People Xiao Han is sentimental and righteous, but their Wuyi Palace misunderstood Xiao Han, and they have been chasing after Xiao Han questioning this question and that, the faces of those Wuyi Palace disciples blushed, and then they laughed twice and said to Xiao Han. To; "There are many offenses and many offenses!"

Xiao Han grinned and didn't care about this with them anymore, because he had more important things to do next.

Now, there are more than 30 sect disciples sitting behind Xiao Han. These are the people who promised to follow Xiao Han in the Penglai Wonderland before, but a simple sentence I am willing to follow is still far away from Xiao Han’s view. not enough.

When the forest grows up, everyone has them. There are some things Xiao Han must tell them clearly in advance. Otherwise, it will be too late to solve the problem later.

In other words, Xiao Han certainly hopes that there will be more sect disciples by his side. In this way, the strength of the entire team will be stronger, but Xiao Han also knows that if these people are not willing to give him their hearts , Then Xiao Han's bringing such a person is not a help, but a burden.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that it has not officially begun to enter the state, Xiao Han feels that some ugly things should still be said first, to save time, and the problems have already appeared.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han stood up, looked at the number 30 sitting behind him, and smiled: "From the moment the sun rises tomorrow morning, Xiao Han and I will live and die together. Here, I have something to say to everyone!"

Then, Xiao Han stretched out a finger and said: "The first question, besides me, who else is a sect disciple who has reached the Yuan Ying stage or even above the Yuan Ying stage?"

The 30-odd people sitting on the ground looked at each other. You looked at me and I looked at you. I don't understand why Xiao Han asked this question? Isn't that a question for nothing? If there are people in Yuanying stage or even Yuanying stage and above, how can they follow Xiao Han? Isn't that like Ye Longxuan and others organize a team to roam in this Penglai Wonderland?

Xiao Han, of course, knew that none of these people had a cultivation base of Yuan Ying stage or even Yuan Ying stage, so he nodded and smiled: "That's not it?"

Seeing everyone staring at him inexplicably, Xiao Han continued with a smile: "Well, starting tomorrow, each of us will be a member of this team. Since you have decided to follow me, I will be right. You are responsible for your safety and the progress of your realm improvement. To ensure everyone’s safety in the Penglai Wonderland, and to ensure that everyone can improve their cultivation level as soon as possible, can you follow my arrangements in everything, Do everything follow my instructions?"

You look at me and I look at you among the thirty-odd people present here. Xiao Han actually said that everything must be followed by his arrangements and everything must be acted on according to his instructions?

Isn't this the equivalent of Xiao Han alone in the team?

Xiao Han went on to say: "Now, if you have any doubts, you can say something. If you don't speak, I will assume that you have agreed. Starting tomorrow, everything will be done according to my arrangements. If someone doesn't obey , Then I, Xiao Han, are not welcome!"

At this moment, one of them stood up and asked, "That means if I follow you in the future, you have to say everything, so I can only obey unconditionally?"

Xiao Han smiled and nodded, and replied: "Yes, I have the final say on everything, you can only obey unconditionally!"

The man stood there and pondered for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "I'm naturally free and easy, and I don't like being supervised the most. If someone is by the side to supervise me every day, my whole body will feel uncomfortable. I won't follow you anymore, I'm still like Tian Daren and Zhang Qi, stay here to hunt the magic spider, right?"

As he said, the man arched his hands at Xiao Han, and then strode out of the crowd.

What Xiao Han wants is this kind of effect. If this kind of person doesn’t like to obey the discipline, and those who like to do their own way exist in the team, it will hurt the cohesion of the whole team. Even if they barely stay, they will do something from time to time. When the situation comes out, Xiao Han will have to spend a lot of energy to wipe his ass. Since he chooses to quit now, of course it couldn't be better.

The person who had voluntarily withdrew came to Zhang Qi and Tian Daren, arched his hands at Tian Daren and Zhang Qi, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, Brother Tian, ​​I don't know if I can follow you and stay nearby!"

If someone wants to join their team, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi are naturally desperate. One more person means more strength. The stronger the team, the more secure the safety of their team. Now Tian Daren and Zhang Qi are both busy Standing up, shouting welcome again and again warm welcome, expressing that they are very happy that this person has joined them.

