The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1134: Good record

You know that they sent six people from Emei to search in the Penglai Wonderland for a day, and they only killed 180 first-order magic spiders. Although Nightingale was a little embarrassed, because of her adverse reactions, Emei It takes a lot of time to kill every Tier 1 Demon Spider that the pie encounters. Not only is Nightingale unable to fight, but Ye Yu needs to arrange a fellow sister to protect her by her side, otherwise. , In poor condition, she couldn't even display half of her usual combat power. She didn't need many first-order demon spiders, only three or five first-order demon spiders were besieged, and Nightingale would die.

So it’s not unreasonable that the Emei faction killed only 180 Tier 1 magic spiders in one day. If Nightingale can participate in the war, the situation may change a bit, but Nightingale’s adverse reactions have always been serious, and there is no way at all. Participating in the war, so the Emei faction's record today was actually only four people participating. Nightingale and another female disciple of the Emei faction who was specially responsible for taking care of Nightingale could not exert their fighting power at all.

Nightingale knows that their Emei faction's record today is definitely not good. Compared with Wudang faction and other schools, it must be a lot less. I think those famous schools of Wudang faction can easily break through two hundred first-order demons. Spider, but no amount is impossible.

However, they did not expect that the eight of Xiao Han and the others would be able to kill more than 780 first-order demon spiders. This far exceeded Nightingale’s expectations, and there was even no doubt that they could rank first among all the schools. Other schools can surpass.

Nightingale looked at Ye Yu's expression and knew that Ye Yu couldn't lie about this kind of thing. In other words, Xiao Han and his team of Demon Slayers did indeed kill 780 Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

Nightingale still felt a little unbelievable: "Sister, I still don't believe it, how can the eight of Xiao Han and the others kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders? How can it be possible that there are nearly 800 Tier 1 Demon Spiders?"

Ye Yu waved her hand and smiled: "Okay, okay, don't worry about this problem. I have seen Xiao Han and their record with my own eyes. Would I still lie to you?"

Nightingale curled his lips. Although it was a little unbelievable, from the current situation, Xiao Han and his "Devil Slayer Squad" killed 780 first-order demon spiders in one day. What Yu saw with her own eyes, if someone else told Nightingale, Nightingale might not believe it, but she knew that her sister Ye Yu never lied.

I really can’t tell, that guy Xiao Han looks so annoying, but he really has some real skills. He was able to kill 780 Tier 1 demon spiders in one day, and even Nightingale had to admit Xiao Han and the others. The record of "Zhu Demon Team" is indeed amazing.

Ye Yu continued: "Xiao Han and the others can kill nearly 800 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day, which shows that their entire team is very strong, and I also observed them next to them. Facing the **** and **** scenes of the first-order demon spiders, you can talk and laugh. Later, I told Xiao Han about your adverse reactions. I think his analysis makes sense, so after a long time, I decided to let you follow them. The "Zhu Devil Team" to get used to it for a few days, maybe Xiao Han has a way to reverse your adverse reaction!"

Although Nightingale hates Xiao Han, she also understands that her adverse reactions really need to be corrected as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is easy to be dangerous in Penglai Wonderland. Besides, what Nightingale does not want is because of her own problems. It dragged down the record of the entire Emei faction. What's more, Ye Yu had to arrange a senior sister of the same school to protect her after a day. If the senior sister who was protecting her was also involved in an accident, then Nightingale is not just a simple conscience. Up.

Thinking of this, Nightingale originally planned to simply accept Ye Yu’s suggestion and go to Xiao Han’s "Devil Slayer Team" tomorrow to get used to it, but after a second thought, Nightingale realized that Xiao Han’s team were all big men, she was a girl. Follow the eight big men in the Penglai Wonderland, is this really safe?

Besides, although Xiao Han had always liked to take advantage of her mouth before, who knew if he would have any evil thoughts.

Thinking of this, Nightingale pouted and said coquettishly: "Sister, I also know that the adverse reactions I saw in the **** scene are very serious and must be corrected immediately, but it is inconvenient for me as a girl to follow Xiao Han and the eight big men. , If something happens, then I’m really not working well every day!"

