The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1118: Thousand-year king and eighty-thousand-year turtle

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, Nightingale snorted first, then pointed to Xiao Han's nose and said, "You can live for a thousand years. After all, you can live for a thousand years! You must be alive for ten thousand years. Not anymore, but because the bachelor of a thousand years is still very common."

The **** who was ridiculed by Nightingale for a thousand years, although Xiao Han really wanted to live for a thousand years, he was said to be a bachelor, and ordinary men really couldn't bear it.

But who is Xiao Han? Is that a normal man? That's a man with a **** and face outwards from the hut. If you keep arguing with her for a little girl like Nightingale, Xiao Han will definitely suffer in the end.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, let's talk! What good is it to come to me now? So many people stared at both of us, and those who didn’t know thought You like me too!"

Nightingale's face changed, and she saw the same emotion in the eyes of the people around her. It seems that Xiao Han's words successfully caused the wireless reverie of the surrounding onlookers. At this time, if Nightingale doesn't say anything serious, it might be true. He had to be misunderstood by people around him as liking Xiao Han before coming to him.

Thinking of this, Nightingale decided not to linger with Xiao Han anymore. She pointed to Xiao Han's nose and shouted: "By the way, I haven't settled with you yet. The surname is Xiao, did you offend my sister again today? Up?"

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and it was true that the crowd came to ask the teacher for sin. With so many people around, where did this put me Xiao Han's face? Anyway, I am also the only master of the Nascent Soul Peak Realm in the entire camp, right?

This was a flash of thought, and Xiao Han remembered again that he didn't know if Nightingale was forced to kiss Ye Yu today, so Nightingale came to him to ask him about his sins. It is not appropriate to act rashly at this time.

Perceiving the surprised eyes of the people around him, Xiao Han laughed dryly and then said: "Sister Ye Yu, are you looking for this because of this? What happened to your sister? What happened?"

"Who is your sister!" Nightingale retorted with a frown, then said: "You haven't answered my question yet? Did you offend my sister again today?"

Xiao Han smiled, "You didn't answer my question, what happened to your sister?"

"You" Nightingale angrily stretched out her hand, and then joked: "Oh, Xiao Han, the dignified master of the Nascent Soul Stage Peak Realm, are you ready to play a rogue?"

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that he just wanted to pretend to be stupid, but Nightingale didn’t eat this set at all. Instead, he led Xiao Han to the army and put a boss’s hat on Xiao. Han's head.

This **** girl, the lips are not made of meat, but made of a knife, right?

Nightingale had originally come here to ask Xiao Han to inquire about her crimes, of course she wouldn't be so polite with Xiao Han.

It was only in the first round that Xiao Han was defeated immediately. He smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Nothing, I just talked to your sister Ye Yu for a few words, and then for some special reason, there was nothing. We talked together, and then we broke up!"

Xiao Han is still not sure that Nightingale knows about his forced kiss of Ye Yu before, so he can't take the initiative to show his timidity at this time, but Xiao Han suddenly thought, even if Nightingale knew about his forced kiss of Ye Yu, I am afraid Under this situation, I am not embarrassed to take the initiative to expose it.

Besides, in other words, Ye Yu had been forced to kiss by him. Even if Nightingale kept asking about this kind of thing, she was too embarrassed to tell her sister that she was forced to kiss by Xiao Han, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han had a lot of confidence. Anyway, Nightingale didn't understand what happened. Even if she came to ask the teacher now, she probably couldn't tell why under this situation.

Nightingale sneered: "Hey, liar, just didn't talk together and then broke up? I believe you are blamed!"

Xiao Han put his hand down, pretending to be helpless and said aggrieved: "You can't help me if you don't believe me. After all, I am often misunderstood, and I am used to misunderstanding!"

Nightingale couldn't help rolling her eyes. There was really no way to deal with a shameless person like Xiao Han. Thinking of this, Nightingale rushed up directly, took Xiao Han's hand and started walking outside, and said: " I don't care, you go and apologize to my sister now, and pray for her forgiveness. I will just keep one eye closed for today's affairs!"

"Don't don't" Xiao Han pretended to be very embarrassed, and said: "In the crowd, you are holding my hand and I refuse to leave. It's too shameful!"

Nightingale snorted coldly, saying that he would not be caught by Xiao Han's tricks, "Why is it shameless, you have offended my sister, and now I want to take you to apologize, what shame? You say, what is wrong? of?"

