The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 365 Rewards based on merit

What I said before can only be regarded as compensation for the losses suffered by everyone in Qingfeng City in this battle.

What needs to be announced next is the part that needs to reward the military and civilians and reward them based on their merits.

It still starts with the people, all the residents who provided help in this battle.

Whether they were retired soldiers standing on the city walls, demolishing their own houses to provide ammunition for catapults, or just cooperating with the security team to deliver ammunition and food to the soldiers on the city wall.

These people are divided into two levels for reward.

Those who are recruited will be rewarded with 10 gold coins per person. Those who sign up voluntarily will be rewarded with 30-100 gold coins per person.

Xu Lai was divided into two parts to let the people in the city see that as long as they were willing to follow Xu Lai and help him, he would give them many times the feedback.

This reward caused the most conflicts, so much so that Xu Lai had to ask Jian Yuan to bring the investigation team and Urdola to bring the escort team to go out together to maintain order.

There is no way, they are doing the same work, but because of the relationship between active and passive, the rewards they receive are 3-10 times less than others. No one can accept it.

There are also some people who may have originally wanted to sign up voluntarily, but were just a few seconds late in opening their mouths or a little slower in their actions, and were recruited.

But no matter how dissatisfied they were, Xu Lai had no intention of changing his order. He would even discuss the supervision matters with Aaron after he was free.

Today's Qingfeng City is no longer a small-time place like Qingfeng Village, Qingfeng Town, or even Qingfeng Castle.

After Su Ya's expansion, the area of ​​Qingfeng City was several times larger than that of Qingfeng Castle.

Because there has been no actual measurement, Xu Lai does not know the specific data, but it is estimated that the area should be within 1 square kilometer.

Qingfeng City in Xu Lai is a rectangular city, with the sides facing east and west shorter.

It used to be only two to three hundred meters long. After the expansion, it should be about 5,600 meters long.

The lengths of the south-facing and north-facing sides are relatively long, definitely more than 1,000 meters.

Even based on the shortest estimate, Qingfeng City has an area of ​​500,000 square meters, which is 0.5 square kilometers.

Small is a bit too small. Not to mention compared to modern borderless cities, even fortresses such as Stone Castle can compete with Qingfeng City.

But that was Su Ya's helpless choice when she was short of materials.

Besides, even including Gram Town, the entire Qingfeng City does not have a population of 2,000 households, and the registered settled population is only a little over 6,000. This is thanks to the people Xu Lai sent before.

The total homeless population and long-term resident population can be estimated at around 78,000, not even tens of thousands.

It is precisely because of the shortage of population that Su Ya has always adhered to Xu Lai's intention, constantly recruiting refugees, opening up the city, and exchanging caravans.

Although this approach has spread the reputation of Qingfeng City and people often come to seek refuge, it is inevitable that people with ulterior motives will sneak in.

The so-called combination of kindness and power means that if you only have kindness but no power, others will think you are weak and can be bullied.

If you are only powerful but not kind, you will appear very cold and let others naturally distance themselves from you.

Like today, some people would be dissatisfied and even cause trouble because they received less than others. This was because Xu Lai usually gave too much and lost his prestige.

Xu Lai always tried not to treat ordinary people badly and took care of them to the best of his ability.

Because Xu Lai was also born as an ordinary person, and got what he is today due to fate, he never bothered the people at the bottom.

But this time, Xu Lai couldn't bear it anymore. It was originally an extra reward. If you have any objections to giving more or less, then just take it back.

No matter who it was, rewards would be withdrawn whenever trouble was caused, and disputes would be settled almost instantly.

After the people have rewarded themselves, it's the army's turn.

In fact, the army is not easily rewarded in Qingfeng City.

Because, the entire Qingfeng City, so far, has not been able to gather an organized army.

The overall defense of Qingfeng City still relies on recruiting soldiers. Although the soldiers are loyal, they are not flexible after all.

Simply taking advantage of this big reward, Xu Lai planned to form a serious army.

Even the foundation has been laid by Xu Lai, those infantrymen brought back by Ed.

Then incorporate the infantry, heavy armored pikemen, pikemen, etc. from Qingfeng City.

There are also those mercenaries who are suitable for living in Qingfeng City, the guards, security guards, etc. recruited by Urdola and Aaron, as long as they are willing to join the army, they can be organized.

This is just an idea. If it were to be implemented in detail, Xu Lai would not have the opportunity or time now.

Since there are not many soldiers, the rewards for them will be simpler.

If there is a kill record, each kill record will be registered according to each person's contribution once the information on the settlement of the battle comes back.

There are no kill records, such as Anna, Elena and the priest group led by Larkins.

Although neither the priests nor the knights are from Qingfeng City, they have no obligation to help him fight, so Xu Lai does not discriminate and treats them all equally.

The head skills are calculated separately according to different levels. Even if the big-eared monster king is only level 3, his head is worth several gold coins.

However, most of the main output in this battle were the shooters recruited by Xu Lai, and a small part came from the charge of the Sixth Knights.

Therefore, the gold coins given out by the first-level function will not be too many.

