The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 331 Destroy everything (Happy New Year to everyone!)

The teleportation of demons, big demons and Hellboys can be said to be spells. There has never been such a spell that does not require the consumption of mana.

Let's just say they are not spells. There will be obvious mana fluctuations after being cast, and they cannot be used in areas without any magic power.

However, without the magic element, teleportation cannot be used, but it can ignore the influence of the Forbidden Magic Ball.

Their teleportation is more like an instinctive ability. As long as they want to, they can even do it without a cooldown.

That is, rapid and continuous transmission.

However, the farther the transmission distance and the denser the frequency, the higher the physical exertion on the devil.

That's right, when demons use teleportation, they actually consume physical strength instead of mana.

Aside from teleportation, the Demon's classic ability is Doom.

The appearance of demons is often accompanied by misfortune. Level 7 demons can bring misfortune to oneself and the enemy at the same time, reducing both sides' luck by 1 point at the same time.

After being promoted from a 7th-level demon to an 8th-level great demon, the bad luck effect on one's own side is exempted, and the enemy's luck is only reduced by 1 point.

1 point of bad luck will mean that the unit has a 1 in 10 chance of only dealing 50% damage.

However, Xu Lai has a lucky clover that adds good luck, which can just offset the 1 point of bad luck effect of the big devil.

In addition, the Archdemon is also the mortal enemy of the Archangel, and both sides can cause an additional 50% damage to the other.

At the same time, demons that can bathe in lava are naturally immune to all fire spells, including fire mental spells.

However, while being immune to fire spells, it will not affect their ability to cast fire spells.

Demons have the ability to cast classic fire spells such as curse possession, blindness and other spells.

However, demons are also powerful warriors. Their scythes are more convenient and faster when harvesting enemies, but their spellcasting abilities are less commonly used.

Their scythes also have a terrifying paralysis effect, temporarily paralyzing the targets they attack.

Demons with quick reactions can take advantage of this gap to teleport again, away from the target being attacked.

This is equivalent to the fact that when the devil is full of energy, he can make money from you unlimited times.

However, demons usually cannot defeat angels because angels are also very mobile.

If the angel is moving at high speed, the gap between the demon's teleportation may lead to a large gap between the two sides, making it impossible for the demon to attack the target immediately.

Then while the demon is escaping, the angel can use his flying ability to quickly get close to the demon, forcing the demon to use his teleportation ability with almost no breath.

Although the demon's teleportation ability is very powerful, it is best to take a breath every time you use it, otherwise there will be a huge extra consumption of physical strength.

The big demon suddenly appeared in front of Xu Lai. As soon as they raised their scythes, Xu Lai and his knights charged past.

The attacks of the big demons are very terrifying. Even though Qimeng is not a hero who is good at physics, these big demons do not have the effect of offensive spells.

With one strike of the sickle, Xu Lai lost more than 30 points of life.

There is no way, with the ultimate defense technique to protect the body and no offensive attack technique, even an 8th level big demon can cause more than 30 points of damage, which is already very powerful.

If their level were one level lower, they might not even be able to break through Xu Lai's defense.

Xu Lai has 40 points of physical defense with 40 points of physical constitution, 50 points of physical defense with the magical armor, and 15 points of physical defense with the anti-magic cloak, for a total of 105 points.

In addition, the magical armor +1 defense for the whole army, the Crown of the Oracle adds 6 points for the defense of the whole army, the high morale provides a 10% defense bonus, and the master-level defense technique provides a 15% armor bonus and physical defense bonus. become.

This makes Xu Lai's body defense as high as 140 points.

In the absence of offensive spells, the big demon will receive 50% physical damage reduction from defensive spells.

In other words, an attack by the big devil must damage at least more than 350 points to cause more than 30 damage to Xu Lai.

After the upgrade, Xu Lai's health points reached over 900.

It is equivalent to 30 big demons attacking Xu Lai at the same time, and the damage is above 350 points, so it is possible to kill Xu Lai in seconds.

This also takes into account the mandatory reduction of the ultimate offensive technique, which means that at least 31 big demons must be assassinated at the same time.

However, in fact, with the huge body of the big demon, even though he suddenly appeared in front of Xu Lai, only three big demons attacked Xu Lai.

Because Xu Lai was surrounded by two of his Holy Light Knights, there was only room in the distance between him and Tahan.

12 big demons suddenly appeared in front of Xu Lai. They frightened Xu Lai, but the effect was just that.

Three wounds were made on Xu Lai's body. First, a big demon was directly pierced by Xu Lai's lance.

This is not bad, but he was stabbed a little, and has ultimate offensive skills and treasure bonuses. Xu Lai only has the charging bonus brought by riding skills, and has no charging characteristics.

Therefore, although the damage caused by this stab was terrifying, it was not enough to directly kill a big demon.

The next second, the big devil teleported away.

But the two big demons who were stabbed by the Holy Light Knight were unlucky. They were blessed with a stronger Holy Light than the Holy Knight, adding 15 points of attack power.

