Xiao Han kept running around the surrounding area with hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders like this. At the farthest time, it was 20 to 30 kilometers away from the hill where Xiao Han fought with the "Devil Slayer Team" before. At the nearest time, it was at least five or six kilometers away from the hill where he had hidden before.

If you connect Xiao Han's route from beginning to end, you will find that Xiao Han's route doesn't have any tactics at all, and is moving forward purely by Xiao Han's intuition.

Of course, in Xiao Han's eyes, he was not advancing blindly, the route he chose was very particular.

Now that there are hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, Xiao Han’s purpose is very simple, that is, to carry these hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders around in circles, not to really remove those hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. The magic spider was thrown away. For Xiao Han, the hundreds of first-order magic spiders behind him were hundreds of running first-order magic spider inner crystals in Xiao Han's eyes. How could Xiao Han be willing to take so many one? The order magic spider was thrown away.

For Xiao Han, if you really want to get rid of the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, as long as Xiao Han suddenly accelerates and takes out his peak speed, it may only take a short five It might disappear from the front of these hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders within minutes, at most it just consumes more physical strength and spiritual energy.

At least Xiao Han’s purpose is not to get rid of the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, but to ensure safety, with the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him spinning around until Xiao Han is sure. Zhong Xuanhai and others have completed all the arrangements, so Xiao Han can take the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him back.

Now, in order to save energy, Xiao Han chooses the most suitable forward route for running. Xiao Han would not climb the kind of towering sand dunes. As for the wide and deep ravines, Xiao Han would not. To cross, the route he chose was either the sand on the platform, or the small valley between the two dunes, or it was to make two turns around a hill that is neither high nor low at the foot of the mountain. In short, how to run You can run as long as you can save your energy. The hundreds of first-order magic spiders behind you can keep up with Xiao Han.

If Xiao Han wants to get rid of the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, he only needs to find a deep and wide gully to jump over. This way, although he may not be able to remove the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him. Throw it off, but at least it can stretch the distance a bit.

Originally, by extending the tracking distance of the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, Xiao Han would be safer, but Xiao Han still sensibly chose to be flat in order to prevent the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders from falling behind. The route forward.

In addition to the more than a dozen Tier 1 Demon Spiders we encountered before, the team of hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him has become a bit larger. Xiao Han thought about it, taking advantage of the spare energy now, the physical energy consumption is not a lot , I wondered if I should take a turn around the road and see if I could encounter some scattered Tier 1 Demon Spiders and continue to grow the team behind him.

Later, after careful consideration by Xiao Han, after thinking about it, I still think it’s fine. After all, there are already more than 300 Tier 1 magic spiders behind Xiao Han. If there are too many, then Xiao Han told Zhong Xuanhai before. The layout they set may not be enough.

He was too greedy to chew, and Xiao Han understood this shallowly. After thinking about it, Xiao Han gave up this tempting idea.

About half an hour later, now Xiao Han has been running for more than 40 minutes with the hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders behind him. Even Xiao Han has been running with the power of his body. Rarely use the aura in the body, at this time, he is already sweaty and sweaty all over.

Although Xiao Han didn’t run very fast, the pressure brought by the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him was great, not to mention that Xiao Han had to separate a lot of attention to control him and the hundreds behind him. Only the distance between the first-order demon spiders, try to keep the distance between him and the hundreds of first-order demon spiders within a range of about 100 meters, so although Xiao Han’s running speed is not going all out That kind, but Xiao Han's current state is much more tired than when he took Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them to the hill before.

Moreover, Xiao Han is not only distracted and paying attention to the movement behind him, but also spends a lot of energy to prevent the scattered first-order magic spiders that may appear in front of him, to prevent himself from running and jumping into a dozen. Only even in the arms of dozens of Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

As a result, although Xiao Han's running speed was much slower than when he took Zhong Xuanhai and other seven people to the hill before, his physical exertion did increase a lot.

So now Xiao Han just ran for a little more than forty minutes with the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, but Xiao Han's stamina was already a little bit blue and yellow.

