Hearing this, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian moved in their hearts. It seems that Xiao Han has some ideas in his mind about how to adjust the bet. However, for this question, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others I feel that it is still proceeding according to Xiao Han's intention. After all, no matter how the bet is adjusted, all the purpose is to make the seven of them more invested in the real situation of the game, so as to better improve the competitiveness of their team.

Xiao Han thought for a while, and then said, "Starting tomorrow, our two groups will still be in competition. Everyone has seen the results of today's game. The seven of you combined to kill the Tier 1 Demon Spider is more than mine. There should be a little less people, but only a little less, which means that everyone still has a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, the game will continue from tomorrow. The losing team will be responsible for cleaning the battlefield. , All the beheaded first-order demon spiders, the task of taking out the inner crystal from the first-order demon spider's body will be handed over to the losing team!

At this time, Li Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Boss Xiao, if you lose, then not all Tier 1 demon spider corpses will be handled by you alone, from hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders. Taking the inner crystal from one's body is not an easy job!"

Li Jian's meaning is very obvious. According to their "Devil Slaying Squad" today's battle conditions, they have to kill at least hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders every day. If the team that loses is Xiao Han, it means The corpses of hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders will be cleaned up by Xiao Han alone. It may not be a big deal to Guo Zimo, Zhong Xuanhai, and Li Jian. There are seven of them, even if they are responsible for cleaning a few. There are a hundred first-order demon spiders, and there is not much to share, but for Xiao Han alone, he is responsible for taking out the first-order demon spider inner crystals from the corpses of hundreds of first-order demon spiders, which is quite a deal. engineering.

Before Xiao Han could speak, Zhong Xuanhai started to make fun of Li Jian again. Zhong Xuanhai patted Li Jian with a big hand, and then joked: "I said Li Jian, I think you Shouldn’t you worry about whether the team responsible for cleaning up the battlefield will always be the responsibility of our team? After all, why do you think this team has a high chance of winning Boss Xiao?"

Li Jian seriously thought about this question. To say that their group of seven people wants to be better than Xiao Han. To be honest, the odds are not very high. After all, it is not only Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, and Li Jian. The seven people are growing, and Xiao Han is also in the process of continuous growth. Now Xiao Han’s overall strength is still much higher than the seven of them. In other words, in a short time, Li Jian and the seven want Compared to Xiao Han alone, this possibility is not very high.

Thinking of this, Li Jian honestly replied: "I think in a short period of time, the chance of our team surpassing Xiao Bo does not seem to be very high!"

Before Zhong Xuanhai could speak, Guo Zimo, who was sitting next to Zhong Xuanhai, smiled and said, “That’s not enough. We can’t surpass Boss Xiao’s record in a short time. At best, it’s very close. So we are Don't think about other things during this period of time, but think about how to compare the record of Boss Xiao!"

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "That’s what you said, don’t think about anything now. It’s the truth to find ways to kill more Tier 1 Devil Spiders. Besides, maybe tomorrow, the seven of you will have a tacit understanding of cooperation. It’s not necessarily true that my record will surpass me."

Li Jian laughed twice before he didn't speak.

Next, Xiao Han explained some things that need to be paid attention to in the battle, and today's summary is nearing the end.

At this moment, a sect disciple came from a distance, and it seemed that he was looking for Xiao Han and the others.

Xiao Han looked up and found that although this sect disciple looked familiar, he didn't know which sect disciple he was, and he couldn't call his name. It seemed that he was not here.

At this moment, the man shouted from a distance: "Zhong Xuanhai!"

It turned out that this person came to Zhong Xuanhai. Xiao Han just thought that today’s summary meeting was almost the same, so he said: "Okay, let’s stop here today. Now everyone has a rest, and everyone will start to gather later. , Everyone will follow me to join others!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Han stood up first. Before Xiao Han turned and walked into the tent, the person who came to Zhong Xuanhai asked from a distance, "Zhong Xuanhai, how did you get today?"

Originally, Xiao Han was about to turn around, but when he heard this, he stopped again, and then quietly winked at Zhong Xuanhai.

Zhong Xuanhai grinned after receiving Xiao Han's wink, and then lightly nodded at Xiao Han.

Zhong Xuanhai knew what Xiao Han meant, and now his friend must have come to inquire about the news, no matter if the person asked Zhong Xuanhai out of curiosity, or he came to inquire about the news because of someone else’s advice, anyway, according to Xiao Han’s meaning, don’t To reveal the record of their squad killing team today, just report the number of two to three hundred.

