The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1151: Grab someone

Ye Longxuan turned his head and looked at the sect disciples who were about to join the "Devil Slayer Squad", and suddenly smiled and asked, "Do you want to join our Wudang faction?"

The several sect disciples who were talking with Zhong Xuanhai were taken aback at this moment, and turned to look at Ye Longxuan, but they couldn't react.

Zhong Xuanhai was originally talking, but his face became ugly after hearing what Ye Longxuan said. Could it be that Ye Longxuan was prepared to **** someone from their "Devil Slayer Squad" without any scruples?

Sure enough, Ye Longxuan didn't wait for the sect disciples to react, and then continued: "If you are willing to join our Wudang Sect, my Wudang Sect can make an exception and accept you more!"

Ye Longxuan really intends to openly grab people from the crowd. In this case, how should those sect disciples who originally wanted to join the "Zhu Demon Squad" choose? If there is an opportunity to join the Wudang faction, will they still be willing to join the "Zhu Demon Squad"?

Xiao Han also did not expect that Ye Longxuan would really do everything. Under the current circumstances, he really planned to openly rob people in the public, and the looting was actually preparing to join the "Devil Slayer" Several disciples of the sect.

Not only Xiao Han felt surprised, but even the people eating melons on the court felt surprised. Ye Longxuan seemed a little lost in doing so, right?

If Ye Longxuan rushed to the other famous sects and arranged for people to **** people before they could react, everyone would have no way to say anything. After all, there is nothing wrong with Ye Longxuan’s doing this. It's not even a speculation, at best, it's a bit ugly and anxious.

But now Ye Longxuan walks directly to the "Devil Slayer Squad" in front of everyone and publicly snatches people. It is still those who are ready to join the "Devil Slayer Squad" or in front of the "Devil Slayer Squad". "The interviewer came out to intercept, and directly asked if they would like to change the court to join the Wudang faction, which is a bit unreasonable.

Hua Feng of Huashan Gate and Ouyang Bing of Kongtong School looked at each other, secretly screaming, Ye Longxuan wanted to fight Xiao Han openly.

They thought it was very strange, why did the pride of Wudang School, who had always been calm and self-controlling, lose his demeanor as soon as he met Xiao Han? Now the situation is obvious, Ye Longxuan is going to fight Xiao Han to the end?

Although Xiao Han once defeated the overnight Longxuan, it seems that Xiao Han has not had other intersections with Ye Longxuan. So what is the reason for Ye Longxuan's hostile attitude towards Xiao Han?

Is it just because Xiao Han defeated the night Long Xuan in front of many people in the last league competition?

In fact, to say that Ye Longxuan likes to fight against Xiao Han, it is better to say that Xiao Han is now an obsession in Ye Longxuan's mind, a goal that he eagerly wants to surpass and defeat.

Even in the last league competition, after Ye Longxuan, the proud son of Wudang School who always regarded himself highly, was placed under the hands of the unknown soldier Xiao Han, Ye Longxuan's whole person was completely changed, and he had been lost in front of everyone. The face of Ye Longxuan's grief is more than heartbreaking. The only belief that supports him is how to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible, and how to defeat Xiao Han in front of everyone as soon as possible.

No matter whether it was in the Wudang school or in the entire practice world, Ye Longxuan, the well-known favorite of heaven, how could he tolerate it. Someone defeated him in the public, and the person who defeated him is still the original one. What about the unknown little person?

If Xiao Han was an excellent disciple cultivated by a sect, it would be better to say something. After all, Ye Longxuan knew that no matter how powerful he was, he couldn’t be invincible among his peers, but Xiao Han who defeated him was an invincible disciple. The Siwu staff with no background and no backing, an unknown person from an ordinary poor family, where did this put Ye Longxuan's face?

Ever since Ye Longxuan returned from the League Tournament, there was only one thought left in Ye Longxuan's mind, that is, to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible, and then to defeat Xiao Han in the face of everyone. .

This is why Ye Longxuan entered the Wudang Sect’s forbidden area and retreats on the top of the volley without hesitation. Even if it is possible to die for a lifetime, Ye Longxuan knew that Xiao Han was able to defeat him at that time. The reason is that Xiao Han's cultivation level is one level higher than that of Yelongxuan. Otherwise, with the strength of Yelongxuan, a master at the same level would not be Yelongxuan's opponent at all.

But Ye Longxuan risked such a big risk to enter the Wudang school’s forbidden volley and retreat. After nine deaths, he finally entered the Yuan Ying stage. The originally confident Ye Longxuan thought that if he met Xiao again Han must be able to defeat Xiao Han upright in front of everyone, and then be ashamed.

