The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1112: Reinforcements

Of course, I didn’t know how many people would fall down before Xiao Han joined the battle. If it weren’t for Xiao Han’s arrival, all seven of them would have taken the time to recover to the best state of strength, and a few people might have fallen now. Up.

If it hadn’t been for Xiao Han’s arrival, the seven of them had already experienced many battles, and they had already had a lot of combat experience. When dealing with Tier 1 Devil Spiders, they knew under what circumstances they should attack and what circumstances should retreat. Whether it is when seven people are together or when three people are together, the cooperation between each other is very tacit. I am afraid that this is seven people who can still stand and may not exceed three people.

Before today, they never knew that they themselves could handle so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders, nor did they know that with some simple arrangements, they could actually make hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders lose their combat effectiveness at the same time.

In addition to the more than two hundred first-order demon spiders that were killed on that hillside before, and the more than three hundred first-order demon spiders now trapped in the ground immobile, they are a seven-person "devil-killing team." More than five hundred first-order magic spiders have been solved.

This is a very shocking number. You must know that this is a Tier 1 demon spider with amazing combat effectiveness. There are more than 500 in total. Their "Devil Slayer Squad" only has eight people. They all killed six to seventy first-order demon spiders. If this result is said, it will be enough to make their "Devil Slayer Squad" proud.

Although the situation is critical now, Zhong Xuanhai and the others still hold a glimmer of hope in their hearts. They keep telling themselves that as long as they hold on and hold on again, when Xiao Han regains his strength, today's victory belongs to their "Zhu Devil Team" "of.

"Big Brother!"

At this moment, Ren Nian's roar attracted everyone's minds.

Because Ren Xin was besieged by three or four Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the same time, the weapon in his hand was accidentally knocked off by the thick forelimbs of a Tier 1 Demon Spider.

Among the eight of them, Ren Xin and Ren Nian were originally the two with the lowest cultivation level. Therefore, in this battle, Ren Xin and Ren Nian’s physical strength and spiritual energy were also the first two people to approach their limits. In the previous battle, Ren Xin's back had been injured. In the case of a lot of blood loss, Ren Xin's combat effectiveness was close to the limit, and the whole person was almost at the end of the battle, so this kind of weapon in the hands of the company appeared. Can't control the situation.

Seeing his own brother in danger, Ren Nian's eyes turned red, and a liquid mixed with sweat and blood was flowing on his face. After seeing the weapon in Ren Xin's hand being knocked into the air, his expression became extremely hideous.

Ren Nian went crazy and used the weapons in his hand to slash the first-order demon spiders around him, trying to force the first-order demon spiders around him back, and then pulled out to help Ren Xin resist for a moment.

However, the Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind Ren Nian seemed to have sensed the surrounding movement. A dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders also surrounded Ren Nian Tuan Tuan, seemingly to prevent Ren Nian from daring to go and support them.

Not only was Ren Nian surrounded by Tier 1 Demon Spiders, Zhong Xuanhai and others were also unable to do so. They could only do their best to stop the offensive of those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and there was no way to rush to Ren Xin's side. Go help

Ren Xin’s weapon was knocked into the air, and the whole person was knocked back several meters, and he directly rushed out of the circle of more than a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but he had fallen on the sand, and his whole person was panting. Angrily, the cold sweat on his face was dripping from his face drop by drop, and he was temporarily unable to stand up and fight back.

At this time, Ren Xin knew that he had no way to escape under the siege of Tier 1 Demon Spider. Such a desperate situation made Ren's confidence clear. He grinned, looked at the direction of his own brother, and shouted. "Brother, you have to live well, follow Boss Xiao and walk out of Penglai Wonderland alive!"

At this moment, he had given up the hope of living, even if their boss Xiao joined the battle now, it was too late to come to rescue him.

The two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian were originally responsible for harassing the Tier 1 Demon Spiders at the outermost periphery. Now they were killed by more than a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders. They happened to be at the outermost periphery of the battlefield, the farthest from Xiao Han. It's a battlefield, so even if Xiao Han wakes up from sitting and adjusting his breath, he immediately joins the battle, and now he can't make it to Ren Xin's side to rescue him.

Could it be said that Ren Xin really wants to become the first person to sacrifice in their eight-person "Small Demon Squad"?

Today, it was only the first day that their "Zhu Demon Squad" started fighting. Thinking of this, Ren Xin looked up at the sun in the sky, even in Penglai Wonderland, the sun here is so dazzling and so warm.

