xuanhai and the others.

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