The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1120: Have a small meeting

When he entered Penglai Wonderland, Xiao Han was a lonely family member. If Xiao Han didn’t know how to form a team, then Xiao Han would always be a lonely family member in Penglai Wonderland from beginning to end. With the passage of time, although Xiao Han’s cultivation level is stronger than the other 90-odd sect disciples present, they are all small teams in groups, and Xiao Han’s limitations will gradually slow down. Revealed.

This is actually one of the main reasons why Xiao Han wants to form a team.

Today, a total of seven hundred and eighty first-order demon spiders were killed, and 780 first-order demon spider inner crystals were obtained, except for the eight first-order demon spiders allocated by the first order in the hidden cave. In addition, the fifty first-order magic spider inner crystals assigned to Ye Yu and the four hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals assigned to the next point are removed. Xiao Han still has two hundred and fifty in Xiao Han's hands. A first-order magic spider inner crystal.

When Xiao Han has a meeting with Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, Xiao Han will distribute the remaining 250 first-order magic spiders. Of course, the distribution standard is based on each person’s cultivation. Assign for the realm.

Let’s talk about the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian. Among them, the two of them have the lowest level of cultivation and strength. In the daytime today, according to the principle of equal distribution, Xiao Han has already allocated 60 pieces to each of them. The inner crystal of the rank demon spider is now visible, and Xiao Han can also see it. On the first day, following him, the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian will be able to get sixty first rank demon spider inner crystals. For the two brothers, Ren Xin and Ren Nian It is already very satisfying. Even when Xiao Han allocates the remaining 250 Tier 1 Demon Spiders, he will not even give them a Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystal to their two brothers. There must be no opinion at all.

After all, the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian also understand that with their strength, whether they are the two brothers alone in the Penglai Wonderland or follow other teams to kill the first-order demon spiders, it is impossible to get sixty first-order monsters a day. In the inner crystal of the demon spider, two people add up to 120 first-order demon spiders.

So when the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian got 50 Tier 1 magic spiders evenly distributed from Xiao Han’s hands, they were overwhelmed with joy. Xiao Han could also feel this. It was only the first day, Ren. The two brothers Xin and Ren Nian tasted the sweetness of following Xiao Han.

Later, when Xiao Han allocated the remaining 250 Tier 1 Demon Spiders, even if Xiao Han didn't give it to the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian, neither of them would have the slightest complaint.

But after thinking about it, Xiao Han decided to allocate ten more Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals to Ren Xin and Ren Nian.

As for Zhang Qiang, Yan Lingmin, and Li Jian, the three of them have similar strengths and the same level of cultivation. They are all in the middle of the Golden Core period, so Xiao Han feels that since the level of cultivation is at the bottom of their strengths The two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian allocated ten more Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals. Then the three of Zhang Qiang who had a higher cultivation level and strength, Xiao Han decided to allocate another twenty Tier 1 to them. Demon spider inner crystal.

As for Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai, who are at the highest level of cultivation and strength among the eight people besides Xiao Han, both of them are at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and they contribute a lot to everyone, Xiao Han decided Assign thirty first-order magic spider inner crystals to each of them.

Xiao Han thinks this way of distribution is the best. Even if Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo are two people, according to their cultivation level, they have followed Xiao Han to get sixty first-order magic spider inner crystal capitals a day. It's already very good. After all, Xiao Han, a master of the Nascent Soul Stage peak realm strength, is a full three small realms higher than the two of them. After spending a day alone, he has only killed a hundred animals. If Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo set out alone or team up with the first-order demon spiders that arrived, the harvest would definitely not exceed 60 in one day.

Even if Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo can kill more than 60 Tier 1 Demon Spiders in one day, it is not now, but in the future, with Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo and Tier 1 Demon Spiders. Spiders have more and more experience in fighting. The number of first-order demon spiders killed will definitely increase slowly. It is not impossible to exceed sixty, but today is only the first time that Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo started fighting. One day, under this situation, following Xiao Han's ability to allocate sixty first-order magic spider inner crystals, at least Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo were quite satisfied.

After this allocation, there are only one hundred and ten first-order magic spider inner crystals left on Xiao Han’s 250 and fifty first-order magic spiders, plus the sixty first-order magic spiders that are evenly distributed. The inner crystal of the first-order magic spider, Xiao Han's harvest today is one hundred and seventy first-order inner crystals of the magic spider.

