Seeing that Xiao Han had repeatedly emphasized it several times, Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang couldn't express their denials, so they had to follow Xiao Han's words and directly piled the corpses of the Tier 1 Demon Spiders that were dragged over by the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian around the entrance of the cave.

In this way, Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang piled up a hill above and around the entrance of the cave in a short period of time, but there was no sign of collapse at the entrance of the cave.

Yan Lingmin looked at the current entrance of the cave in astonishment. He scratched his head and cried out strangely: "Hey Boss Xiao, you are also a god, why do you insert a forelimb here and nail a forelimb there? Swing it up, how can the cover that I made for a long time bear such a heavy weight? It's really weird!"

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and was not ready to break it. After all, Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang were gas refiners, and they were not professionals in mechanics or engineering. Even if Xiao Han explained it, they might not understand Xiao Han. The terminology of mechanics and engineering.

Xiao Han saw that the time was almost up, and Ren Xin and Ren Nian were still dragging the surrounding first-order demon spider corpses here, and the first-order demon spider corpses around the entrance of the cave were almost piled up, except for Xiao Han. In addition to some remaining Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses in the places where they fought before, almost all Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses in other places were dragged over by the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian.

And even in the places where Xiao Han had fought before, there were some leftover first-order demon spider corpses, and most of those corpses were the corpses of the first-order demon spider inner crystal that Li Jian had broken through.

Things here have basically been completed, and now waiting for Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai to return, Xiao Han can take everyone to hide in the hole dug in advance.

Xiao Han looked around and found that wherever he could see, he could see a black line faintly appearing in the distance. As soon as he ate it, the smoke was getting closer and closer. The black line in the line of sight was not Other things were caused by the hundreds of first-order demon spiders spreading out flat. Although it is not very long, the hundreds of first-order demon spiders passing through the sand at the same time, the momentum and movement caused are still extremely shocking. of.

In addition to Xiao Han, the others also looked up, and their expressions changed when they saw the black line that was getting closer and closer.

If the scene where the waves of first-order demon spiders swarmed over was terrible, then the scene where they saw hundreds of first-order demon spiders simultaneously surrounding this hill can only be horrified. Described.

It's more than horror, it is simply too horrible. Just now, waves of Tier 1 Demon Spiders swarmed in. For Yan Lingmin and others, although they had never seen so many Tier 1 Demon Spiders before, they were good or bad. The small teams of first-order demon spiders that came are still appearing one after the other. There will be a few minutes of gap between the two waves of first-order demon spiders, which can be left for them to recuperate and recover a little from the excessively consumed physical strength. And aura.

But now there are hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders here that are about to appear. They are not one after the other. They are almost in a straight line and swarming on the hill where Xiao Han and others are located, probably because each has its own characteristics. Because of the team, these hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders did not gather together, but the reason why they lined up in a line seems to be because each Tier 1 Demon Spider’s team is unwilling to lag behind, regardless of the number. Other teams, so in the process of rushing, these hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders ran into a line.

In other words, these hundreds of first-order demon spiders will almost all reach Xiao Han and the others at the same time, and hundreds of first-order demon spiders will surround themselves at the same time. With such a big momentum and offensive, don’t be here with Xiao Han. There are only eight people, even if there are eighty people on Xiao Han's side, it is inevitable that there will be casualties during the first wave of Tier 1 Devil Spiders.

Not only those Yan Lingmin and others who stood next to Xiao Han saw the hundreds of first-order magic spiders, Li Jian, who was acquiring the first-order magic spiders, had also seen them, and was responsible for leading away the scattered ones. Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai of some of the first-order magic spiders can see clearly.

At this time, Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai were already responsible for diverting the scattered Tier 1 Demon Spiders far away. It has been more than five minutes, and now they have gathered about seven behind them. Eighty first-order demon spiders, in the area close to Xiao Han and others, have now seen one first-order demon spider staying.

Before leaving, Xiao Han had instructed Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai to draw away the surrounding first-order magic spiders. As long as the time lasts for more than five minutes, they can go back. Now Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuanhai have found that they are leaving here. The hundreds of Tier 1 Demon Spiders that are getting closer, that is to say, the task of the two of them has been completed, and it is just time for them to retreat.

Thinking of this, Guo Zimo said loudly: "Old Zhong, we should withdraw it!"

Zhong Xuanhai, who ran wildly in the same direction as Guo Zimo, responded: "The time is indeed almost the end, let's run back together!"

