No matter what Li Jian and the seven people thought, they still couldn't figure it out. Xiao Han actually started practicing without a teacher.

Zhong Xuanhai smiled and said, "Li Jian, you have finished asking your questions. It should be my turn now?"

Li Jian curled his mouth and muttered: "You ask, but I didn't stop you from asking!"

Zhong Xuanhai ignored him, and then looked at Xiao Han and asked, "Boss Xiao, why do you think this trip to Penglai Wonderland can you go out alive?"

As soon as Zhong Xuanhai's words fell, several other people also looked solemn, yes, this time in Penglai Wonderland, among the more than ninety people who entered Penglai Wonderland together, how many people can go back alive?

This is a problem that everyone cares about. It’s just now that they have just entered the Penglai Wonderland. It has only been a day or two until now. Although they know that the exit of Penglai Wonderland will not open until a year later, it’s also very good to think about it. It's melancholy.

Before, Xiao Han had told everyone that if you want to survive the danger of Penglai, you must first meet a prerequisite, that is, when the exit of Penglai Wonderland is opened, you must cultivate to the cultivation base of the god-transforming stage, or else Even if the exit of Penglai Wonderland is opened, without the cultivation base of the transformation stage, one can only stare at the exit and stare at the exit. Without the strength of the transformation stage, it is impossible to touch the exit at all, because the exit of Penglai fairyland is Just like the entrance, they are all in the midair of Penglai Wonderland. Without the strength of the Deity Transformation Stage, they would not be able to fly into the void or fly up the magic weapon.

In addition to the harsh conditions at the exit of Penglai Wonderland, the situation in Penglai Wonderland is also very dangerous. It is not only as simple as magic spiders, but there are evil spirits wandering around at night. Three months later, the demon clan’s The forces will appear in the Penglai Wonderland, and then it will be extremely dangerous.

And what they are encountering now is only Tier 1 Demon Spiders. So far, Zhong Xuanhai and the others have encountered Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and Tier 2 Demon Spiders have not yet appeared, but Tier 1 Demon Spiders have already gone to the clock. Xuanhai and the others are struggling to kill, but they don't know how powerful the second-order demon spider is.

Although the purpose of everyone entering Penglai Wonderland is similar, the more than 90 sect disciples who entered Penglai Wonderland think about the same, they all want to find some inheritance and opportunities left by the predecessors in this Penglai Wonderland. , By the way, take this opportunity to sharpen your cultivation base and see if you can improve your cultivation level within a year of Penglai Wonderland.

As for whether you can bring back the neon feathers of Penglai Island, that’s the next thing. After all, among the more than 90 sect disciples who came in, none of them came specially to find neon feathers for Penglai Island, including Xiao Han. Yes, when Lu Xuan found him and invited him into Penglai Wonderland, the reason Xiao Han agreed to come down was because he wanted to try his luck in Penglai Wonderland, and see if he could find some treasures of heaven and earth or the predecessors left. Inheritance and the like, by the way, sharpen your own cultivation. In addition, when Xiao Han entered the Penglai Wonderland, it happened to be at the peak of the Yuan Ying Period, so Xiao Han also wondered if he came to Penglai Wonderland. Tone, see if you can find an opportunity to break through, break through the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, and step into the cultivation base of the God-Transforming Stage.

Whether you can walk out of the Penglai Wonderland alive, this is a question that everyone is very concerned about. The reason why Zhong Xuanhai and others are willing to follow Xiao Han, except because Xiao Han has the highest cultivation level among all people, the most important thing is The reason is that Zhong Xuanhai hopes that Xiao Han will take them to continuously improve their realm, striving to enter the stage of transformation when the exit of Penglai Wonderland opens a year later, so that he can return alive.

That’s why Zhong Xuanhai asked, because Zhong Xuanhai himself was not sure whether he could cross three small realms from the peak of the Golden Core Stage and directly cultivate to the cultivation base of the God-Transforming Stage in one year. After all, only one year. Don’t say it’s in the Penglai Wonderland, if it’s in the secular world, let alone a year, even if it’s ten years, Zhong Xuanhai is not sure that he will be able to cultivate from the peak of the Golden Alchemy Stage to the Transcendental Stage. .

Xiao Han looked at Zhong Xuanhai and the others and smiled, and then said: "Actually, for me, I am not worried about whether I can get out of Penglai Wonderland alive a year later. What I am worried about now is that I can get out of Penglai Wonderland. How many good things to take away!"

