The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1055: huge change

Then he discovered that there was a person sitting outside his tent. The person was sitting cross-legged on the sand, with his head drooping, his head lifted up and then slowly drooping. When the drooping reached a certain point, he went down heavily. Then he slowly raised his head again.

Xiao Han looked down and found that this man was Li Jian from the "Devil Slayer Squad". This guy was sitting outside his tent and dozing off. It seemed that this guy was helping himself to protect the law.

Xiao Han's heart warmed. He hadn't really thought that Li Jian would actually think of helping himself out of the tent all night when he was practicing.

Xiao Han still feels very grateful for Li Jian’s behavior. After all, before last night, Xiao Han had no relationship with him. The two sides only verbally agreed to rely on each other, and Xiao Han took Li with him. Jian and the others wandered through the Penglai Wonderland, while Li Jian and the others unconditionally obeyed Xiao Han's arrangement. Last night was the first night they had just met.

Xiao Han turned his head and looked around, and found that the sun hadn't fully risen yet, and the sky was just faintly bright. According to the time in the secular world, the current time should be around five o'clock in the morning. This time period , Most people are still in their sleep, even the practitioners in the training world are no exception. They also follow the work and rest time of sunrise and sunset, so now in this camp, basically No one woke up earlier than Xiao Han.

Seeing Li Jian sitting cross-legged next to his tent dozing off like this, Xiao Han didn't mean to blame at all, but was full of gratitude to Li Jian.

This guy must have not slept well all night. He has been guarding outside his tent. It is only 5 o'clock in the morning anyway, which is just enough for Li Jianhui to sleep well in his tent.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han gently patted Li Jian on the shoulder, and then whispered: "Li Jian, Li Jian, wake up, go back to the tent and sleep. I have finished my training, Li Jian, Li Health"

Li Jian was in his sleep. When he was sleeping sweetly, he suddenly felt someone pat his shoulder. He trembled all over, raised his head with sleepy eyes, and muttered in his mouth: "Who, early in the morning? I’m screaming right here, don’t make me sleep, okay? I’m having a spring dream!"

Xiao Han grinned, then patted Li Jian on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Li Jian, go back to sleep, your mission has been successfully completed!"

Li Jian slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Xiao Han. It took him a long time to recognize that the person standing by his side and patting him on the shoulder was not someone else but Xiao Han, the captain of their "Devil Slayer Team".

Li Jian was so excited that he bounced off the sand and cried out strangely: "Oh, Boss Xiao, I'm sorry, I'm so sleepy that I fell asleep during the night watch! Hey you"

Li Jian hadn't finished speaking yet. When he saw the appearance of Xiao Han standing in front of him clearly, he suddenly cried out strangely: "Oh, boss Xiao, what are you?"

Seeing Li Jian stretched out a finger to point at himself, the expression on his face was very surprised, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight, Xiao Han laughed dumbly: "Why are you making such a fuss? what happened?"

Li Jian explained with a smile: "Boss Xiao Han, why didn't you see you all night, your whole person has become a lot more handsome, what's the matter? How can it be so amazing?"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and joked: "I have become a lot more handsome? Impossible? Could it be that I was not handsome before"

Li Jian hurriedly waved his hand and explained, "Boss Xiao, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that you were not handsome before. It was just a night. Why are you so handsome than before?"

After being praised by a big man that he was a lot more handsome than before, Xiao Han really felt a little bitter to laugh. He patted Li Jian on the shoulder and smiled: "How can you be so exaggerated!"

I don't know that Li Jian still stretched out a finger, pointed at Xiao Han and exclaimed: "Tsk Tsk Boss Xiao Han, how on earth did you do it? Why do you have such a big change in one night, teach me? "

Xiao Han smiled and shook his head, and then said: "You are already handsome, you don't need to be more handsome, otherwise how can you let other ugly people live!"

Li Jian smiled and scratched his head, then smiled: "Boss Xiao, don't make fun of me, don't I know what I look like?"

Xiao Han didn't want to discuss the issue of being handsome or not. He was also going to run a few laps near the camp to move his muscles and bones!

Thinking of this, Xiao Han quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, last night you helped me protect the Fa while practicing. It was a great pain for you. Now that I have collected my work, you can go back to your tent and take a good rest. Up!"