There are also 12 points added by the Dragon Tooth Necklace, Magic Armor and Oracle Crown, as well as the Heroic Aura of the Valiant Knight Tahan, 3 points of morale and 3 points of attack bonus.

The Holy Light Knight is the same as the Arch Demon at level 8. The difference is that the Holy Light Knight is more defensive, has higher physique than strength, and its own attack is much worse than the Arch Demon.

But even if there are only 300 basic attack points, plus these 30 points, as well as the 10% bonus to morale, the 50% bonus to the ultimate offensive technique, and the punishment increased to 300%, it is an additional 200% bonus against demons.

Even excluding charge damage, the Holy Light Knight's damage to demons is already as high as 1,200 points, including charge, as well as the defense reduction of the ultimate offensive technique and the Vanguard Flag.

Not to mention the big devil, Hellboy, the ultimate soldier of hell, comes over. Even with the level difference damage reduction, the damage is estimated to be as high as about 3,000 points.

In other words, even if Hellboy blocks the front, seven or eight people will be killed in one go.

Of course, Hellboy and the big demons also have related characteristics, and they are not really capable of killing seven or eight in one breath.

Anyway, these big demons have no chance to survive from the Holy Light Knight's lance.

Even the second special effect of Xu Lai's ultimate offensive technique, which has a 30% probability of causing one damage to the enemy unit next to the target, was also triggered.

However, this damage did not have a charge bonus. It was just equivalent to a normal damage, but it also splashed to death this big demon.

The only blame is on these big demons, who happened to be blocking the charge.

Under normal circumstances, after the big demon attacks the target, it will cause a brief paralysis effect.

With this paralysis effect, no matter whether the big demon escapes or not, the Holy Light Knight cannot fight back.

You can only wait for the paralysis effect to disappear before taking the initiative to attack the big devil, which is equivalent to at least being beaten by the big devil for a round in vain.

Moreover, the big demon's attacks will be cursed, so the Holy Light Knight will become weaker and weaker. Once attacked by the big demon, it is really hard to say who will win and who will lose.

In addition to the Holy Light Knight, there were also many big demons who were stabbed by the Paladin, Joseph and others.

The Paladin is one level behind the Archdemon, and its attack power is not comparable to that of the Holy Light Knight, but it also has punishment spells, so it is no problem to kill the Archdemon instantly.

The terrain of the lava land is not good, so there are not many knights charging side by side, otherwise this team of big demons will definitely stay behind.

But even so, there were only three or four big demons who escaped through teleportation, and two of them had lost half of their health points.

At level 26, Xu Lai possesses ultimate defense and ultimate offense skills. His physical defense and physical attack power are too terrifying.

Unless they are hell devils with the same specialization, heroes like heretics will be completely crushed once they are approached by Xu Lai's troops.

Even the 8th level big demon couldn't block the knights' blow. Although the horned demon warlord had good defense.

However, firstly, the health value and defense power are not as good as those of the big devil. Secondly, the Holy Light Knight and Paladin have level suppression and attack bonus, so they are even more vulnerable.

The horned demon governor in the front row was destroyed with overwhelming force, and the succubus in the rear had already beaten all the spikes.

However, even the Great Demon can only cause 30 points of damage to Xu Lai. The Holy Light Knight has the Holy Light Blessing and Rune Armor on his body, and his defense against physical attacks is stronger than Xu Lai's.

Even for a lower-level Paladin, the damage caused by the spikes could not break through the defense at all, even if it was damage that had been increased by Qimeng's archery skills.

Knowing it was useless, Qimeng and the others certainly couldn't continue loading.

She led 12 level 8 Charm Queens and used all her strength to activate the power of charm on the knights in the front row.

It's just that this ability that is usually quite easy to use is now blocked by the forbidden magic ball and cannot be used at all.

Fortunately, creatures like succubus also have passive charm ability, which can make the opponent feel sympathy and stop attacking.

The abilities of ordinary succubi are not very useful yet, but when they reach the concubine stage, the probability is a little higher.

Tahan, who bore the brunt of the attack, killed about a dozen succubi, and three concubines were hit later. They only lasted for half a second before falling down.

Fortunately, this passive charm ability does not directly control the target, but has an effect similar to hypnosis.

The charm ability of the Charm Queen is even more terrifying. When they are attacked, even the Paladin cannot resist, and at most the Holy Light Knight can react in time.

However, it was useless to have time to react. The paladins, who were also banned from demons, simply used their sacred armor to invincibly resist the charm.

However, this kind of charm ability is ineffective against Xu Lai. He has been blessed by the God of War. As long as he does not take off the Medal of Honor on his chest, all mental spells are ineffective against Xu Lai.

As long as Xu Lai cannot be controlled, it will be useless no matter how strong the Charming Queen's charm is.

Unable to be used actively, the Charming Queen's charm ability can only be activated after being beaten.

With the Charming Queen's fragile health, even if the charge effect of the knights has disappeared, she cannot withstand two or three attacks. (End of chapter)

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