The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 300 The strength of Qingfeng Castle

At the top of Qingfeng Castle, Su Ya used her militia leader characteristics to recruit all the farmers in Qingfeng Castle to become militia shooters.

After the city was filled with shooters, Jian Yuan shot an arrow at the manticore at the entrance to the dungeon.

The Three-Star Moon did not expand the existing group of manticores. Instead, some wild monsters came to challenge the status of this group of manticores.

Of course, since the Manticores are still there, it naturally means that the challengers will not end well.

During the daytime of the Three-Star Moon, Su Ya and Rogers led separate teams to clean up the wild monsters near Qingfeng Castle, thus not giving more wild monsters a chance to challenge the Manticore.

Due to a conflagration with a large centaur gang, the number of manticores was reduced by nearly one-third, to only about 80, but their level has been greatly improved.

Ordinary manticores are basically invisible. There are only less than 20 ordinary manticores in the group of more than 80 manticores. The main force has been replaced by level 7 poisonous manticores and about ten or so king manticores.

On average, this is an average level 7 manticore group with a number of 80, and it is also a group of flying units.

In the past, Su Ya would feel that one thing more was better than one thing less. Even without the leadership of a hero, this was still a group of level 7 creatures, not to mention that they did not have Xu Lai's bonus at this time.

Moreover, these manticores also serve as early warning.

The underground world is not peaceful. People in the underground city camp want to return to the surface and start a new life. The first thing they want to do is to overthrow the humans who occupy the above-ground world.

The entrance and exit of the underground world are indestructible buildings, which means that even if Su Ya eliminates the group of manticores, he will continue to send troops to garrison them.

And, how many troops does she need to send to be able to match the strength of a group of manticores?

Based on these two considerations, Su Ya did not want to touch these manticores.

Now the situation is different again. Wolf Riders have appeared, which means the orcs must be eyeing this place.

Of course, it is not surprising that a small number of wolf cavalry appeared here. It was said that some time ago, the orc wolf cavalry ran as far as Kaonaston Castle.

At that time, all the caravans stopped in fright, and Count Aini had to shrink his cavalry back again.

But soon, all the wolf riders were dragged away by Xu Lai, and the grassland returned to peace again.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a small number of wolf riders appear everywhere.

But it is impossible for a large army of orcs to appear suddenly.

Orcs are indeed much less dependent on logistics than humans. If people are in a hurry, they can just eat the beasts alive.

But they don't rely on logistics, especially during large-scale operations. Wherever they have time to hunt, they must bring a large amount of dried meat and big-eared monsters.

In addition, the greater the number of orcs, the easier it is to be exposed, and the deeper into the hinterland, the easier it is for the logistics line to be destroyed.

However, even though a large army of orcs was unlikely to appear, she also wanted to prevent the orcs from selecting a few elites to harass her like her own lord did.

At that time, these manticores at the door will be a serious trouble.

The orcs randomly sent a wolf rider to lure the manticore near the city. The natural hostility between the two sides meant that even if Su Ya and the others did not attack, the manticore would definitely attack them.

At the very least, they are taking the initiative to prepare for the manticore, and being attacked by the manticore and being harassed by the orcs are completely different concepts.

For example, now, although the Manticore is a flying unit and does not need to break through the walls or gates of Qingfeng Castle, Su Ya can summon the militia.

Even excluding the free citizens, there are now 150 people in Qingfeng Castle just by recruiting citizens, all of whom can be directly converted into militia shooters.

Although militia shooters are only level 1 long-range units, they can enjoy Suya's militia leader characteristics, marksman master, defense master and the newly added training expert characteristics.

In the past few months, Su Ya has not done anything.

In addition to insisting on daily training in the training camp, she insisted on personally leading the team to clear out every wild monster that Jianyuan and the others detected.

Seized gold coins and other resources are used for city construction and soldier recruitment.

The good things in the opened treasure chest were kept by Xu Lai, and Wei Yihong usually sold them in exchange for money to continue training at the training ground.

However, the experience that can be gained by relying solely on wild monsters is still very little. Although her level is not high, she can only improve it by 3 levels, and is now level 16.

Not counting the equipment bonus, the total attributes are exactly 16 points. Counting some scattered equipment, the average all attributes are about 20 points.

She left the best equipment to Xu Lai, and the next best equipment to Rogers. He was the real main general of Qingfeng Castle at this time.

Therefore, her own attributes are not very high, and her health points are not very high.

Among the three upgraded levels, the first level has improved his marksman expert characteristics. Now he has been upgraded to the master level. Like Rogers, he can increase the long-range attack power of himself and the long-range troops by 15%, which is 5% worse than the intermediate archery.

The other two levels were added and upgraded to become today's training experts.

Training Expert: The experience value of the soldiers carried by the soldier is increased by 30%; when commanding the units that have been advanced by the soldier, the attack and defense of all units are +5, and the damage is increased by 5%.