But what made Ye Longxuan never thought was that when he entered Penglai Wonderland and met Xiao Han again this time, he was no longer the same Ye Longxuan, and Xiao Han was not the same Xiao Han. Ye Longxuan had already cultivated to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, originally thought that Xiao Han could be steadily suppressed, but Xiao Han’s cultivation stage actually reached the peak realm of the Nascent Stage by leaps and bounds. How could Ye Longxuan not be hit hard by this?

However, Ye Longxuan directly robbing people in front of so many people is indeed a very unmannered behavior. It not only makes ordinary disciples like this sect stunned, even Xiao Han did not think of Ye Longxuan. Can actually put down his face to make this behavior.

In Xiao Han’s heart, it is normal for Ye Longxuan to have some opinions and opinions on him. After all, Xiao Han knew that Ye Longxuan originally considered the first place in the league competition in the last league competition. It is a pity. He was born out of nowhere, making Ye Longxuan's thoughts become nothing.

But Xiao Han never thought that Ye Longxuan would rob him in front of so many people in order to embarrass him.

In fact, I really want to talk about it. Those sect disciples who are standing in front of Zhong Xuanhai and want to join the "Devil Slayer Team" are not very high in cultivation level. Among them, the cultivation level of one person is already in the middle of the Golden Core period. Outside the realm of cultivation, the rest of the people are all the strength of the early Jindan period.

At this point, not only Xiao Han has already seen through it, but also Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan at a glance, but at this time Ye Longxuan can't manage so many people. Anything that can embarrass Xiao Han. , Ye Longxuan will do it without hesitation.

In fact, for Xiao Han, there is already a Zhan Peng to join. Their "Devil Slayer Team" already has nine people, not to mention that everyone already knows Xiao Han and their "Devil Slayer Team" today. , So Xiao Han believes that besides Zhan Peng, there should be several other sect disciples who applied to join their team, so Xiao Han did not deliberately recruit new members.

However, Xiao Han did not deliberately recruit new members, which does not mean that Xiao Han does not want other sect disciples to join his "Devil Slayer Squad". After two days of fighting, Xiao Han is of course better than all those present. Everyone knows that in Penglai Wonderland, in order to kill more Tier 1 Demon Spiders, in addition to the strong personal abilities of the team members, the size of the team is also a key factor. Now his "Devil Slayer Team" There are only eight people, and if a few more new players can join, Xiao Han of course can't help it.

Moreover, Ye Longxuan is now robbing people in full view. Not only Xiao Han’s face can’t be maintained, but even Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others who followed Xiao Han are also full of indignation, but Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others know that with their strength and identity, they should not talk too much at this time. After all, Ye Longxuan is the leader of the Wudang school and the best young disciple of the Wudang school. Individuals are just ordinary sect disciples, and their identities alone are not very equal, let alone the strength gap between the two sides.

Originally, Xiao Han didn’t care if several sect disciples would be snatched by Ye Longxuan, but now so many eyes on the scene are staring at his reaction. If Xiao Han doesn’t do anything, it’s not just Hui Han. With the hearts of the original members of the "Zhu Demon Squad", other disciples of the sect will also look down upon the entire "Zhu Demon Squad".

But Xiao Han also knows that since Ye Longxuan personally invited the ordinary sect disciples who originally wanted to join the "Devil Slayer" to their Wudang sect at this time, no matter how Xiao Han stayed, Ye Longxuan would definitely do his best. Encouraging the ordinary sect disciples who originally wanted to join the "Devil Slayer Squad" to join the Wudang faction may even offer some additional conditions and temptations.

Based on the current situation on the field, Xiao Han knows that if it is to compete with the Wudang faction, his "Devil Killing Squad" will not necessarily rob the Wudang faction of Longxuan for the night, so things will be a little troublesome. , Could it be that Xiao Han could only watch Ye Longxuan abduct those ordinary sect disciples?

Ye Longxuan’s words made the ordinary sect disciples who originally wanted to join Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer Squad" in a dilemma. If the Wudang faction’s Ye Longxuan personally invited them to join the Wudang faction, they were not tempted at all. It's impossible. If there is a chance to join the Wudang faction, who would be thinking about joining Xiao Han's "Devil Slayer"!

But before the Wudang faction recruited people before they could react, the Wudang faction was already full. Even if they wanted to join the Wudang faction, they didn't have this opportunity to leave them.

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