Xiao Han laughed and said, and then pointed his finger at the onlookers around him. The meaning was already obvious. This is telling Nightingale, look, everyone around is looking at us! "

Nightingale then raised her head to look around, and she found that more and more people were coming around to watch the excitement. Many of them came here to join in the excitement with a look of emotional disputes.

Especially now that Nightingale is holding Xiao Han's hand, many people are even more suddenly aware. After all, the dialogue between Xiao Han and Nightingale is not heard by everyone, but they can clearly see the actions of Xiao Han and Nightingale. Chu, and from time to time there was a chat with the fellow apprentice next to him, seeming to be discussing the relationship between Xiao Han and Nightingale.

Only then did Nightingale let go of the hand that lived Xiao Han. After all, at this time, he was pulling Xiao Han's hand in front of so many people. This scene does seem to make people think about it easily. Reverie must be reverie in the direction that Nightingale is most unhappy about.

Xiao Han saw that Nightingale backed down, and knew that today’s affairs were near the end, so he was a little bit happy. After all, Nightingale must have nothing to do with him at this time, and this time it was a clever escape. Robbery.

Besides, in this case, even if Xiao Han followed Nightingale to Ye Yu's place, what would it be like, Ye Yu couldn't always beat him out in front of others, right? In this way, the fact that she was kissed by Xiao Hanqiang will spread throughout the camp within a minute. Then not only will Ye Yu be embarrassed, even Xiao Han will be a little embarrassed, after all at that time The sect disciples in the camp knew that Xiao Han actually kissed others forcibly, no matter whether this kind of thing was glorious or disgraceful, it is not a good thing to be known to everyone, right?

"Xiao Han, you are a rascal!"

At this moment, Nightingale left her last sentence. After saying it, Nightingale left without looking back, leaving only Xiao Han behind. Before the nightingale turned and left, Xiao Han still hurriedly glanced, seeing that Nightingale’s face was not very beautiful. , It looked almost the same when it came, and it seemed that Xiao Han was very angry.

However, Xiao Han knows that Nightingale doesn’t always hold grudges. Whether she keeps grudges or not, the next time she sees Xiao Han, she will be sarcastic and sarcasm at every opportunity. Anyway, Nightingale has always been in front of Xiao Han. It's all like this, Xiao Han finally got the upper hand today, and now he feels a little smug.

The crowd of onlookers around gradually dispersed. For them, when they had nothing to do, they watched a lively event to kill time. Together with Xiao Han and Nightingale, Xiao Han and Ye Yu, these three are all sect disciples. The focal figure among them.

Xiao Han is the person with the highest cultivation level and strength among all the sect disciples, and he is considered the focus of the crowd, and Ye Yu and Nightingale are even more incredible.

Originally, the number of sect disciples who entered the Penglai Wonderland together was not large. There were only more than 90 people in the entire secular world. Most of the sect disciples who appeared in Penglai Wonderland were men, and the only female disciples were Emei. Only six people sent.

Among the six female disciples of the Emei school, the most beautiful ones are naturally the two sisters of Yeyu and Nightingale. Another female disciple of the Emei school, Wen Jing, barely managed to rank third, as for the other three. The female disciples of the Emei School are not saying that they are not beautiful. Even in the secular world, their three female disciples are considered to be superior, but they are inferior to Nightingale in Ye Yu.

But now that the most beautiful Nightingale and Ye Yu have contact with Xiao Han at the same time, it is still that kind of unusual contact, which can't help but make people think about it.

Nightingale just came to Xiao Han, not knowing what she was talking about. Anyway, the two people talked for a long time. You must know that Nightingale doesn’t even look at the ordinary sect disciples around, but she actually took the initiative to look for it today. Xiao Han is now, and he is holding Xiao Han's hand to pull Xiao Han away, which shows that the relationship between Xiao Han and Nightingale must be extraordinary.

But just one night, isn't Ye Yu still angry with Xiao Han? Although these onlookers don’t know what the entanglement is between Xiao Han and Ye Yu, the onlookers don’t think so. Compared to Nightingale, the sister Ye Yu is even more aloof, average The sect disciple shouldn’t say a few words to Ye Yu. Even if she looked at the mountain, she would have been excited for a long time, but why did Ye Yu not be angry with other people and be angry with the Chinese zodiac?

This shows that the relationship between Ye Yu and Xiao Han must be extraordinary.

This is a bit interesting. There must be some entanglement between Xiao Han and his sister Nightingale, and judging from what just happened, the relationship between Xiao Han and his sister Nightingale is definitely not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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