Secondly, there are things like treatment, blessings, etc. that are not clear even in the battle settlement, so we can only award group awards and let them go back and divide them among themselves.

Anyway, one family is given 50,000 gold coins, and two families are given 100,000 gold coins. If they are divided equally, everyone can probably get a dozen gold coins.

The Knights also have first-level merits to gain. On average, one person can get more than 20 gold coins, which is not much compared to their level.

But after all, they didn't suffer any damage, only lost some physical strength and mana, and gained a lot of extra experience.

Now each person gets more than 20 gold coins. Even if the priests have low desires, everyone still smiles.

It is said that the Sixth Knights followed Xu Lai, and the casualties were smaller than before, but the harvest was increased by an unknown number of times.

Paladins are human beings too, and even Holy Light Knight Lina often needs to spend gold coins.

And they are not like priests. Priests can get huge rewards if they go out to treat people. Knights receive very little in addition to their salary.

On the contrary, Ed and the others, apart from erecting shields in front of the shooters, did not attack or assist, they just set up a formation.

However, considering their special characteristics, if they dare to stand in front of the shooters, they are already ready to sacrifice.

Therefore, the bonus must also be counted among them.

Hundreds of thousands of gold coins were scattered, and the entire Qingfeng City was immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

However, this is still a statistical work with an extremely huge workload, and it will definitely not be completed for a while.

In addition to the per capita and pension payments that can be received quickly, the rest of the gold coins will only be distributed after all the statistics are completed and the list is announced.

Of course, the priests and knights would have to leave with Xu Lai after they could not stay for two days.

Therefore, their bonuses can be distributed as soon as today.

The scene of handing out money was so spectacular that Xu Lai also noticed the envious eyes of people around him.

When Xu Lai came back this time, he didn't have time to understand them one by one, but he had already made plans in his mind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Lai announced it in public.

First of all, Xu Lai made clear the two most important positions of Su Ya's deputy city lord and deputy military commander in public.

When Xu Lai is not in the city, Su Ya represents Xu Lai and has the highest authority after Xu Lai, and can intervene at will in both political and military aspects.

No other force would dare to give its subordinates such great power.

Take Emerald City as an example. If Grand Duke Aled gives his city lord such great rights, let alone Emerald City, even Grand Duke Aled’s army will be given to the devil.

Secondly, they identified Dill Rogers and Ed, the only two legion commanders in Qingfeng City.

The former is the commander of the Archer Corps and is responsible for establishing and training the Archer troops.

Relying on the shooters left by Xu Lai at the beginning, as well as the shooters recruited from the wild and at home, the number of shooters in the army is actually quite large.

However, some heavy crossbowmen were lost in this battle, so the archer regiment could not even gather the most basic strength of 500 people.

Moreover, the archer group cannot all recruit soldiers. If it recruits all soldiers, it will be too difficult to command, and high-level shooters from outside must be recruited.

Yu Lan was appointed as the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion, responsible for handling all the chores of the City Lord's Mansion, which was equivalent to Xu Lai's secretary.

But this secretary is accompanied by a mage army.

A few unorganized units, such as Sword Saints and Crusaders, which were small in number but good in strength, were all placed under Yu Lan's command by Xu Lai.

They and the mage will serve as the guards of the city lord's palace and protect the city lord's palace.

Judging from today's battle, the shooting range of mages is much worse than that of shooters. If they are forced to fight with shooters, the casualties will be heavy.

Finally came Anna's priest team, all of whom were thrown to Elena by Xu Lai.

This time Qingfeng City was in danger, Elena, as a member of the temple, not only did not leave, but stepped forward and took the initiative to lead the church's priests to participate in the frontline battle.

From this point on, Xu Lai's affection for Elena soared, and he simply gave Anna, Xiao Baiyang and her tree planting team to Elena.

In addition to being a priest of the temple, she was also asked to serve as the head of the logistics department in Qingfeng City in Xu Lai.

In addition to these own people, Xu Lai also received rewards from the others.

Aaron's security team will be abolished, Xu Lai will build a security station and a prison, and Aaron will be appointed as the first peace officer in the security station.

Fellow fellow Wei Yihong, who has been quite a subordinate these days, was appointed by Xu Lai as the Minister of Commerce. Big Aiboka will take over the caravan, and Urdola will continue to be responsible for the escort of the caravan.

However, Xu Lai is no longer satisfied with one caravan. The large caravan will be split into several small caravans. This job is naturally given to Wei Yihong.

Urdola is responsible for the recruitment, training and distribution of the reorganized caravan guards.

Little Aiboka also got a promotion and became the assistant to the city lord, but he was no longer the only assistant. Xu Lai also arranged for Harris, who had been following him since the wilderness, to become the assistant to the city lord.

The two of them are responsible for assisting Su Ya together.

Finally, there is Lacy. Xu Lai can no longer let him leisurely be the mayor of the town. Lacy was appointed as the speaker of the parliament, mainly responsible for handling the people's livelihood and administrative work of Qingfeng City.

Including but not limited to refugee recruitment, land and urban construction planning, grazing and food production and many other aspects. (End of chapter)

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