Seeing Zhong Xuanhai and others with their heads lowered in contemplatives, Xiao Han knew that his words had successfully aroused the thoughts of Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them. Xiao Han was only in charge of throwing bricks and attracting jade, as to whether they could absorb something from the entire battle. , The next thing depends on their own.

Although it has only been a few hours from the assembly point to the present, they have experienced several battles in the process, not only the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian, but also Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo. Both people feel that they have benefited a lot, not to mention the others. They have all learned a lot of experience and lessons in the battle, and they have benefited a lot.

Now, Zhong Xuanhai and others were touched by Xiao Han’s words, and they all fell into contemplation. They began to slowly review the previous battle scenes in their hearts, just like Xiao Han said. Looking back, they really found themselves Many experiences and lessons can be learned from it.

After a while, Zhong Xuanhai was the first to come back to his senses. After some meditation, Zhong Xuanhai found that during the entire battle, not only his cultivation level had been tempered, but also his body and fighting style. The real progress can be described as a lot of benefit.

After Zhong Xuanhai reacted, he arched his hands at Xiao Han and said with a serious face: "Thank you, Boss Xiao for reminding!"

Next, not only Zhong Xuanhai, but Guo Zimo, Li Jian and others also arched their hands at Xiao Han, and then said according to Xiao Han: "Thank you, Boss Xiao for reminding!"

"It's a small matter. We are all grasshoppers on the same boat now. You are getting stronger and stronger, and my pressure is much less!" Xiao Han waved his hand with a smile, indicating that they are welcome.

Xiao Han has had unique insights into learning and growth since the founding of the Hanmen training class. This was the case when he taught the students of the Hanmen training class, and now he is taking the seven sect children into the Penglai Wonderland. It is the same whether it is learning knowledge or practicing. You must be good at summing up and reflecting on yourself frequently, so that you can go further on the road of learning or the road of practice.

Next, Zhong Xuanhai said to Guo Zimo and others: "I just thought about it. I think what Boss Xiao said before is quite right. The seven of us can actually cooperate better during the battle. I want to take advantage of this. At this time, let’s sum up with everyone in today’s battle with those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, where we can do better, and where we can continue to develop!"

Then, Zhong Xuanhai pulled the six members of their group together, and began to study the tactics and methods used in the battle with the first-order demon spider. Zhong Xuanhai used his hands to paddle on the sand from time to time. Guo Zimo and others listened carefully to Zhong Xuanhai's explanation, and others also made one or two opinions from time to time.

Seeing that they had entered the state, Xiao Han was relieved that there can be no only one leader in a team, sometimes one or two middle-level leaders are needed, so that the leader can concentrate on controlling the direction of the entire team. , Without being consumed by some trivial matters.

And Xiao Han knew that he couldn’t stay by Zhong Xuanhai and the others all the time. After they grew up, they should also be allowed to spend a period of time alone in the Penglai Wonderland, leaving Xiao Han’s own protection. Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them will go further.

At this time, Xiao Han became a qualified listener. He also sat next to him and listened carefully to the research and discussion of Zhong Xuanhai and others. It was only in Zhong Xuanhai that they encountered something that they didn't understand or encountered. When things couldn't be solved, Xiao Han would insert a sentence or two at the right time, driving Zhong Xuanhai and the others to have a clearer thinking. The battle formation most suitable for the seven of them was slowly researched by Zhong Xuanhai and the others.

About ten minutes passed, Zhong Xuanhai and others slowly discussed the results, Guo Zimo and Li Jian, Ren Xin and Ren Nian all had excited expressions on their faces.

Xiao Han mentioned earlier that before going out, Zhong Xuanhai and others need to complete two things. The summary and review of the first thing have been completed. What is the next thing?

Li Jian hurriedly asked: "Boss Xiao, we have summarized and reviewed it. You said that we need to complete two things before we can go out. Now that the first thing has been completed, what is the second thing?"

Yan Lingmin smiled and asked, "Yes, yeah, what's the second thing?"

The first thing Xiao Han said benefited them a lot, so what would the second thing Xiao Han pointed out?

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "The second thing is much simpler than the first thing. Before we leave here, the second thing I hope you will accomplish is that you all take a nap in this cave. Yes, it's a nap, and when you are all awake, we can get ready to go out!"

take a nap?

