The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1050: Reiki Retrograde

Xiao Han recalled the practice of "Eternal Immortal Body" more than ten times in his mind, and after confirming that there were no omissions, Xiao Han began to practice "Eternal Immortal Body."

Xiao Han sat cross-legged, then slowly closed his eyes, and then followed the "Eternal Immortal Body" cultivation method, Xiao Han put his hands together, and the fingertips of his ten fingers entangled a rather strange handprint.

At the moment when Xiao Han formed a peculiar handprint in accordance with the practice of eternal immortality, and then urged the whole body's spiritual energy to go retrograde according to the exercise method, Xiao Han's head seemed to burst in half, even in his ears. Think of a roar.

As the aura in Xiao Han's body began to retrograde in the meridians, an unspeakable pain spread from Xiao Han's dantian, and then this pain began to spread throughout Xiao Han's body.

"Ahhh" Xiao Han suddenly couldn't restrain himself, and let out a low roar, like a beast roaring in pain.

With the physical strength and perseverance of the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, he could not stand the pain, and his constant low roar represented Xiao Han's painful death and death, and he could only use this cry similar to groaning. Come to vent.

Xiao Han could not have imagined that the unspeakable pain reminded by the sacred Taoist priest was actually real. No wonder he reminded it several times. Otherwise, with Xiao Han’s strength in the peak realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, a little bit of pain is real. There is no need to specifically emphasize it.

Xiao Han first received a reminder from the Holy Void Taoist in his mind that this process would be very painful when the spiritual energy was retrograde. There was some disapproval in Xiao Han's heart just now, unbearable pain? How painful can it be?

Xiao Han has already felt it really. Now, the blue veins all over his body are violent, and Xiao Han's face is beginning to see puffs of soy-sized cold sweat, slowly flowing down his face, not just In this way, Xiao Han only felt the severe pain from all over his body, like waves of tides constantly scouring the limits of Xiao Han's consciousness.

Xiao Han's eyes are closed now, so he didn't see a weird phenomenon at all. Whether it was on his face or his body, all the sweat coming out of his body was not transparent at all. Beads, but as dark as magic juice, these black sweat beads ooze out from every pore of Xiao Han, coupled with Xiao Han's hideous face and violent blue veins all over, make the whole picture beautiful Unusual horror.

The first realm of "Eternal Immortal Body" is the unsullied golden body, unsullied, referring to the body is clean and unstained. Xiao Han has not noticed the abnormality on the surface of his body. However, Xiao Han is still in the process of cultivation. Can find some changes in your body.

The spiritual energy traveled retrogradely along Xiao Han’s meridians. In addition to the pain that Xiao Han had just become extremely painful, in Xiao Han’s body, a strange force began to slowly fill every inch of Xiao Han’s flesh and blood, although the whole body was painful. Endure, but the feeling brought by that strange power shocked Xiao Han.

However, before Xiao Han showed a hint of joy, the bursts of pain throughout his body occupied all of Xiao Han's consciousness.

It was so painful, Xiao Han had to gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, because he was really too hard, and many joints all over his body were crackling.

Before, Xiao Han's words to the Taoist Holy Void, if he couldn't bear it, his mind might collapse and become a foolish person. Xiao Han was a bit exaggerated. Now Xiao Han knows that the Taoist Holy Void doesn't say anything. exaggeration.

Xiao Han now has no way to use words to describe how painful he really is. He once heard people say that the pain a woman suffers from a fetus in a childbirth is beyond the limit of the human body to describe the maternal love.

Xiao Han didn't know how painful it was for a woman to give birth to a baby, he only knew that he was going to be too painful.

A big man was fortunate enough to feel the pain of a woman giving birth to a baby, and Xiao Han was indeed the first in the world.

There is a chance to feel this kind of pain, but Xiao Han is too late to sigh now, and he is suffering in every corner of his body now, his body trembles involuntarily, his face becomes pale as paper, even his face is somewhat distortion.


A low growl came from Xiao Han's mouth, because he really couldn't bear it.

If other Qi refiners knew that Xiao Han was suffering from such pain, they would definitely ridicule Xiao Han: a big man who was so persuaded that he couldn't bear any pain.

But Xiao Han was really in pain now. Later, his body couldn't help but began to twitch, and he started to have spasms in many parts of his body, plus his face was already extremely distorted and looked abnormally terrifying.


It was late at night, and the surrounding 90-odd sect disciples were almost asleep, and Xiao Han’s low roar began to spread at the assembly point where these sect disciples camped and rested. In the dark night sky, It sounds scary.

