"Okay! Although the hundreds of first-order demon spiders are coming here soon, we are not unable to deal with it. Now I need two people to stand up and be responsible for attracting those scattered first-order demon spiders. Open it, and the remaining five people stay and follow me to do a great thing here!"

At this moment, Li Jian was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Boss Xiao, are we going to run away, but now we need two people to break up?"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and found that not only Li Jian, but also Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo looked at him suspiciously. It was obvious that not only Li Jian, but also other people thought Xiao Han was going to take them to escape. But now it takes two people to break the post!

Xiao Han was a little bit dumbfounded, but now he couldn't show such a dumbfounded expression. The more critical this critical juncture is, the more relaxed Xiao Han has to be.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "No, we don't need to run, I already have a way to deal with those Tier 1 demon spiders that are about to arrive, maybe we can still sleep beautifully!"

Can you still sleep beautifully?

What is this method? Could it be that Xiao Han is still going to dig a hole to hide all eight of them?

Xiao Han looked at him with doubts and puzzled eyes, and couldn't figure out what Xiao Han was going to do.

Xiao Han waved his hand and said with a serious face: "Now that time is running out, I don't have so much time to explain to you slowly. I now need two people to stand up and do everything possible to get those who will be here soon. The scattered first-order magic spiders are drawn away, and it takes about five minutes to do it!"

Zhong Xuanhai and the seven of them, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t understand what Xiao Han wanted to do to distract the Tier 1 Demon Spiders who were about to rush here, didn’t they want to leave here first?

I can't figure it out, but someone still has to do it.

At this moment, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo took a step forward in unison, and then shouted in unison: "Boss Xiao, I'll go!"

After speaking, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo looked at each other and then grinned at the same time. They didn't expect the other to think of going with them.

Among the eight people present, in addition to Xiao Han's cultivation realm and strength, the cultivation realm and strength of Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo ranked second.

At this time, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, the two ranked second in cultivation realm and strength, did not stand up, should they let the two brothers, Ren Xinnian, who ranked last in cultivation realm and strength, stand up?

Xiao Han took a step forward, walked in front of Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo, stretched out his hand and patted them on the shoulders, and said sternly: "Okay, you two are responsible for doing everything possible to get scattered around. The scattered first-order demon spiders are led away, and then come back quickly. The whole process is best not to exceed five minutes, because I estimate that there will be another seven or eight minutes, and the next few hundred first-order demon spiders should arrive. The foot of the mountain!"

Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zi nodded heavily, and arched their hands at Xiao Han and a few others, saying goodbye to the others. Before leaving, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo simultaneously took out one from the Qiankun bag. Dan came back and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo were just trying their best to distract those Tier 1 Demon Spiders, this task was not easy at all, and they might be blocked by those Tier 1 Demon Spiders.

And now Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo are not in a very good state. They have just experienced four waves of battles. Whether it is physical strength or spiritual energy consumption, the whole person is almost close to the level of exhaustion. , This time to be responsible for leading away those first-order magic spiders, it is extremely dangerous.

It was because Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo also knew that this job was not easy, and now Xiao Han obviously wanted to stay in place to do other important things, so they volunteered to take on the most difficult task.

After Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo left, Li Jian hurriedly asked: "Boss Xiao, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo have all done things, what about us?"

Xiao Han nodded and said sternly: "Okay, you have heard it clearly for me. Now I am going to start arranging the task. I must remember to complete it as quickly as possible. There is not much time left for us!"

Having said that, Xiao Han looked at the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian and said, "Ren Xin and Ren Nian, your two brothers are responsible for dragging all the Tier 1 demon spider corpses around here. The more the better, if there is not enough here. , You drag it where I just fought, and give you a total of five minutes, and drag the corpses of these Tier 1 Demon Spiders as much as you can."


Although I don’t know what Xiao Han wants to do with so many Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses, Ren Xin and Ren Nian know that time is tight now. Since Xiao Han hasn’t stated clearly what to send all Tier 1 Demon Spider corpses over. Useful, then the two brothers didn't ask, but just nodded and turned around and started to work.