The reason why Xiao Han deliberately exhorted this kind of thing must have his reason. Although Zhong Xuanhai didn't know Xiao Han's specific thoughts, Zhong Xuanhai decided to do it according to Xiao Han's intention.

Before that person came to them, Zhong Xuanhai smiled and said: "Not much, how about you? How about it, is it a great harvest?"

At this time, Xiao Han had already walked into his tent, and Li Jian and others were still sitting there. After the person approached, Zhong Xuanhai introduced: "Let me introduce you to me. This one is me. My friend, Zhan Peng, the disciple of the Xuanjian Sect, is also at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and is considered a very powerful figure among all the disciples of the sect who entered the Penglai Wonderland!"

Li Jian and others were slightly moved when they heard Zhong Xuanhai’s introduction. After all, a sect disciple at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, among all the sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland, was considered very strong, even if it was Huashanmen. Huafeng, Wang Mang of the Kunlun School, Yelongxuan of the Wudang School, and others are only the cultivation realm of the Yuan Ying period, but among all the sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland, except for Xiao Han, the peak of the Yuan Ying period Realm masters, there are only five other sect disciples who have entered the Nascent Soul Stage at the first level, and the next ones are like Zhong Xuanhai and others in the Golden Core Stage peak realm.

This man named Zhan Peng looks out of date at the age of twenty-three or four, and he is younger than Zhong Xuanhai, but he can actually cultivate to the same Golden Core Stage as Zhong Xuanhai at this age. That means The talent and foundation of Zhanpeng are not so good, although they are not as good as Huafeng from Huashan Gate, Wang Mang from Kunlun School and Yelongxuan from Wudang School, and Xiao Han, a genius at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage. There is no way to compare them, but compared to other sect disciples who have not yet cultivated to the peak of the Golden Core Stage, they are undoubtedly much better.

So after Zhong Xuanhai gave a brief introduction, Li Jian and others also stood up from where they were, and greeted this Xuanjian sect disciple named Zhan Peng, even Guo Zimo was also a golden pill. The master of the pinnacle stage also nodded at Zhan Peng, which was regarded as a greeting. After all, a master of the pinnacle stage of the Jindan period was already very powerful.

At this time, Xiao Han, who had already entered the tent, remembered that he was familiar with the disciple of the Xuanjian sect named Zhan Peng, but he couldn’t name it. That’s because last night, this was called Zhan Peng. The big Xuanjian sect disciple, like Zhong Xuanhai, chose to follow Xiao Han at the beginning, but after Xiao Han slowly said those rules, Zhanpeng had already weighed left and right, and finally chose He followed Zhang Qi and Tian Daren instead of Xiao Han, and with Zhan Peng’s strength, it seems that he is a core figure in the team of Zhang Qi and Tian Daren. After all, Zhan Peng is the same as Zhang Qi and Tian Daren. Among all the sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland, they were among the few masters of the Golden Core Stage peak realm.

At this time, Zhan Peng came to Zhong Xuanhai as soon as he arrived at the meeting point. No matter what his purpose is, it must be one of the main reasons to find out what Zhong Xuanhai has gained from Xiao Han today.

However, no matter what Zhan Peng's purpose is, Xiao Han doesn't care at all. After all, in his heart, he has never been very concerned about this kind of outsider's opinion. No matter what others say, as long as Xiao Han feels satisfied. Up.

Of course, Zhan Peng didn’t come to Zhong Xuanhai to talk about the past. Besides, it’s just that he didn’t meet during the day. There is no good time to talk about the past. On the surface, he came to talk to Zhong Xuanhai for a chat, but in fact he came to investigate Zhong Xuanhai and the others. Today’s record.

Zhanpeng originally planned to follow Xiao Han yesterday. After all, among all the more than 90 sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland, Xiao Han is the most powerful among all in terms of strength and cultivation level. If you need to choose to follow A team, then in Zhan Peng's heart, of course, he followed Xiao Han, the person with the highest cultivation level and strength.

But the rules that Xiao Han finally formulated Zhanpeng felt a bit unacceptable. Anyway, he was the most outstanding young disciple in the Xuanjian sect, not to mention the pride of heaven, at least he was also the sect. The baby in the palm of the elders is usually loved among the sects. It is hard to come to Penglai Wonderland to hone it up, just hoping to have a carefree life, but Xiao Han actually formulated it. There are too many rules, which makes Zhan Peng feel a little unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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