Li Jian waved his hand, and replied with some embarrassment: "Boss Xiao, I think you have misunderstood. I am not the only one responsible for the night watch. Last night we found out that after you practiced, you asked to stay to protect the law except for those who In addition to Li Jian, there are Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuebing. Both of them were on vigil before me. I happened to be the last one. When Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuebing took turns to watch the night, I had already fallen asleep. I feel it!"

Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that in addition to Li Jian, Guo Zimo and Zhong Xuebing were watching outside his tent last night. The three of them actually took turns to watch the night.

Li Jian went on to explain: "Boss Xiao, last night I found out that Guo Zimo, Zhong Xuebing and I were not asleep yet when you were practicing, and the others were already asleep, so the vigil was for the three of us to watch the night in turn! "

Xiao Han patted Li Jian on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you three, you can go back to sleep and get some sleep, I will move my muscles and bones around here!"

Li Jian nodded and smiled: "Okay, then I will go back to sleep, and remember to call me in advance when I am going to leave!"

Xiao Han slowly walked to a clearing not far away, ready to take advantage of this time in the morning to move around here.

After practicing for a whole night last night, Xiao Han only feels that his whole body is full of strength. Besides, he feels a little bit as light as a swallow.

Xiao Han tried to run a few steps, but unexpectedly found that his steps were much lighter, and even when he didn't activate the aura, Xiao Han's speed was not much slower than when he activated the aura.

Xiao Han looked around. Opposite the place where he was standing, there was another small mountain slope. The underground valley was also very deep. The difference between the two sides was at least a thousand meters. Xiao Han roughly estimated that if he urged With a spirit of energy, he ran with all his strength. At this distance of thousands of meters, Xiao Han had to spend at least thirty seconds or more, and an average distance of thirty meters per second. This is the highest level of Xiao Han’s current Nascent Soul Stage peak realm. Faster.

Xiao Han's figure flashed,

The world record for an average person to run a kilometer is two minutes and twelve seconds. This is the fastest speed an average person can achieve. Even if someone can surpass this world record in the future, it will be shortened by one at most. Two seconds per second is definitely not more than three seconds. With Xiao Han's strength in the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, he can cross a distance of 30 meters in one step. It would be absolutely shocking to ordinary people.

If you don't urge any spiritual energy at all, and rely on Xiao Han's current physical speed, how long will it take to cross this distance of thousands of meters?

To be honest, Xiao Han has not done such a test before, nor has he tried to record how long it takes to run a distance of kilometers with his body, but Xiao Han has estimated it, although he is now refining Qi Scholar, all aspects of the body's qualities are better than ordinary people, but it will take at least a minute to run to the opposite hillside. This is already Xiao Han's current limit.

You must know that the person who created the world record for one kilometer is the fastest in the secular world. It takes more than two minutes to run a distance of one kilometer, and Xiao Han runs thousands of times at the speed of his body. Meters, it only takes one minute, which is already quite an amazing speed.

Now from the place where he is standing now, the straight line distance is at least thousands of meters. If you consider that Xiao Han now has to run down to the bottom of the valley, and then run from the bottom of the valley to the top of the hill. The distance may be hundreds of meters farther than the straight-line distance.

In addition, there is another problem that Xiao Han has to consider. This is in the Penglai Wonderland. Xiao Han wants to run to the opposite hillside. The place he passes is not a standard plastic track, but a soft sand. The black fine sand in Penglai Wonderland is similar to the beach in the secular world, except that a lot of the sand in Penglai Wonderland is black.

There is a big difference between running on sand and running on flat ground, that is, the friction on the ground on the two feet is much greater, and the sand is soft, if you step on it gently, it will sink. Less.

As a result, Xiao Han's running speed will be even more affected, and compared to running on flat ground, this speed will be much slower.

Let’s try it first. After practicing the "Eternal Immortal Body" for one night, Xiao Han also wanted to know what kind of difference his body had. Thinking of this, Xiao Han took a deep breath, then shook off his steps and started to go down the hillside. Run away.

With a flash of body shape, Xiao Han disappeared in place, just stepping out, and in the next moment, Xiao Han had appeared dozens of meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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