But Xiao Han really couldn't stand it before screaming out. This is really the most profound experience of pain!

The heart-piercing pain caused Xiao Han's mind to feel dizzy, and even his consciousness began to become a little fuzzy. Xiao Han even secretly comforted himself in his heart. Maybe he would not feel the pain when he passed out. Up.

In the case of almost fainting, Xiao Han still gritted his teeth. He kept telling himself that he could not faint, and that he must not faint. Just like Shengxu Taoist said, if he fainted, he would really give up his previous work.

Xiao Han continued to operate the spiritual energy in his body in accordance with the "eternal self-cultivation" practice method. In order to get through this stage as soon as possible, Xiao Han continued to press his teeth to activate the method and quickly reverse the spiritual energy steel frame in his body.

However, at the same time, Xiao Han trembled all over, and the incomparable pain appeared in Xiao Han's body more rapidly than before.


Xiao Han gritted his teeth, his whole body trembling constantly, not only to be distracted to urge the method, but also to concentrate on fighting the tide of pain, he finally couldn't bear to roar.

Xiao Han was constantly roaring, his body was shaking constantly, and the veins all over his body were violent. His face was so distorted that he almost couldn't see his original face.

Dou Da's black sweat dripped from Xiao Han's face, leaving black marks on Xiao Han's face, but the black marks on his face made his face pale as paper.

Xiao Han's low roar awakened Li Jian and others from the "Zhu Devil" team sleeping in the surrounding tents. Hearing these low roars, Li Jian and others crawled out of their tent.

Li Jian was the first to rush to the door of Xiao Han’s tent. Standing at the door, Li Jian raised Xiao Han’s tent and was shocked to see Xiao Han’s sight. He never thought that a person could be The pain is tortured like this.

The other members of the "Zhu Devil Team" also looked at each other.

"Boss Xiao, what's going on with you, how come it hurts like this?" Li Jian shouted and rushed in. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Li Jian.

The figure that rushed out grabbed Li Jian, and Li Jian looked back and found that the person holding him was no one else but the Wudang Sect's Yelongxuan.

In addition to Ye Longxuan, standing behind him were many disciples of various martial sects who had just been awakened by Xiao Han's low roar, including Huafeng from Huashan Gate and others.

Ye Longxuan reminded in a low voice: "Can't go there, he is cultivating now!"

Ye Longxuan had already noticed that Xiao Han was doing exercises now, so the best way was not to disturb him.

Practice? Is Xiao Han practicing? How come you have never seen such a practice? The whole person seemed to be suffering, the whole body was dark, as if he had been hit in an inkwell.

He seemed to notice a lot of people standing outside the tent, Xiao Han reluctantly jumped out a few words from his teeth: "Leave me alone, ah"

The current Xiao Han is really terrible, his face is completely distorted and he can't see clearly, his body is constantly shaking, and the veins all over his body violently. The veins are like earthworms all over his body. The pain is almost unable to hold on, but Xiao Han Still barely maintained a cross-legged meditation posture.

Seeing that Xiao Han's pain became like this, Li Jian and others' complexions became a little ugly, but they didn't quite understand the mystery of Xiao Han's cultivation technique. The first time they saw Xiao Han's cultivation People are so miserable, the members of the Jade Devil Squad are a little inexplicable.

Li Jian retreated from the entrance of Xiao Han's tent, walked to Ye Longxuan's side, and asked bitterly, "Senior Brother Ye, how come there is such a perverted cultivation method? What is going on? I’ve never heard of anyone who practices this way, and our old meeting Xiao is not going to be crazy? Does it look so scary?"

Ye Longxuan stood aside with a solemn expression. From his point of view, Xiao Han was indeed practicing a certain technique, because he felt the strange fluctuations from Xiao Han, but it made Ye Longxuan somewhat Strangely, according to his feelings, the strange fluctuations in Xiao Han's body are not the fluctuations emitted from the peak realm of the Nascent Infant Period. Xiao Han's aura direction seems very strange, but where is the specific weirdness Ye Longxuan couldn't tell.

Xiao Han continued to endure that kind of inhuman pain, with low growls from time to time, and from time to time the joints of his whole body crackled. Li Jian and others from the Jade Demon Team could only smile bitterly in their eyes. Shook his head.

Li Jian and others from the Jade Devil Squad were the first to appear outside Xiao Han's tent, so they were the first to see what kind of torture Xiao Han, who was sitting cross-legged in the tent, was experiencing.

(End of this chapter)

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