At this time, there are still fifteen minutes left before the time agreed upon by Xiao Han and Zhong Xuanhai and others. Xiao Han has been paying attention to where he is. He knows that he is only ten minutes away from the previously agreed position with Zhong Xuanhai and others. The journey is indeed too early to go back now, that is to say, Xiao Han has to hold on again.

Although Xiao Han has paid great attention to choosing the route, try to ensure that there are no scattered first-order demon spiders in front of him, but after running all the way, Xiao Han still encountered several waves of first-order demon spider teams. .

Fortunately, the number of Tier 1 Demon Spiders Xiao Han encountered later was not very large. Except for the first dozen or so, the rest were basically six, eight, or two and four. For Xiao Han, the number did not pose any threat.

Once Xiao Han discovered that a Tier 1 Demon Spider appeared in front of him, regardless of whether he encountered two or four, or whether he encountered six or eight, Xiao Han chose to take a detour. Once the scattered first-order demon spiders spotted Xiao Han's figure, they would immediately follow Xiao Han's figure.

However, as these scattered first-order demon spiders chased Xiao Han's figure and merged into the large army that followed Xiao Han, the number of first-order demon spiders following Xiao Han was increasing, and it was estimated that the first order Breaking through the number of four hundred, such a large group of Tier 1 magic spiders followed Xiao Han, and the scene was very spectacular.

Xiao Han estimated in his mind that the arrangements he had set up before should barely be able to eat these four hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders. If there were more, it would be impossible to estimate.

The arrangement Xiao Han gave to Zhong Xuanhai and others before was originally arranged according to the number of more than 300. If the number exceeds too much, it is likely to cause trouble, so Xiao Han also feels a little worried. If you encounter Tier 1 Demon Spiders on the way down the road, if the number is increasing, then even if Xiao Han took all the Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, he might not be able to carry so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders. If all the magic spiders are eaten, it may be counterproductive, leaving Xiao Han and the eight of them in a hurry to cope.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han secretly prayed in his heart that no other Tier 1 Demon Spiders should appear next. The four hundred Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him are enough for Tier One. If there are more, then good things will come. It became a bad thing.

Now the time has exceeded forty-five minutes, and Xiao Han can go back with the 400 Tier 1 magic spiders behind him as long as he persists for another five minutes.

Xiao Han’s current physical exertion is very heavy, and from time to time he needs to use the spiritual energy in his body to support it. At this time, Xiao Han can clearly hear his heavy breathing, and the sweat on his face is constantly flowing. .

Xiao Han’s current running speed is not too slow. The main reason for such a large consumption is related to the overall environment. Xiao Han’s mind has always been in a state of extreme tension, so the spirit of Xiao Han is better than It was much bigger when used for driving.

Except for this reason, Xiao Han still had reservations when he was running. After all, he is now responsible for taking the 400 first-order demon spiders behind him around, not waiting for him to bring them to Zhong Xuanhai. They were over there, and after reaching the destination, Xiao Han would immediately enter a fighting state.

The arrangements Xiao Han confessed to Zhong Xuanhai and the others are used to deal with most of the first-order magic spiders, and there is no guarantee that all the first-order magic spiders will be fooled. The rest of the fish that slip through the net have to rely on Xiao in the end. Han and others killed them with their hands.

The four hundred Tier 1 magic spiders following Xiao Han now exceed the number originally planned by Xiao Han, which means that at the end of the day, there will definitely be a lot of fish slipping through the net, Xiao Han and the eight of them would definitely consume a lot of energy to beheaded.

There are still five minutes left. Xiao Han is now circling around a large mountain. Xiao Han estimated in his heart, the time he would circle around the foot of this mountain. It took about one and a half minutes, that is to say, Xiao Han took the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him three times, and he could almost go back with the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him.

Just as Xiao Han was circling around with hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders behind him, several figures appeared on a higher mountain in the distance, and they just happened to be killed on the top of that mountain. Several Tier 1 magic spiders are now cleaning the battlefield.

Judging from the figure, the figures of these figures look like women.

Among the more than 90 disciples of various sects who entered the Penglai Wonderland, only Ye Yu of the Emei school and five of her junior sects were women, and the other more than 80 disciples of the sect were all men.

(End of this chapter)

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