The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1008: Suet White Jade

Judging from the current situation, this person should have experienced the same experience as Xiao Han. After entering the Penglai Wonderland from the entrance, he fell from a high altitude, but I don’t know if it was because of this person’s poor strength or because of his bad luck. When it came down, it happened to fall on a raised hard rock, and with the siege of four Tier 1 Demon Spiders, he was caught off guard and seriously injured.

In the wounded state, he was able to kill four Tier 1 Demon Spiders, and the man in his hand was an ordinary weapon. It seems that the strength of this man is not bad, at least it is also at the peak of the Golden Core Period. It is a pity. I lost my life when I entered the Penglai Wonderland.

If this person did not happen to hit a boulder when he fell from a high altitude, he should not suffer any injuries. When he was besieged by four Tier 1 demon spiders, he would not be injured like this. It seems that he could not survive. .

Xiao Han returned to the position where the man with strong attire fell to the ground. Seeing this man's consciousness was blurred, his whole person was already dying.

Xiao Han's heart is now turbulent, and he can't help but curse secretly in his heart: Damn your uncle, what's the matter? It turns out that besides him, there are really people who have entered this Penglai Wonderland?

Xiao Han was very sure and affirmed that when Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, invited herself into the Penglai Wonderland to help her find the neon clothes, he never mentioned it in front of Xiao Han and invited others to enter the Penglai Wonderland. among.

The time when this person entered Penglai Wonderland was just one day away from Xiao Han. Based on the situation of one year in Penglai Wonderland and just one month in the secular world, this person and Xiao Han entered the Penglai Wonderland entrance time. It was not long after Xiao Han entered the fog of nightmare, this person also entered the fog of nightmare.

In the fog of nightmare, the key to whether you can see through the fog of nightmare lies in whether you can realize that since you stepped into the strange black fog, the whole person’s consciousness has been controlled by the fog of nightmare. In a dream.

The time it takes for everyone to wake up from the fog of nightmare is definitely different. It is Xiao Han's alertness. I have been trapped for a long time in the fog of nightmare. If the cultivation level is lower, the alertness is worse. , Maybe the time spent in the nightmare fog is longer.

In addition to this person, will there be a third person, a fourth person, or even more people who have also entered the Penglai Wonderland.

There is another point that Xiao Han really couldn't figure out. Why did Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, conceal the fact that he also entered the Penglai Wonderland together?

The problem is, even if Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, tells Xiao Han that other people besides him will also enter the Penglai Wonderland. What does it matter? Could it be that Xiao Han will enter the Penglai Wonderland together with others? Refusing to cooperate with Penglai Island?

Xiao Han was still lowering his head in deep thought. After a while, when he squatted down to see if there was any possibility for this person to come back, he found that the person lying on the ground had died.

Xiao Han gave a bitter smile. This person didn't know which sect's disciple was. It was really unlucky that his mother opened the door-unlucky enough to get home. This is just now from the entrance of Penglai Wonderland to Penglai Wonderland. I guess I haven't seen it clearly yet. What happened in this Penglai Wonderland where he was besieged by four first-order demon spiders and died. In contrast, Xiao Han, the hapless man whose survival supplies were exchanged, is much better than this person’s luck. Up.

Xiao Han had an inspiration. Since this person is a sect disciple, he entered this Penglai fairyland like himself to explore and hunt for treasures. It is impossible for him to have no supplies. If this person is like Xiao Han, he has something ready. Enough supplies for one year in the Penglai Wonderland, then now that this person is dead, have the supplies on his body become unowned?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han squatted down and fumbled on the sect disciple who had just died.

Sure enough, Xiao Han found a small Qiankun bag on the waist of this person. Xiao Han was happy on his face. If he found the Qiankun bag, it means that he found food and drinking water. Then Xiao Han would be in this Penglai Wonderland. There is no need to worry about the lack of survival supplies.

Xiao Han is now even more sure of the identity of this person’s sect disciple. When looking for the Universe Bag on his body just now, Xiao Han accidentally found a square jade pendant on his waist with the words "Wu Yi "The two words should belong to a cultivating sect called Wuyi Palace.

Although Xiao Han is not an expert in the taste of jade, he can also feel that the jade pendant on that man's waist is of great value, and it belongs to the best jade-mutton white jade.

The white jade of mutton fat is also called "white jade" or "mutton fat jade". As the name implies, it is a jade that looks like mutton fat. Jade is among the best varieties of jade, and its toughness and abrasion resistance are the strongest among jade. Even if it is buried in the soil for thousands of years, it will not be completely stained.

