The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1086: Good news and bad news

As for escape?

With so many Tier 1 demon spiders surrounding here, it is difficult for Xiao Han and the eight people to escape, unless Xiao Han ignores the life and death of Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo and only runs away. Maybe Xiao Han might have a chance to escape.

Along with the hills where the corpses of the first-order demon spiders were piled up, more and more first-order demon spiders gathered, and those first-order demon spiders that had surrounded the front were slowly moved forward by the first-order demon spiders coming from behind. Squeeze, and the Tier 1 Demon Spiders in front desperately backed up, so the situation on the field seemed a little messy.

Although the people who were tracking before have been lost, it is strange that these first-order demon spiders obviously want to come forward and check it out, but few first-order demon spiders dare to climb to that first-order demon spider. Take a look at the hills where the bodies are piled up.

It seems that looking at the corpses of the first-order demon spiders piled up in front of them, the smell of the same kind exuded around them, all the first-order demon spiders have a sense of fear in their hearts, which makes them not dare to really go forward. .

Xiao Han waited for a long time. The Tier 1 Demon Spiders outside had no other reaction. It seemed that Xiao Han and the others would hide under so many Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses. Xiao Han was relieved now, but it looked like it was outside. These hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders didn’t seem to want to leave. Although they did not attack the hill on which Tier 1 Demon Spider’s corpses were piled up, or encircle them to investigate, there were hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders. The magic spider has been guarding here, surrounding Xiao Han and their hiding places.

In this way, how did Xiao Han and the others leave the "Devil Slayer Squad" of eight people? Is it hard to break?

At least now Xiao Han has not thought of a way. Since the Tier 1 Demon Spiders outside just surrounded the area without launching an attack, then at least Xiao Han and the others are safe now. Thinking of this, Xiao Han finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the situation will not deteriorate in a short time.

Next, Xiao Han also sat cross-legged on the sand. Although he did not close his eyes and began to adjust his breath, as Xiao Han has been urging the trace of aura remaining in the body to circulate in the body, returning to the medicine of Qi Pill The effect is slowly reflected.

At the beginning, there was only a trace of aura in Xiao Han's body. Slowly, that trace of aura met the aura that was replenished from the Qi Qi Dan. The two auras merged and circulated continuously in Xiao Han's body, plus the return qi. The medicinal effect of the pill is constantly working, and the aura in Xiao Han's body is getting more and more, which makes Xiao Han feel that his whole body is full of power again.

During the next time, Xiao Han was paying attention to the movement outside while running the aura in his body, and Zhong Xuanhai and others did the same. They had been sitting still and adjusting their breath, and there were eight long breathing sounds in the entire cave. Outside, there were only the hissing of the first-order demon spiders coming in from outside from time to time.

Although Xiao Han did not close his eyes and sit still and adjust his breath, the aura that gradually became more abundant in his body still made him feel at ease. The only flaw is that there are now hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders gathered outside. Up to now, these Tier 1 Demon Spiders have gathered. There is no meaning to retreat.

Xiao Han hasn't figured out how to leave here for the time being, and his strength hasn't fully recovered yet. Now he has to consider the immediate problem first, and find a way to return to the peak state as soon as possible.

After a few minutes, Zhong Xuanhai and the others finished adjusting their breaths and completely absorbed the energy-returning pills they swallowed, replenishing part of the aura consumed in the body. They all opened their eyes one after another, and they looked good. After a lot, the whole person has become more energetic, even the eyes are more energetic.

Seeing Xiao Han sitting there cross-legged, Zhong Xuanhai, Li Jian and others moved their bodies forward to get closer to Xiao Han.

Then Zhong Xuanhai asked gently: "Boss Xiao, how is the situation outside now!"

Just now Zhong Xuanhai and others have been concentrating on sitting and adjusting their breaths, so they don’t know much about the situation outside. When Zhong Xuanhai started sitting and adjusting his breath, Xiao Han was paying attention to the movements outside, and he opened his eyes again when Zhong Xuanhai finished adjusting his breath. After that, Xiao Han still didn't adjust his breath, which means that Xiao Han has been paying attention to the movement outside, and it can be regarded as a check for everyone.

Xiao Han smiled at Zhong Xuanhai and the others, then said softly: "There is a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Li Jian was taken aback for a moment. It seems that the outside situation is not very optimistic, but at least Xiao Han can still laugh now, which means that the situation has not reached that point. After thinking about it, Li Jian smiled: "Boss Xiao, you Let's say the good news first! Let us be happy too!"