Did Xiao Han mean to let them take a nap?

Why take a nap for this kind of thing? Is it so necessary?

Zhong Xuanhai and the others looked at Xiao Han with some doubts. They haven't thought of the real purpose of Xiao Han's arrangement.

As he said, Xiao Han just smiled, then leaned his back against the cave wall, put his hands behind his head, just closed his eyes and started to rest.

But thinking about it carefully, Zhong Xuanhai and the others reacted. Xiao Han's doing this is quite reasonable.

All eight of them had experienced several battles this morning. During this process, their physical strength and spiritual energy had been overdrawn several times, and the whole battle process was exhausted.

Although they have both swallowed the breath-returning pill and refined ten first-order magic spider inner crystals, their physical strength and aura are almost restored, but some fatigue in their minds still exists. After all, today The fighting in the morning was really fierce. Not only Xiao Han, but even Zhong Xuanhai and the others were the same. They had never experienced such intense life-and-death fighting, nor had their bodies appeared so big in such a short period of time. Consumption.

Xiao Han is okay. Whether in the soul orb world or in the ghost domain, Xiao Han often encounters such fierce life and death struggles. Xiao Han has long been accustomed to it, but in this intense battle After that, sitting in meditation and adjusting your breath, or taking a nap, are the best methods Xiao Han uses to restore energy.

Before, Xiao Han had always been responsible for paying attention to the movements outside, and the time spent sitting and adjusting his breath was not very long, so Xiao Han felt that the fatigue in his body had not been eliminated, and he could just take advantage of the time for a nap. Recover it.

Although these eight of them are all Qi refiners with a high level of cultivation, some human behaviors and habits that have been passed down from ancient times still exist. The reason why Xiao Han asked everyone present to take a nap is to hope that through sleep, Let everyone eliminate all physical exhaustion and use the best state to participate in the next battle.

Having figured this out, Zhong Xuanhai and others also feel that it is necessary to take a nap at this time, and since Xiao Han said, after a nap, he will prepare to go out from here, but the outside is still surrounded. Hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders refused to leave. Under this circumstance, Zhong Xuanhai and others didn’t need to think about it and knew that when they went out, they would definitely go through a vigorous battle. Taking a nap is a necessary thing.

Thinking of it, Zhong Xuanhai and the others also followed Xiao Han's appearance, adjusted their clothes, and slept against the wall of the cave.

Soon after, not only Xiao Han fell asleep, but even Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian, Guo Zimo and others slept very sweetly. Fortunately, among the eight of them, Xiao Han did not sleep like snoring people. Otherwise, the grunts would spread out in waves, maybe they would have been noticed by hundreds of Tier 1 demon spiders outside, and they would directly step on Xiao Han's hiding place on the ground.

I don’t know how long it took before Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes. Although I don’t know what time it is, Xiao Han estimated that he should have been asleep for an hour. When he woke up, he originally had a body. The trace of fatigue in it was also wiped out. Xiao Han now felt that he could be regarded as truly refreshed and energetic.

Xiao Han sat up, only to realize that besides himself, Zhong Xuanhai had also woken up early. After seeing Xiao Han, Zhong Xuanhai smiled at Xiao Han and said hello. It seemed that Zhong Xuanhai was also resting. It is very good, the whole person is full of energy, and he can't see the tired look before.

Except for Xiao Han and Zhong Xuanhai, everyone else was still asleep. Xiao Han took advantage of this opportunity to confess something to Zhong Xuanhai alone. After all, Zhong Xuanhai is the leader of their group, and some things must be advanced. Tell him clearly.

Xiao Han thought for a while, beckoned to Zhong Xuanhai and signaled Zhong Xuanhai to come to his side. Zhong Xuanhai knew that Xiao Han must have something to confess to him, so he silently moved to Xiao Han's side. .

After today’s battle, Zhong Xuanhai now admires Xiao Han very much, and also very much for Xiao Han’s accident and brains. At least after a short day of getting along, Zhong Xuanhai now feels like he is following Xiao Han. This kind of person is still very promising. In today's form, he can kill so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders every day, and it is quite possible to raise a small realm within three months.

(End of this chapter)

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