Except for the ten first-order demon spiders that had been refined in the cave where he hid before, there were only one hundred and sixty first-order demon spider inner crystals that Xiao Han left on his body. Han did not forget that he had promised Li Jian before. Because Li Jian provided Xiao Han with an extra magic talisman, Xiao Han agreed to Li Jian on the spot and compensate him with ten first-order magic spider inner crystals. In this way, Xiao There were only 150 inner crystals of the first-order magic spider that Han had reserved for him.

Finally, Xiao Han also needed to take out one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals to repay the disciples in Wuyi Palace. At this time, Xiao Han exchanged the piece of mutton fat and white jade pendant in their hands last night to save. Holy imaginary Taoist.

At the end of the day, Xiao Han’s harvest today is only 50 Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals, a little bit less, even if you add the ten Tier 1 Demon Spiders that Xiao Han refined during the day today. Inner crystal, Xiao Han could only refine sixty first-order magic spider inner crystals a day today, but thinking that the hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals owed to Wuyi Palace disciples had already been returned, Xiao Han still thought It was much more comfortable, after all, what Xiao Han disliked the most was that he owed it to others, although the disciple of Wuyi Palace did not say that within a certain period of time, he must pay off the hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals.

However, Xiao Han still wants to pay it off as soon as possible. After all, after tonight, Xiao Han will definitely start a new journey with his "Devil Slayer Team". It is impossible to find time to run back after leaving. The disciple of the Wuyi Palace returned the one hundred first-order magic spider inner crystals. Besides, after paying off all at once today, it saves Xiao Han from remembering this thing all the time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han counted all the inner crystals of the first-order magic spider that should be allocated, and then took out some white paper from the Qiankun bag to pack them one by one, and waited for the time for the meeting to collect the rest. All the inner crystals of the first-order magic spider are allocated.

Looking at the time, Xiao Han felt that it was almost the time now. At this time, everyone should have returned. Many people are dining. If everyone finishes their meal, it is estimated that the Wudang Sect's Yelongxuan and others will start. Everyone was assembled, and Xiao Han just took advantage of this time to finish the meeting of their eight-person "Squad Demon Squad".

Xiao Han stood up and found that Zhong Xuanhai and others were either sitting at the door of the tent watching the stars and chatting, or lying in the tent to rest, so he whispered: "Old Zhong, tell everyone to come over for a meeting!"

"Oh! Okay, come right away!" Zhong Xuanhai replied, and then began to greet Li Jian and others to come to Xiao Han for a meeting.

When Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian, Guo Zimo and others all came to Xiao Han’s side and sat in a circle, Xiao Han cleared his throat and said, “Well, while the other sect disciples are paying back During the meal, the eight members of the Devil Slayer Squad sat down for a small meeting and discussed some things together!"

Then, Xiao Han took out the first-order demon spider inner crystals that had just been wrapped, and said, "These are the two hundred and fifty first-order demon spider inner crystals left today. Next, I will allocate it first!"

When Xiao Han said that the remaining two hundred and fifty Tier 1 Demon Spider inner crystals were allocated, a smile appeared on everyone’s face, because today’s harvest made them very satisfied, whether it was at the peak of the Golden Core Stage. Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai, or Ren Xin and Ren Nian in the early Golden Core period, are very satisfied with today’s gains. Sixty first-order magic spiders have entered their pockets. As for how many first-order magic spiders can be divided into now The spider crystal, they didn't think it was important at all.

To say which of their eight-person "Devil Slayer Squad" contributed the most today, there is no doubt that Xiao Han is the leader. Today, if it were not for Xiao Han, how could they have gained so much? So in the eyes of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others, they have all been assigned to 60 first-order magic spider inner crystals, even if the remaining two hundred and fifty first-order magic spider inner crystals are all Being owned by Xiao Han alone, that's a matter of course.

Now they heard that Xiao Han took out the 250 Tier 1 Demon Spiders to distribute them. Of course, they were happy. This shows that Xiao Han is not a person who eats alone. There are only 250 Tier 1 Demon Spiders left. Jing Xiaohan took out the reason for the allocation, which means that now he has never thought about occupying all the remaining two hundred and fifty first-order magic spider inner crystals.

As he said, Xiao Han took out two packs of the inner crystals of the first-order magic spiders of the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian. Before he passed them to Ren Xin and Ren Nian's hands, Ren Xin said first: "Boss Xiao, I will tell you If you say something to your heart, I don't know what other people think. I only talk about myself. I think the remaining two hundred and fifty first-order magic spider inner crystals should all belong to you!

(End of this chapter)

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