Regardless of whether Fiona noticed that the forbidden magic effect disappeared, the Fire Demonic Wall she used was already the strongest.

Because even though she also possesses the ultimate fire magic, her spirit is much worse than that of the lord who made this scroll.

The fire demon wall she released herself did much less damage than this scroll.

However, releasing this scroll also meant that she would not be able to cast the spell again for a period of time.

Spell scrolls, like spell casting, require a cooling time. Otherwise, others only need to reserve a large number of spell scrolls and tear them all apart when the enemy comes back.

No one can block the endless spells, and even invincibility only lasts for one minute.

If two spells are released at the same time, it will inevitably cause extremely serious interference. Therefore, whether you use a scroll or cast a spell by yourself, there will be a spell shock period, which is the spell cooling period in the popular sense.

After forcing out Fiona's spell, Xu Laicai ordered the release of the sacred armor. Eight Holy Light Knights scattered in the team cast spells collectively, and an instant invincible light enveloped the entire army.

The wall of flames blocked Fiona's sight, but she knew that this wall of flames alone could not burn the charging knight to death.

The effect of the Flame Demonic Wall is more of a deterrent. Not many living people can bravely drill into the five-meter-thick fire wall.

But if you really get in, even if it causes 100 points of fire damage in one second, it is impossible to burn a knight to death.

Therefore, Fiona urged the horned devil to charge towards the two groups of knights.

She didn't expect the horned devil to kill these knights, but she hoped that the horned devil would use its own life to offset the knight's running speed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to stop these knights just by relying on the Evil God Kings around them.

Fiona was well aware of the horrific damage done to the knight.

It was not enough to launch the horned devil to charge. Fiona mobilized all the faster three-headed hell dogs on both sides.

As long as a steady stream of monsters are used to limit the speed of the knights, the damage caused by the knights will be reduced by at least double.

Moreover, once these knights are held back, she can continuously mobilize troops from the rear.

Although focusing on dealing with knights, her own troops will continue to suffer long-range massacres from the opponent, but as long as these two groups of knights are eliminated, victory on the battlefield will definitely belong to her.

Although her fire elves had been severely damaged before, Fiona, who brought a large number of flying troops, certainly would not believe that her fire elves would be defeated by less than 200 griffons.

When the fire elves defeat the griffins, and then charge into the opponent's long-range troops, isn't victory just around the corner?

Although the price is a bit high, humans with so many high-quality troops must not be ordinary people.

When the time comes, by using Xu Lai's head in exchange for military exploits, we should be able to recover some losses from the great lord.

But before she could finish her thoughts, Xu Lai burst out of the blazing flames with a golden shield on his head.

Fiona's expression changed, and she immediately ordered the Evil God Kings to cast spells. Sure enough, they used the dead little monsters to pull up dozens of horned demons.

However, the demons she pulled up were thousands of miles away from her. They belonged to distant water and could not quench the thirst of those nearby, so they had no effect on her.

The horned devil who charged in the opposite direction was pierced into strings of twists by the spears that were much longer than his own horns.

The cavalry, which was gradually losing its impact, did not stop at all. Relying on its invincible skills and abnormal power, it carved out a space from both sides, leaving the middle for its companions who still had impact in the rear.

At the same time, the paladins who arrived later had already pierced through the side with the holy light.

Those blocking the front are whether it is the sixth-level Horned Demon Warlord, the huge three-headed hell dog, or the powerful Evil God King.

Under the charge of the paladin, who weighed several tons with his horse and man, and whose speed was close to more than 200 kilometers per hour, all creatures touched by this steel gun instantly turned into a rain of blood.

The paladin's charge was like a rocket-propelled tractor, plowing the ground clean in an instant, leaving no trace of land, except for the rain of blood in the sky.

Xu Lai, who was not far away and could no longer charge, could only sigh when he saw this scene. This was a real cavalry charge.

Even the main battle tanks in modern society can only wait for death when faced with this kind of stronger defense and faster speed, except for knights who are inferior in weight and attack but can ignore any damage.

After the charge effect ends, the paladins still have Xu Lai's treasures and the bonus of master-level offensive skills. They cannot kill the evil god king instantly like before, but it is nothing more than spending two more swords.

The paladin in the front row took the initiative to use the punishment spell, and the one-handed sword he replaced was immediately covered with a layer of holy light.

This layer of holy light can only cause 150% damage to ordinary creatures, which is equivalent to a 50% increase, but it can only last for 3 minutes and requires a full 50 points of mana.

But for undead and demonic creatures, punishment has become a high-level spell with 300% holy damage, and one sword and one of the same level are not a problem at all.

However, due to Xu Lai's concerns, there was no heroic knight with stronger impact to take the lead in the charge. The charge of the Paladins finally stopped 30 meters away from Fiona.

Fiona, who was almost scared to death, mobilized all nearby units that could be mobilized, and continuously surrounded the Paladins layer by layer.