After that person left, Xiao Han looked at everyone present and asked, "Is there anyone like the dear man who can stand up now, otherwise, I will act according to the rules tomorrow?"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, three more people stood up, arched their hands at Xiao Han, and smiled dryly: "Sorry, Xiao Han, I don't think we are suitable for following you. We are also lazy people. Otherwise, let me forget it!"

Xiao Han didn't care either, just smiled, waved at them, and said, "It's okay, I welcome you when you come, and I won't force you to stay if you leave!"

The few people laughed and did not answer, and then walked up to Tian Daren and Zhang Qi in a desperate manner, arched their hands at Tian Daren and Zhang Qi like the previous person, and said with a smile: "Brother Tian, ​​Brother Zhang , Don’t you know if you still pay?"

"Welcome, welcome, of course!"

If someone wants to join his team, Tian Daren and Zhang Qi are naturally looking for it.

One more person means more strength. The stronger the team, the more assured the safety of their team. Right now Tian Daren and Zhang Qi both stood up quickly, took the hands of those people, and expressed that they were happy to join. Their ranks.

Then, a few people in succession also stood up and walked to Tian Daren and Zhang Qi's side. Tian Daren and Zhang Qi were naturally willing to come, and Xiao Han didn't mind. This kind of half-hearted and double-minded Qin Muchu For those who are vacillating, it is better to leave as soon as possible, so that Xiao Han will have to spend a lot of attention on training them!

Xiao Han made such a big movement here. Of course, Ye Longxuan and others stood aside and watched the excitement. Behind them were all the same sect brothers, and they often get along with each other, even daily. When practicing, he often discussed and exchanged together, so there was no problem in terms of loyalty and cooperation.

Moreover, people like Ye Longxuan and Wang Mang, when they were in the sect before, were originally idols in the minds of other sect disciples. After reaching the danger of Penglai, there is no need to worry about this and that like Xiao Han.

Xiao Han carefully counted and eliminated those who had left Xiao Han one after another to go to Tian Daren and Zhang Qi. Among the people present, there were not many, not less than twenty.

Xiao Han knows that although the more people who follow him, the better, but it also depends on who they are. If they are all following him, it is better to have fewer people. If the people who follow him are a little bit in the team If you don't cooperate, it's better not to have such people.

Although some have been deleted now, Xiao Han feels that this is far from enough, because in his heart, there is another very important requirement that has not been raised, and that is teamwork.

Next, Xiao Han went on to say: "Since you haven't left yet, that means you all recognize me. Okay, next, let me say one more thing. If you can still do it, then I will be here in Penglai. In the fairyland, I, Xiao Han, will take you to the adventure together!"

Xiao Han went on to say: "From tomorrow on, everyone will turn in half of the inner crystals of the magic spiders obtained by killing the first-order magic spiders. I will distribute half of the turned in to everyone. The principle of distribution is evenly distributed. , In other words, each person can only keep half of the inner crystal of the magic spider obtained by killing the first-order magic spider, and the remaining half must be handed over to me. I will allocate it. I will divide this allocation into several types. The first method is equal distribution, which means that no matter who they are, everyone has the same number. The second method is to allocate according to ability. The stronger the ability, the more contribution to our team. The greater the amount!"

As soon as Xiao Han's words fell, the remaining twenty people began to talk. Obviously, Xiao Han's rules were beyond everyone's expectations.

"Why do you do this?"

"Yeah, it's unfair to do this,"

"Yeah, if the Tier 1 Demon Spider I killed gets more Demon Spider Inner Crystals, then I am not at a disadvantage. I take out half of the Demon Spider Inner Crystals and distribute them evenly to others. Isn't this an act of raising a slacker? ?"

"Yeah, I think this is a bit wrong."

Many people feel that it is not fair to do this, especially some strengths are fair, especially those who have stepped into the middle of the Golden Core period or even the peak of the Golden Core period. According to Xiao Han's distribution model, then Isn't it obvious that you have suffered?

They didn’t understand why Xiao Han made such an arrangement, nor did they understand the mystery in it. They just felt that such an allocation method seemed a bit unreasonable. As for what Xiao Han’s intentions and why he did it, they didn’t think thoroughly. After hearing Xiao Han's words, they subconsciously felt that something was inappropriate, so they talked about it.

(End of this chapter)

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