Finally, Ren Xin looked at Xiao Han's direction, smiled miserably, and a look of regret appeared in his eyes. Although he was about to die under the siege of the Tier 1 Demon Spider, Ren Xin didn't complain about Xiao Han at all. What he regrets is that he only lost his life on the first day following Xiao Han, and then he can no longer follow Xiao Han again in the Penglai Wonderland.

Not only Ren Nian and Zhong Xuanhai found out about Ren Xin’s situation, even Li Jian, Guo Zimo and others discovered the hungry Renxin’s danger, but no one could get out to rescue him, even Xiao Han. It's too late to fly over now.

It's too late.

At this moment, Zhong Xuanhai, who was fighting the Tier 1 Demon Spider, used the corner of his eyes to see a white figure rushing toward them at an extremely fast speed.

Zhong Xuanhai was stunned for a moment. The whole person almost didn't react. He almost didn't escape the attack of a Tier 1 Demon Spider. Only then did Zhong Xuanhai come back to his senses, which made him even more shocked. At this time, here How could there be other people.

Moreover, judging from the fluttering white dress, the person who came should be a woman. Now in Penglai Wonderland, how could there be a woman.

This was just Zhong Xuanhai’s thoughts at this moment. At that time, he had not yet reacted. He entered the Penglai Wonderland with them. In addition to their large group of male disciples of various sects, all the disciples of the Emei school were They were all women, and the Emei school disciples who came in this time were led by Ye Yu.

Several Tier 1 Demon Spiders around had already rushed up. Seeing that Ren Xin was about to die under the attack of Tier 1 Demon Spiders, when Ren Xin was about to die, a white figure and a handful of dark green suddenly jumped out behind him. Long sword.

The dark green long sword rushed forward with the white figure, and appeared directly in front of the first-order demon spiders, blocking the offensive of the first-order demon spiders, and turned around. , The white figure sent the dark green sword into the body of a Tier 1 Demon Spider.

Before the Tier 1 Demon Spider collapsed to the ground, the white figure sent the dark green long sword into the body of another Tier 1 Demon Spider.

Two Tier 1 Demon Spiders were killed in an instant, and they seemed to be effortless. Who is this man in white?

Ren Xin sat on the ground while the man in white was facing his back, so he could not see the appearance of the man in white, but from the back, he could still tell that this was a woman.

The woman who appeared here? Who is the one? He actually saved his life. Ren Xin stared at the back of the white-clothed man in a daze. He didn't understand that he was dying. How could he suddenly jump out and save his life by himself? ?

The white-clothed man is now standing on the back of the first-order demon spider that has just been slain. It seems to be oppressed by the momentum of the white-clothed man. The dozen first-order demon spiders that originally surrounded Ren Xin stopped unexpectedly. After attacking, he slowly backed away a few steps, seeming to have some fear for the man in white.

From the perspective of Ren Xin, I can’t see the appearance of the man in white, but from the perspective of Zhong Xuanhai and others, I can see at a glance that the man in white who rescued Ren Xin is not someone else, it is the night rain of Emei school Once the leader of the Emei faction into the Penglai Wonderland.

He was still on the battlefield, surrounded by more than a dozen Tier 1 magic spiders. Zhong Xuanhai didn’t have time to think about it. He cried out: “Our reinforcements are here, and Boss Xiao has finished adjusting his breath immediately. Let’s work hard together. , Just hold on for a while!"

"it is good!"

Li Jian, Guo Zimo and others were applauded. They also saw that the person who rescued Ren Xin was the Emei Sect's Ye Yu. At this time, they did not have time to think about why Ye Yu appeared here, and they did not have time to go. Thinking about how Ye Yu came, the most important thing now is that Ye Yu rescued Ren Xin and also helped to kill two Tier 1 Devil Spiders. Then there is no doubt Ye Yu came to help them, knowing this. That's enough.

Sure enough, the arrival of Ye Yu only rescued Ren Xin and then helped kill two Tier 1 Demon Spiders, but it gave Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them the confidence and strength as much as Xiao Han's recovery to join the battle. So the spirits of Zhong Xuanhai and the others were lifted up. The battle situation that was only barely supported, unexpectedly showed a turning point after the arrival of the night rain, and Zhong Xuanhai and others began to fight back desperately.

Now that Ye Yu took the shot, she stopped thinking about it so much. After killing the two Tier 1 Demon Spiders and saving Ren Xin, Ye Yu shouted at Ren Xin who was still sitting on the sand: "Still still. What are you doing, why don't you hurry to take a rest!"

With that said, regardless of whether Ren Xin had reacted, Ye Yu rushed into the middle of the dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders again holding the dark green long sword, and started fighting again.

(End of this chapter)

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