With that said, Zhong Xuanhai's running speed did not decrease at all, but the whole person began to slowly change the running direction, and began to turn slowly in the direction back.

In order to distract these scattered Tier 1 magic spiders, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo swallowed a Qi-Returning Pill before setting off, restoring part of their physical strength and spiritual energy, but their bodies were already I was very tired, but in order to draw away the seventy or eighty Tier 1 magic spiders behind him, the two of them ran desperately from beginning to end, and the exhaustion of physical strength and spiritual energy was huge. Yes, the physical strength and spiritual energy that had been restored by the sudden Qi return pills are now almost consumed.

Fortunately, it's time to retreat now. If we retreat a little later, maybe Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo will lose the strength to run back.

After Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo adjusted their directions, they threw the pole with underwear in their hands to the side, and the two desperately ran to the location of Xiao Han.

Not only Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo have already retreated, even Li Jian, who took the first-order magic spider inner crystal not far away, has finished his work and ran back.

While there is still a little time, Xiao Han commanded Yan Lingmin, Zhang Qiang and others to pile up the remaining dozens of Tier 1 demon spider corpses on the doorway of the small hole reserved by Xiao Han. Xiao Han reserved a portal for everyone to get in. Now after Xiao Han, Yan Lingmin and others have piled up the remaining ten or so Tier 1 magic spiders less than one meter away from the small hole. Look. The look is intended to be used at the entrance of the middle.

Although Yan Lingmin, Zhang Qiang and others did not understand Xiao Han's meaning, they did so without even asking a question.

After everything was done, Yan Lingmin walked to Xiao Han's side and asked, "Boss, can we get in now?"

Xiao Han looked at Li Jian and found that he was about to arrive, but Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo were still a little far away, at least five or six hundred meters away, and it would take a minute or two to get here. .

Xiao Han looked at Yan Lingmin and said, "Yes, you guys go in first. I'll wait for Li Jian, Zhong Xuanhai, and Guo Zimo."

Yan Lingmin turned around and was notifying Ren Xin and Ren Nianlian who were cleaning the battlefield not far away, personally hurried over to enter the cave, but Zhang Qiang, who was standing behind Yan Lingmin, shook his head and said to Xiao Han, "Boss Xiao, I If I don’t go in, I have to wait for you to go in if I want to go in!"

Yan Lingmin was taken aback for a while, then laughed twice, and said with a smile: "That's right, if Boss Xiao doesn't go in, my mother won't go in, and if you want to go in, you will also go in together!"

At this time, Ren Xin and Ren Nian had already walked to Xiao Han's side. Xiao Han smiled and said, "Are you stupid? This hole is so big in total, it can only accommodate one person in and out. The reason I let you go in is I'm afraid that we will have to wait in line for eight people to get in. You go in first. We won't have to wait in line for a while!

Hearing this, Zhang Qiang suddenly realized. Seeing that they were still on the spot, Xiao Han waved his hand and smiled: "Go and go, you guys don't go in now. It's time for eight people to squeeze in the hole and stare. Time is running out. , It’s too late if you don’t go in again!"

Seeing that Xiao Han had said so, Zhang Qiang nodded, and then led the two brothers Yan Lingmin and Ren Xinnian into the hole in line.

Li Jian was previously responsible for taking the inner crystal in the Tier 1 Demon Spider not far away, so he didn’t pay attention to Xiao Han’s movement, but only vaguely opened = Seeing Xiao Han and the others are all the Tier 1 Demon Spiders. The spiders are piled up together, and I don’t know much about Xiao Han’s thoughts, including the big hole that Xiao Han used to do his best before, almost exhausted all the spiritual energy in the body, and used the sky sword to blast out the big hole in the sand. He thought that Xiao Han was planning to dig a hole to bury all the corpses of Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

At that time, Li Jian was still a little puzzled, is Boss Xiao making his head tricky? Now there is still this idle time to dig a hole to help this Tier 1 Demon Spider bury the body?

Besides, the eight first-order demon spiders killed by the eight of them before were not three hundred, but there were more than two hundred. So many first-order demon spider corpses, how big a pit needs to be dug to bury so many first-order demon spider corpses , After all, the body of this first-order demon spider is as big as a grinding disc, plus the stretched limbs and two strong forelimbs, a first-order demon spider occupies a lot of space, not to mention two There are more than a hundred first-order magic spiders.

However, when Li Jian ran back, he was shocked when he saw the pile of Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses piled on the hillside.

(End of this chapter)

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