Moreover, the production of this kind of suet jade is very scarce, and the quality is different than that in the jade world. There are many varieties but the famous Hetian jade is much less. Therefore, every piece of suet jade, whether it is in the auction house It can be sold at sky-high prices even in the hands of private collectors.

This person carried a piece of mutton jade pendant with the name of the sect with him around his waist. It seems that this person is not low in the Wuyi Palace sect.

Wuyi Palace is also a cultivating sect in the secular world. The sect is based in the Lingxiu Peak of Wuyi Mountain at the junction of Jiangxi and Fujian. Although its overall strength is not as good as Penglai Island, it is considered a more famous sect in the secular world.

The Wuyi Palace is not well-known in the secular world. It is not as famous as the Wudang Sect. The Kunlun Sect is as large as the Kunlun Sect, but the overall strength cannot be underestimated.

Since this person can wear a piece of Wuyi Palace's jade pendant around his waist, it means that this person in Wuyi Palace is at least one of the young disciples trained by the sect.

This point is well understood. Xiao Han knows that even a famous school like Penglai Island that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is impossible to distribute a piece of mutton fat white jade as a token to every sect disciple. The boxy jade pendant on this man’s waist is smaller than Xiao Han’s palm, and the whole body is white and flawless. This kind of fine jade pendant will be auctioned at auction houses in the secular world. Can you auction a high price of tens of millions, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han first put away the piece of mutton fat white jade pendant, and planned to return this piece of jade pendant to others if he had the chance to meet the doorman of Wuyi Palace. Anyway, it is useless for Xiao Han to keep it, Xiao Han is not yet. As for the value of tens of millions of things, I have a heart for my own sake.

Xiao Han is now worth more than a billion yuan. Naturally, I don't like a small jade pendant. Besides, this jade pendant is a sect token of the Wuyi Palace, and it must be a very important item in the sect.

Although Xiao Han didn't like this piece of mutton tallow white jade worth tens of millions, Xiao Han, who was a disciple of Wuyi Palace, was quite fancy.

Anyway, this person is already dead, and after death, any good things will not be used in this Penglai Wonderland. It just so happens that Xiao Han doesn't lack anything now. The lack of virtue is food and drinking water.

Looking at the Qiankun bag in his hand, Xiao Han showed a smile on his face. He didn't expect that he, who was going to be hungry, would solve this problem so easily now. With the Qiankun bag of this Wuyi Palace disciple, Xiao Han Han no longer has to worry about eating and drinking.

Xiao Han put his consciousness into the Universe Bag in his hand, and easily erased the consciousness of the Wuyi Palace disciple before, and then Xiao Han smoothly sent his consciousness into the Universe Bag. among.

Although the Qiankun bag of the disciple of Wuyi Palace is not comparable to the Qiankun bag given to Xiao Han by Lu Xuan, the master of Penglai Island, the space inside is definitely not small. In this Qiankun bag, everything is filled with survival supplies. .

In addition to some daily necessities, this Qiankun bag contains a wide variety of foods. The variety and quantity are astonishing. Xiao Han can't help thinking, should the former owner of this Qiankun bag be a foodie?

There is no air in the Qiankun bag, so all kinds of food will hardly deteriorate. Xiao Han has known this for a long time, but when he saw the various foods prepared in the Qiankun bag, he did not eat all day and night. Xiao Han still couldn't help but swallowed several drools continuously.

In addition to some dry foods and foods that are often eaten in the wild, what makes Xiao Han even more incredible is that there are all kinds of famous foods, such as Peking duck, Tianjin Goubuli buns, Jinhua ham, and donkey roll. , Chongqing small noodles with pork bun, Xinjiang large plate chicken, etc. Almost all Chinese delicacies that Xiao Han knows about are found here, and there are many delicious ones that Xiao Han doesn’t know. There are also a lot of them, although not many, not the same. Just prepared a portion, but with these hundreds of styles, even if Xiao Han eats it all day, he will have to eat it for a long time.

In addition to food for hunger, there are many kinds of fruits that make Xiao Han think that he has walked into a fruit warehouse. Not to mention ordinary fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes, durian, snake oil, jackfruit, mango, etc. You can find almost all the fruits that Xiao Han has not eaten before. You can find them here.

Compared with the unnamed Wuyi Palace disciple, the food prepared by Penglai Island for Xiao Han is nothing to mention. When he came to Penglai Wonderland to explore and hunt for treasure, this Wuyi Palace disciple actually prepared such a variety of food. , It seems that this is not something that an ordinary foodie can do, at least it is a senior foodie.

(End of this chapter)

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