Xiao Han nodded and said, "The good news should have been guessed. At least until now, the Tier 1 Devil Spiders outside have not attacked us, which means that the eight of us are safe for the time being! "

Li Jian nodded, thinking this is indeed good news. At least eight of them have been hiding here and have not been discovered by the Tier 1 Demon Spiders outside, or the Tier 1 Demon Spiders outside have found their tracks, but I don’t know how to attack. After all, the things outside are Tier 1 Demon Spiders, not humans. There are so many Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses piled on top of their heads, unless they find a way to move those Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses. , Otherwise all eight of them are safe.

Li Jian then asked, "Boss Xiao, what about the bad news?"

Xiao Han smiled and said: "The bad news is similar to the good news. Although the Tier 1 Demon Spiders outside have not attacked us until now, they have not responded otherwise. It seems that they are not going to retreat. There are hundreds of them. The Tier 1 Demon Spider keeps guarding outside, it may be more difficult if we want to go out!"

Li Jian and the others nodded, thinking that it was really bad news. Although the eight of them were safe for the time being, there were hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders outside, so how could they get out?

If the hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders do not retreat, then the eight of them will have no way to get out. Even if all eight of them have recovered to their peak state, their physical strength and aura in the body are completely restored, it may not be possible. Out of the circle of hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

It seems that the bad news is as bitter as the good news.

Seeing Li Jian and Zhong Xuanhai's faces a little dignified, Xiao Han laughed softly: "Don't worry, at least we are safe now. Besides, the most important thing for us now is to feel our strength. As for how to show up, wait until Let's talk about it after we have all recovered our strength!"

After thinking about it, there is no other way now. At least they have not fully recovered their strength. Just now Li Jian and others have swallowed a Qi-Returning Pill, which only replenishes half of the spiritual energy consumed in the body.

Xiao Han then took out the ten first-order magic spider inner crystals from the Qiankun bag, and then said: "I will figure out how to get out. Since we are safe for the time being, don't think so much, let's first The inner crystals of these first-order demon spiders have been refined, and after we have recovered our strength, we will have a long-term plan!"

Li Jian, Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others nodded, and stopped thinking about the ones that were missing. They also took out the ten Tier 1 Demon Spiders that Xiao Han had previously assigned from the Universe Bag. Prepared to refine these first-order magic spider inner crystals in order to restore strength as soon as possible.

At this moment, Li Jian suddenly remembered something, after thinking about it, he decided to say it first, "Boss Xiao, when you just arranged for me to fetch these first-order magic spider inner crystals, I took it and counted it. In the place where you were fighting, in addition to the 80 Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystals that I have brought back, there are also 30 Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses. The two brothers Ren Nian were dragged away. In addition, there are six Tier 1 demon spiders left where you fought before. I did not go to the inner crystal and were not dragged away. In other words, Boss Xiao, you were A total of 116 Tier 1 Demon Spiders were killed in the battle!"


As soon as Li Jian's words fell, there was a sudden sound of inhalation in the cave. These were the amazement of Zhong Xuanhai, Guo Zimo and others at the number of first-order demon spiders killed by Xiao Han.

One hundred and sixteen Tier 1 demon spiders were killed by Xiao Han alone, and they were all concentrated in about an hour, which means that Xiao Han had almost nothing in the course of these battles. Get enough rest.

Although Zhong Xuanhai and the others had been mentally prepared before, Xiao Han was so awkward, his record must be extraordinary, but when they knew from Li Jian's mouth clearly how many Tier 1 demons Xiao Han killed They were still taken aback when spiders.

One hundred and sixteen first-order magic spiders were killed by Xiao Han alone. This was a terrifying record.

Don't say one hundred and sixteen first-order demon spiders, but instead of one hundred and sixteen pigs, one will have to stab one hundred and sixteen, right?

"Boss Xiao Han, I am convinced of you now. I killed 116 first-order demon spiders by myself. If I say it, no one will believe it!"

"Yeah, Boss Xiao, are you too perverted? Can one person kill one hundred and sixteen demon spiders?"

"Hey! It seems that the total number of first-order demon spiders killed by the seven of us is not necessarily that the number of first-order demon spiders killed by Xiao Bo alone is too large!

Xiao Han waved his hand to prevent Yan Lingmin and the others from continuing to speak, and then said: "Who said that the seven of you did not have as many Tier 1 Demon Spiders as I killed? Besides, today's game is not over yet! Now it’s a bit early to say who loses and who wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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