The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1023: There is no silver three hundred taels

Xiao Han scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled: "I fought a battle with five evil spirits last night. It's not that I forgot how I killed those five evil spirits so quickly. I have no idea **** myself at all. I just feel that the evil spirits are dead!"

What Xiao Han was telling was also the truth, and he did not pay much attention to it when he wrestled with the five evil spirits last night. What kind of method can be used to restrain evil spirits? After all, Xiao Han feels very different when facing evil spirits and when facing first-order demon spiders.

When facing the first-order demon spider, Xiao Han used a wide-ranging combat style. Anyway, a sword slashed the past either fancy the first-order demon spider or was blocked by the first-order demon spider. It was a real contest. , But the time to fight with evil spirits is not the same. Those gloomy guys are enveloped in a ball of devilish energy, and the methods used to attack people are also very special. They use that ball of devilish energy to attack the enemy.

The sage Taoist continued: "In fact, you have already discovered a way to restrain evil spirits without knowing it, but you don't know it!"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Holy Xu Dao, don't betray you, what kind of means can be used to restrain evil spirits!"

The Holy Void Taoist smiled slightly and said: "In fact, what our Human Race Refiners use to restrain devil qi is nothing but the aura in our body. To put it bluntly, it is the power of aura. When you were fighting evil spirits yesterday, Pouring into the sky sword, a dazzling light burst out from the sky, afterwards"

"Oh!" Xiao Han suddenly realized, "I know, no wonder, at the time I thought it was my righteous spirit with the sky sword that scared the evil spirits away!"

The sage Taoist smiled and said: "Of course, you can count those evil spirits who are afraid of the aura of righteousness. Anyway, when facing the evil spirits, as long as you stick to your heart, whether it is to pour the spiritual energy into the magic sword or outside the spiritual energy It’s good to attack, as long as the aura in the body is used as a means of attack, evil spirits can be restrained."

Xiao Han nodded lightly, and smiled: "It's okay to release aura, I'm only at the peak of the Nascent Infant stage now, and the aura is to be condensed and formed. It is an attack method that can only be achieved after stepping into the **** transformation stage. Now I, let's use the Sky Sword honestly!"

The sage Taoist then laughed and said: "You can drive things in your current realm, just like the sky sword in your hand. You can take the sky sword away from your hand and let the sky sword fly around under the control of your consciousness. Attack the enemy, but because you haven’t reached the stage of transforming gods, you can drive things from the sky, but you can’t make the magic sword flying in the sky also carry aura, that is to say, you control the sky sword to fly out. The damage caused is only due to the sharpness of the Sky Sword itself. If you step into the Deity Transformation Stage one day, and the Sky Sword flying out carries your aura, the power of the Sky Sword will increase exponentially."

Xiao Han smiled and nodded, with a look of yearning on his face. He knew that the Taoist Saint was trying to explain to Xiao Han the attack method of the transformation stage with simple language, but Xiao Han already understood. After the **** transformation stage, Xiao Han can control the sky sword, and can fly into the sky as if the sky sword is still in his hand, pour the spiritual energy into the sword body of the sky sword, and let the sword body of the sky sword. With a burst of dazzling light, the Sky Sword can even make dozens of sharp sword auras with just a single swing.

In this way, Xiao Han only raised a realm, but his combat effectiveness could be doubled.

Xiao Han knew that with so many people gathered here tonight, it might not be long before hordes of evil spirits will appear around the hillside.

I will definitely show up tonight, but Xiao Han knows that it’s not the time yet. There are nearly a hundred people here. They will definitely sit and chat together, sum up the feeling of entering Penglai Wonderland on the first day today, and discuss it. For the rest of the journey, why else would you launch a flare to get everyone together?

This is the purpose of Xiao Han hiding in the crowd, but it is not yet time for Xiao Han to show up, so Xiao Han is also sitting at the edge of the crowd and waiting.

After Ye Longxuan woke up from the state of sitting and adjusting his breath, in addition to the Kunlun faction leader Wang Mang beside him, he also brought Hua Feng, the leader of Huashanmen, Ye Yu, the emei group member, and Kongtong faction. The leader of Ouyang Bing called out, these people should be the core strength of this team, not only Ye Longxuan, Wang Mang and other four people are all the strength that has entered the Nascent Soul Stage, except for this. In addition, there are several other leaders of the sect. It seems that although their cultivation level has not reached the Yuan Ying stage, they are already the cultivation base of the Golden Core stage peak realm.