Zhong Xuanhai smiled bitterly: "Boss Xiao, of course you are different. You are now at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and you are only one step away from the God Transformation Stage. Let alone a year, even three months. It is very possible to cultivate to the God-Transforming Stage, but we are different. Just like me, it’s just the strength of the Golden Core Stage peak realm. Moreover, if you want to cultivate to the God-Transforming Stage within a year, the difficulty is Not so big!"

Then Zhong Xuanhai pointed to the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian, and then said: "I'm fine, although I don't have much confidence, but as long as you follow Boss Xiao, there is still hope that you can cultivate to the stage of transformation within a year, but Like the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian, they just entered the Golden Core Stage before entering the Penglai Wonderland. If you want them to also cultivate from the early Golden Core Stage to the God-Transforming Stage within a year, it is almost It's just impossible!"

After Zhong Xuanhai finished speaking, not only Ren Xin and Ren Nian nodded, but Guo Zimo and Li Jian, Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang also nodded frequently. After all, this matter is related to their vital interests. , And the reason why they chose to follow Xiao Han is to hope that Xiao Han will take them out of Penglai Wonderland alive.

At least last night they chose to follow Xiao Han because the masters of Wudang Sect's Ye Longxuan and other famous sects were not willing to take them, and the sect that Zhong Xuanhai and others belonged to sent them alone. In this Penglai Wonderland, if you don’t find a more powerful team, let alone walk out of Penglai Wonderland alive, it’s still a question of whether you can live in Penglai Wonderland for half a year. It is impossible to really be like Tian Daren and Zhang Qi. Wait for death at the meeting point?

Xiao Han also knew that this issue was the most concerned issue of Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them. After thinking about it, Xiao Han said solemnly: "Everyone, I know you still have doubts about whether you can break through a small realm within three months. , Not to mention that you have cultivated to the stage of transformation within a year. In fact, I can feel your worries. If it were not in the world of Penglai Wonderland, Xiao Han would not dare to say such things. Today, only the eight members of our Zhan Demon squad were present, so I can tell you the truth. In fact, the sentence I said last night is not allowed to be cut, it contains a little bit of water."

Hearing this, Li Jian was taken aback. Xiao Han actually said that what he said last night contained a little bit of water? So which sentence? Isn't it the sentence that brings all people to a small level within three months?

Not only Li Jian, but even Zhong Xuanhai's heartbeat could not help speeding up a bit. Suddenly a hint of an unknown premonition emerged in the psychology of Zhong Xuanhai and others. Xiao Han wouldn't always be talking about people with empty words?

It seems that he has guessed what Zhong Xuanhai and others are thinking. Xiao Han waved his hand and smiled: "Don’t be nervous, I don’t mean what you think. I mean, what I said last night: I have Surely, within three months, all of you will rise to a small level. In fact, to be truly rigorous, this sentence is not suitable for everyone present!"

At this moment, Zhang Qiang, who has never spoken much, frowned, took a deep breath, and then asked melancholy: "Boss Xiao, you mean that among the seven of us, not everyone is It can be raised to a Xiao realm in three months, right? For example, two brothers like me and Ren Xinnian, because the cultivation realm is too low, and our talents and roots are not outstanding, there may be no way to improve Raise a small level in three months, right?"

Before Zhang Qiang could finish speaking, Li Jian, Yan Lingmin and others had a complex look on their faces. From their point of view, Xiao Han's meaning was already obvious, that is to say, among the seven people present, Not everyone can rise to a small level within three months.

In their opinion, the reason why Xiao Han said that last night was undoubtedly because there was some exaggeration in it. After all, Xiao Han might have said this in order to give the eight of them a little more confidence.

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that Zhang Qiang had misunderstood his meaning, and he looked at Zhong Xuanhai and others, and found that from their expressions, they seemed to have the same idea as Zhang Qiang.

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a smile: "Where did you think of it? Don't get me wrong, first listen to me and say everything!"

Li Jian said anxiously: "Boss Xiao, what do you mean, you can tell me, I'm almost anxious!"

Before Xiao Han could speak, Zhong Xuanhai hurriedly persuaded him: "Don't interrupt, just now we interrupted Boss Xiao's words. You are anxious to use it, keep quiet, and listen to Boss Xiao first. Finish talking!"

"That's right, I was interrupted by you before I finished talking, and now you, Li Jian, blame me on my head!"

Then, Xiao Han continued to explain: “On the contrary, the reason why I said that what I said last night does not apply to everyone present is because you have different levels of cultivation among the seven of you. The difference between the two will lead to a different level of cultivation time. To be precise, this sentence should be like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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