Ye Yu smiled and patted Nightingale’s little head, and comforted: "Fool, don't worry, I have secretly inquired about, the seven people with Xiao Han are all sect disciples, and their teachers are repairing. The practice world is also well-known. As for their character, I have also investigated them. In this regard, you don't need to worry, there is no problem at all!"

Seeing that Ye Yu said this, Nightingale relieved her heart. Now that her sister Ye Yu had done the investigation in advance, it was much better. The people who followed Xiao Han were all disciples of various sects, so she was not afraid that they would treat herself. Disadvantage, after all, behind Nightingale is the Emei Sect. Even the famous sects of Wudang Sect and Kunlun Sect dare not underestimate the overall strength of the Emei Sect. They are reluctant to offend the disciples of the Emei Sect. It was said that it was the small and medium sects. If something happened to Nightingale, as long as it was spread out, not every cultivation sect could bear the anger of the Emei Sect.

Of course those people around Xiao Han dare not do anything to her, but what about Xiao Han? That guy is completely a stinky rascal, and his mouth is particularly damaged. If Nightingale followed him, would he still live without being bullied every day?

Besides, it’s only Ye Yu talking here. Will Xiao Han follow their "Devil Slayer" because of his own oil bottle, and then Nightingale can’t do anything else, and he needs to be protected by one person. For her, this would seriously affect the record of their entire team. It's strange that Xiao Han is willing to accept her burden.

Thinking of this, Nightingale said: "Sister, I am not worried about the few people around Xiao Han. After all, I can't deal with Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but I can still deal with people, but that fellow Xiao Han can't. He has a realm of cultivation. It's a lot taller than me. If he deliberately wants to bully me, the three of me combined are not his opponents!"

Hearing this, Ye Yu was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought. She knew that the problem that Ye Yu said was not unreasonable. The guy Xiao Han did something that Ye Yu regretted his life last time on impulse. Ye Yu didn’t want her own sister to be bullied by Xiao Han. Thinking of this, Ye Yu nodded, and then said: “Fool, don’t worry, how could your safety sister not care, don’t worry, I will I’ll talk to Xiao Han. If he can’t give me a convincing guarantee, then I won’t send you to their Slaying Demon Squad. Is this okay?"

Nightingale finally smiled at this time. She rushed to Ye Yu, opened her hands to protect Ye Yu’s slender waist, and said coquettishly: "Thank you, sister, sister is the best for me!"

Ye Yu struggled lightly, and said with a wry smile: "Alright, alright, how old you are, you are ashamed!"

"Not ashamed, I will always be a little girl in front of my sister!


The night slowly darkened. Now the sect disciples in the entire assembly point have finished their meals. Many people began to gather in the open space in the middle of the camp. Many people had already found seats in advance and sat down on the sand. Waiting for everyone to gather.

After a day of fighting, many sect disciples showed a look of exhaustion on their faces. Although it was said that all those present were Qi refiners, and the lowest cultivation level was also the cultivation level of the Golden Core period, but it was equal to the first level After the demon spider struggled all day, it still inevitably felt very tired.

In addition, in the course of the battle, many people will be more or less injured. Although they have taken the time to wash and change their clothes, it is still difficult to hide the injuries on their faces.

Tonight is the last big gathering of all the sect disciples who have entered the Penglai Wonderland. The leaders of all the teams have already discussed it. After the gathering tonight, it is time for them to part ways. They have to wait until three. After the month, the human races of the Octagonal world will meet together, so many familiar sect disciples are already saying goodbye to each other.

In addition, the most talked about on the field is today's record and gains. After all, all the sect disciples are doing the same thing today, that is, searching for the first-order demon spider in the Penglai Wonderland. The harvest of the first-order magic spider inner crystal is directly related to how fast everyone can improve their realm, so today's record and harvest are the focus of everyone's attention.

"Oh, your team killed more than 80 Tier 1 Demon Spiders today? Not bad, you have gained a lot!"

"Where, we have only three people in this team. It took a lot of effort to kill more than 80 Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Not to mention comparing with other sect teams, even if it was compared with Xiao Han yesterday. The record is far worse than that!"

"You can't say that. Xiao Han is the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm, and the highest cultivation realm among the three of you is only in the middle of the Golden Core Stage. You can actually kill more than 80 Tier 1 Demon Spiders. It's really good!"

"Hey! There is no way, our little sect has only this strength, and it can't compare with the famous sect!"


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