Ye Longxuan called these people together. It should be to discuss the next itinerary in Penglai Wonderland. The place where Xiao Han sits is actually the stone on which Ye Longxuan sits is the farthest place among all people. Moreover, Ye Longxuan and the others seemed to have deliberately lowered their voices, so Xiao Han couldn't hear exactly what they were discussing.

Although Xiao Han wanted to come over and listen to what these guys are discussing. Among the nearly 100 people, most of them have already focused on Ye Longxuan and others, but if Xiao Han really joins in If I heard it in the past, this move was really too eye-catching.

After thinking about it, it's better not to reveal your identity at this time. Anyway, the things they are discussing will still be announced at the end, so Xiao Han sat there and waited in peace.

At this moment, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that Lu Jian, the disciple of the Lost Sect who had come to talk to him before, was whispering to a man in black not far away, and that the man in black was holding hands. Also holding a piece of pork floss cake.

Xiao Han shook his head dumbly. It seems that this disciple named Lu Jian is pulling an inflatable doll to the man in black, and the man in black who doesn't know it is the sect with a smirk. , Watching Lu Jian attentively at his saliva, he seemed to be very interested in the goods Lu Jian sold, and the chance of a deal on the spot was very high.

After a while, Ye Longxuan and others seemed to have finished their discussions, and everyone stood up at the same time, and then slowly walked back to the crowd.

It seems that Ye Longxuan and the others will begin to prepare to announce something. Xiao Han straightened his body a bit, ready to hear how Ye Longxuan and others plan to arrange the nearly 100 people on the scene.

Ye Longxuan looked around and found that almost everyone was looking at him, and then he nodded contentedly. This feeling of being the center of attention is quite good.

Ye Longxuan stepped up and stood on the big rock he had sat cross-legged before. He looked at the surrounding crowd and said loudly, "Everyone, I have something to discuss with you in Yelongxuan, but before discussing it. We’d better tap the number of people first. After all, we’ve been meeting here and we’ve been waiting for so long. It’s not clear to everyone whether they are all present."

Everyone nodded secretly, Ye Longxuan thought it was more thoughtful, first count the number of people, and see if all the people who entered the Penglai Wonderland together have arrived here, just tap the number of people to know. Except for these two hapless ones who lost their lives as soon as they entered Penglai Wonderland, did anyone else have an accident.

Then, Ye Longxuan pointed to the two corpses lying in the middle of the bonfires and said, "Now everyone can count the number of people. Apart from these two sect disciples, everyone can see if they are among the sects. There are also fellow sect brothers who have not rushed here, because this time there are many sects who participated in the Penglai Wonderland tour. Next, if all of your sects are all here, don’t talk, those There are sects of the same sect who have not been there, but they speak out loudly."

Originally, Xiao Han was planning to hide in the crowd first to see how Ye Longxuan was planning to arrange the next trip to Penglai Wonderland, so Xiao Han had no plans to show up now, but he did not expect Ye Longxuan. The guy suddenly asked to count the number of people, and Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

Of course, Yelongxuan’s original intention was not to investigate people of unknown origin, but now that the people here are almost there, but now there have been casualties among the team, and no one has not rushed here to meet again. If you're not sure, the best way is to lighten up the number of people.

Xiao Han is a little depressed now, so if you count the number of people, don't you just show your stuff?

Of course, Xiao Han now has no other way, so he can only bite the bullet and stay where he is. At least now, Ye Longxuan and others have not discovered his existence. If Xiao Han turns around and runs away, it would be that there is no silver three hundred taels. Yet?

Ye Longxuan's voice just fell, everyone present, look at me and I look at you, no one has spoken yet.

But after a while, a man in black stood up and shouted: "I am Chen Xing, a disciple of Wuyi Palace. Four people have come to Wuyi Palace this time. Now, one of our seniors has not arrived here! "

As he said, the other two men in black who were sitting next to the man in black also stood up, in other words, they were indeed missing one person in Wuyi Palace.

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment. He remembered the hapless man who had been killed by four first-order demon spiders halfway down the road. That person happened to be a disciple of Wuyi Palace. Xiao Han carved the piece that he found on him. The Sifang jade pendant with the word "Wu Yi" is still on Xiao Han's body.

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