This new feature is mainly used when leading troops to upgrade. However, the militia recruited by Su Ya are upgraded from level 0 farmers to level 1 militia. It is also considered that Su Ya advanced for them.

Therefore, these militia shooters can continue to enjoy the 5% damage and 5 points of attack and defense bonus.

If calculated, the militiamen under Su Ya not only have the ability to attack from a distance, but also have an additional 8 points of attack and 20% more damage.

In comparison, the improvement was not as great as that of the shooters led by Rogers. However, Rogers' characteristics did not increase much in the militia shooters, but it was not as good as if Su Ya brought them personally.

The three-star moon is also very good news for Qingfeng Castle.

Not to mention the crystal mines in the wild, Su Ya sold almost all the increased production, and she even sold a lot of stone resources.

There is no way, just relying on the three times the income of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the God of War's Foot is really not enough to recruit the sudden increase of three times the number of troops, let alone opening a training ground for them to train.

Su Ya had no choice but to sell treasures and resources to pay salaries to the administrative and security team members, so that Rogers could comprehensively upgrade his shooters.

With the blessing of the God of War's Foot, this three-star moon alone recruited 45 units of Tier 4 heavy crossbowmen and 63 units of Tier 4 longbowmen.

It is more suitable for Rogers to lead the archers, especially the French archers. Therefore, the long archers of these 63 units have been fighting and training for the longest time, and they have generally been upgraded to level 5 flame archers.

In Xu Lai's absence, Su Ya, who was fully entrusted by Xu Lai, issued countless orders on Xu Lai's behalf based on the principle of maximizing combat effectiveness.

Including this group of longbowmen, all were upgraded into flame shooters by Rogers.

Rogers now has the most powerful force in the entire Qingfeng Castle, and is also the main force in this attack on the Manticore.

Including himself, there are a total of 7 magic archers, 12 level 6 explosive archers, 80 level 5 flame archers, 16 level 6 archer masters, 4 level 7 sky archers, plus 75 heavy crossbowmen, a total of It is a team of 200 shooters.

The rest include a mixed force consisting of 80 pikemen, 11 heavy armor pikemen, more than 20 infantry, 1 sword master, 10 level 4 priests and 25 level 3 priest apprentices, led by priest Anna.

As for the 21 griffins and 21 trainee knights, Su Ya did not form a formation.

She knew that her lord was particularly fond of these fast soldiers, so she only led them to the training ground for training when there was space at the training ground. Others were not allowed to touch them at other times.

Even if Jian Yuan brought people from the security team to pick up Wei Yihong, Su Ya did not allow him to take away these knights.

Some of the troops, such as the obsidian monsters, minotaurs, and tree monsters, were all taken out by Giselle and Bai Yang.

They will set up a dense forest defense line to the west of Qingfeng Castle to specifically kill the wolf riders coming from the west.

As a phantom shooter, Giselle is assisted by more than a dozen forest demons, three level 4 tree demons, and Bai Yang, a level 5 tree demon, who should not be able to let the wolf rider run away.

Even if a large army of orcs attacked and were blocked by dense forests, Su Ya deliberately gave Giselle units such as minotaurs and gargoyles that disrupted morale.

As an elf, Giselle brought monsters from towers and dungeons with her, so there was no hope for her morale. Suya gave these troops to her for sacrifice.

Giselle has a unicorn beast, a level 7 sacred unit barrier beast that is faster than the level 7 wolf cavalry.

So there is no need to worry too much about Giselle's safety. Su Ya is more worried about Bai Yang. After turning into a tree spirit, this little girl is even more lazy to move and her speed has slowed down.

Even with the bonus of the God of War's Feet, he would definitely not be able to outrun those wolf riders, so Su Ya had specifically taken care that those planted in the dense forest would be able to come back.

Now several days have passed, even Wei Yihong and the others have returned to Qingfeng Castle, but the little girl has never appeared.

Su Ya can also understand that even if she is included, there are only 16 people planting trees. It is not easy to form a dense forest.

Now she could only hope that the orcs would not appear in large numbers, and the few wolf-riding spies would pose no threat to Giselle and the others.

A large number of manticores flapped their wings and flew towards the city.

Su Ya, who was standing at the top of the city, was unmoved, and her gaze had already passed through the group of griffins, looking into the distance somewhere unknown.

The arrow tower behind the city wall launches the attack first. The arrow tower is larger than the watchtower and can accommodate 3-4 shooters. Each shooter increases the range by 50%, the attack power and the field of vision by 50%.

Therefore, although the arrow towers were built behind the city wall, the archers on the two arrow towers were able to launch attacks earlier.

All six magic archers belonging to Dill Rogers stayed in these two arrow towers.

Six group slow arrows were shot out, exploding directly in the group of manticores, completely covering all the manticores. (End of chapter)

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