Then, Xiao Han turned to face Li Jian, and then said: "Li Jian, this red sword in your hand is relatively sharp. Now I give you a task. Use the sword in your hand to go to the place I just fought. Take out the inner crystals in every Tier 1 Demon Spider. It also takes five minutes. You can take as much as you can, the sooner the better!"


Li Jian arched his hands at Xiao Han, and turned around while holding the Chi Refining Sword in his hand. Xiao Han asked him to go to the place where Xiao Han had just fought to get the Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystal, and Li Jian also turned directly. After running over, taking a Tier 1 Demon Spider Inner Crystal is not a heavy task. Since Xiao Han deliberately and solemnly appointed someone to do this, it shows that this matter must be very important.

Taking out the inner crystals from the corpses of those Tier 1 demon spiders, although Li Jian said that his physical strength and spiritual energy were very exhausted, he was not too small to be unable to do such a small thing, so after receiving Xiao Han’s order, he moved towards Xiao Han ran to the area where Xiao Han had fought before.

Just now Xiao Han told him that Ren Xin and Ren Nian asked Ren Xin and Ren Nian to find as many Tier 1 demon spider corpses as they could. The position began to take the inner crystal from the body of the first-order demon spider, leaving the corpses behind to Ren Xin and Ren Nian.

Ren Xin and Ren Nian had already begun to drag the body of the Tier 1 Demon Spider from the edge of the battle area to the middle.

Besides Xiao Han, there are two people, Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang, who are still standing in place. Seeing that everyone else has tasks and arrangements, only the two of them are still with Xiao Han, Yan Lingmin. I found that Xiao Han was standing in place and turning around a few times, and then he began to observe the surrounding terrain.

Xiao Han was indeed observing the surrounding terrain. To realize the plan in his mind, he had to find a suitable location, so after instructing Li Jian and the others, Xiao Han began to observe the surrounding terrain.

Yan Lingmin saw Xiao Han standing there and spinning around. He didn't understand what Xiao Han was doing now. He saw that everyone else was doing work, but he and Zhang Qiang were still standing there and at a loss. She winked at Zhang Qiang after he lost his sleeves.

Zhang Qiang first gave Yan Lingmin a fierce look, as if he was complaining about Yan Lingmin why he didn't say it, and instead encouraged him to talk to Xiao Han.

Zhang Qiang laughed twice, and then asked: "Boss Xiao, Zhong Xuanhai and Guo Zimo are responsible for leading away those first-order magic spiders, and Li Jian has gone to get the first-order magic spider inner crystals, even willful and Ren Nian. We all have work, do you think Yan Lingmin and me should also arrange something to do?"

Xiao Han was observing the terrain. He only reacted after hearing Zhang Qiang's words. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you will have something to do later. If you are bored, you can First help Ren Xin and Ren Nian to drag the corpses of the first-order demon spiders over and put them together."


Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang responded with a smile, turned around and ran to the two brothers Ren Xin and Ren Nian to help them. Seeing how they looked like they were doing a little bit of work, they felt more at ease. .

After Yan Lingmin and Zhang Qiang had both left, Xiao Han also quickly found a position in his mind that he felt was the most suitable to implement his plan.

It was a small **** not far away, and the sand below the **** fell a little bit, which made the entire **** look steeper than other places. Xiao Han had to walk in this place.

Xiao Han walked to the **** and summoned the Sky Sword. Xiao Han stretched out his hand and grabbed the Sky Sword in his hand. Then the whole person jumped high and aimed at the Sky Sword in his hand. The **** he found just now.

At the moment when Xiao Han fell in midair, Xiao Han bit his teeth and urged the remaining spiritual energy in his body madly. The sword body of the sky sword emitted a dazzling light, and then Xiao Han Han held the sky sword upside down and stabbed it into the sand.

Now this move is almost the strongest one that Xiao Han can use in his current state. The sky sword is shining brightly, and a fierce sword energy rushes straight to the ground.


There was a muffled noise from the sand, and the sword energy of the sky sword hit the sand, forming a deep pit nearly three meters deep on the sand. Because of the angle, the deep pit was slightly inclined toward the mountain, as if It's like a cave dwelling pulled out on a hillside.

Except for a muffled noise, the sandy ground around hundreds of meters trembles slightly. It seems that the power of this move that Xiao Han just used is really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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