Even if you can't kill these paladins, you will tire them to death.

The key is that the one-minute invincibility time passes quickly. The biggest feature of the Evil God King at the same level is to summon horned demons, but their attack power is indeed good.

The most important thing is that the Evil God King uses a long whip, which can hide behind the horned evil ghost to attack.

Although the paladin with the punishment kept swinging his sword and blocking with his shield, killing the horned demons one after another, the effect was never satisfactory.

A steady stream of telephoto demons continued to squeeze in, and the piled corpses seriously hindered the advancement. Even though Tahan continued to direct the wind knights to assist with javelins from the outside, the advancement speed still slowed down.

Paladins have knight skills to increase attributes, heavy armor to reduce damage, blessings to improve attack and defense, and lay healing to heal themselves.

They are all-round warriors. Even if they are trapped in constant siege, they can still move forward firmly and steadily like the Shenzhou being beaten by huge waves.

The Paladin kept moving forward, and Fiona kept retreating.

The paladins moved forward one meter, and Fiona wanted to retreat two meters.

It is said that when a general is raging, a den of soldiers is raging. The general keeps retreating, causing the demon's already declining morale to drop even faster.

Xu Lai didn't want to expose himself just yet, otherwise he would take out a bow and arrow to kill him. Relying on the special effects of intermediate archery, the morale of the surrounding demon army would soon collapse.

However, although he did not stand out, even because he was using a battle flag, his efficiency in killing enemies was far inferior to that of the two Holy Light Knights who had replaced their swords with him.

But perhaps because of holding the flag, there was a continuous flow of three-headed hellhounds pouncing on him.

This is why he has been reluctant to switch to the Dark Destruction Blade, which is more efficient in killing enemies. Without the invincible effect, he doesn't want these big dogs to get close.

The fire they breathe is smelly and painful.

Finally, Fiona, who was going upstream, was discovered by Xu Lai. The surrounding troops continued to pour in towards the Paladin, but Fiona and her people kept retreating.

Coupled with the flash of fire, the Paladins were all blinded by the fire. It was the blindness that Xu Lai had used before that was particularly effective.

Seeing that the Paladins were approaching, Fiona had to cast a spell to control these Paladins first.

Moreover, the ultimate blindness requires a period of adaptation even if it is awakened, and there is no way to fight back immediately.

However, just as the blindness was used, dots of blue light flashed across the other team of knights.

Designate all knights to heal, restore 27 health points to all knights, and dispel all negative statuses on them.

The Paladins with high defense and armor over there, a few who were caught in the fire, had half of their health knocked out, but were all brought back by the Paladin behind them with a holy healing spell and a healing spell.

Most importantly, the blindness he had just acquired was dispelled immediately, much faster than when Xu Lai used the dispelling method before. At least Xu Lai was spared the time needed to rummage and tear apart the scroll.

Xu Lai has been holding on to the wound for a long time, just to take precautions.

He would rather not cast a spell himself, but must counter Fiona's spell as much as possible.

The sudden light instantly made Fiona realize that the enemy's general was in this team.

Moreover, because she paid too much attention to the Paladins, she had unknowingly brought this cavalry closer to her 20-meter danger zone.

You know, with her continuous retreat, the distance from the Paladin is now 20 meters away.

It was too sudden, and Fiona was not aware of who was the leader of this army.

But the two Holy Light Knights at the front, who are more exaggerated than the Paladins, and the flag bearer sandwiched between the Holy Light Knights are very possible.

Of course Xu Lai also knew that he had been exposed, so he launched it faster than Fiona realized.

As soon as the almost healing light appeared, the last Holy Light Knight who had not released the sacred armor released the crucial sacred armor.

The 18 warriors at the front all wore golden shields representing invincibility.

Although the other Holy Light Knight lost his sacred armor, he promptly activated a blessing spell that was stronger than the Holy Knight, which increased the attack and defense of the surrounding people by 10 points.

That's not all. The two guardians around Xu Lai all started to sacrifice.

Sacrifice this feature, once activated, it will only burn to the end of its life before being terminated.

Of course, the Holy Light Knight blessed by the ultimate defense technique will be forced to retain 1 point of health after the last bit of damage.

If Xu Lai or both of them cannot recover their health in time, Xu Lai's two eighth-level Holy Light Knights will really have to die here.

At this price, they regained the ability to charge among the monsters and doubled their damage.

According to the HP of the Holy Light Knight, the price of sacrifice lasts for more than 300 seconds at most, which is about 6 minutes.

Charge again in the demon group, and after adding the punishment spell, no matter how high the demon is, it will be one sword at a time.

Sacrifice is a terrifying skill that is completely immune to damage except for control abilities. It can only be released once a month.

In fact, if it weren't for Xu Lai's ultimate defense, and unless there were enough archangels, this skill could only be used once in a lifetime. (End of chapter)

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