The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 261 Immortal Phoenix

Both specialties happened to be very needed by Xu Lai. The former was of great help not only to the troops, but also to the people under his command.

If you really want to walk back, you should undoubtedly choose advanced logistics. A 10% speed increase may save Xu Lai several days of time.

But when it comes to its help in combat, offensive skills undoubtedly have a greater impact.

The 15% defense ignore that comes with the master offensive technique, plus the 20% defense ignore of Xu Lai's monster killer flag, is equivalent to ignoring 35% of the defense.

It is equivalent to saying that everyone under Xu Lai is a little Beamon. After all, serious Beamon only ignores 40% of defense.

Of course, Behemoth can also be blessed by master-level offensive skills. This does not mean that Xu Lai can really catch up with Behemoth.

Xu Lai thought about it and finally decided to leave this opportunity to the offensive technique.

He has already summed up experience. The higher the level of each specialization, the more powerful the additional special effects will be.

Defense is like this, archery is like this, and offense is like this.

His current level has become increasingly difficult to climb. Every time he upgrades in the future, he may need to assemble all the grassland nobles to fight against the orc vanguard group in a terrifying scale battle.

This also means that every time he improves his specialization in the future, it will not be so easy.

The sooner these practical specializations are upgraded to high levels, the sooner these specializations can be upgraded to the ultimate level, which is the final form of each specialization.

After choosing the master-level offensive operation, the combat effectiveness of the troops has made a qualitative leap again, and the speed of clearing wild monsters has also increased.

Before it got completely dark, Xu Lai wiped out another wild monster, the ultimate unit of the elemental tribe, the Firebird.

Thanks to the three-star moon, there should have been only a few or a dozen firebirds, but now there are more than 60.

Under normal circumstances, facing more than 60 firebirds, Xu Lai would definitely leave without saying a word. After all, even if he could defeat them, damage would still be inevitable.

But today, it is impossible for Xu Lai to leave.

In the Three-Star Moon, in addition to the three-fold increase in the number of wild monsters, the resources they guard also increased three-fold.

For example, the pile of gold coins guarded by the skeleton soldiers contains 2,400 gold coins.

Although this amount of gold coins is not worth mentioning to Xu Lai now, with so many gold coins, this team of skeleton soldiers is usually not qualified to guard them.

There are also the pile of resources guarded by the stone men, a total of 15 units of gems, which can be sold for thousands of gold. However, the guards are just a group of stone men who are capable of defense but unable to attack.

The most exciting thing is the flame throwers. They are guarding a treasure chest. It should be bronze or black iron level. After all, although this thing is long-range, it is a level 2 item.

However, Xu Lai had just found a silver-level treasure chest from behind the flame throwers.

Obviously, resources can directly change qualitatively after experiencing quantitative changes for a period of time.

Firebirds, like angels, have a minimum level of 7. They were supposed to guard gold-level treasure chests.

Silver treasure chests can unlock high-level treasures, and gold-level treasure chests can unlock super treasures.

Therefore, whether the resources Firebird guards are three gold treasure chests, or whether they simply upgrade all the gold treasure chests to a treasure chest that Xu Lai doesn't know what level.

Xu Laidu must be beaten. If he doesn't beat and someone else robs him, he will really cry without tears.

Fight after fight, the Firebird is a level 7 unit after all, and it is not that easy to mess with even without the hero bonus.

Xu Lai first observed from a very far distance to confirm his opponent.

After carefully counting everything to ensure that nothing was missing, Xu Lai began to arrange the battle.

There are 65 firebirds in this group, including 58 level 7 firebirds, 6 level 8 phoenixes, and 1 level 9 immortal phoenix.

When level 9 wild monsters appeared, Xu Lai had to be even more cautious, so this time he did not dare to stay at all. Except for the infantry regiment who stayed in the temporary camp, everyone else had to contribute.

Fighting with these firebirds, Xu Lai also has an advantage, that is, he has more initiative.

Firebird is an elemental creature and has a neutral relationship with the empire, which means that the opponent's warning range is about 100 meters, and Xu Lai can arrange the battle very calmly.

First, 13 Royal Griffins began to take off. Although their swarm dive was powerful, it required a long time to prepare.

And once the dive starts, the position cannot be changed. If the enemy moves during this period, it will be a waste of the Royal Griffin's huge physical dive.

If your own troops accidentally enter the dive range, they will also be hurt by the dive attack.

Combat dive is a melee physical damage, which is just enough to be blessed by Xu Lai's newly upgraded master offensive technique.

Coupled with the fact that it can ignore 35% of the enemy's defense, the high defense effect of the Firebird's level 7 creature is also greatly limited.

What Xu Lai needed to pay special attention to was not the largest group of firebirds, but the single gray-gold immortal phoenix behind the firebirds.

The firebird is a creature whose whole body is made of flames. It is born with the talent of being immune to flames. The flames sprayed from its mouth can also attack the creatures in front of it.

After ascending to the phoenix form, the flame began to become transparent, and at the same time, like the archangel, it gained a crucial feature, resurrection.

However, Phoenix's resurrection can only work on itself and is useless on others.

When I arrived at the Immortal Phoenix, I felt that the orange-red flame, like the sun, was cast a gray shadow, giving it a gray and golden feeling.

The immortal phoenix can be resurrected 100% of the time, and it also comes with a fire shield and dragon-slaying spell.

Although there are no giant dragons in Xu Lai's army, the Fire Aegis alone is unbearable.

This thing can reflect melee damage. For Xu Lai, who mostly dealt melee damage in the entire army, there was no telling how much damage a Fire Aegis could deal.

The only solution for now is to let the immortal phoenix go first and let Seraph Elvi contain this thing.

He led other troops to attack the Firebird and Phoenix.

When the royal griffin in the sky approached quickly with a high-speed swooping whistle, the immortal phoenix among the firebirds suddenly opened its golden-red eyes.

There were actually traces of flames spitting out from the golden-red eyes.

I almost forgot to mention that the Firebirds are surrounded by flames, so creatures near them will be subject to continuous flame attacks.

Fortunately, Xu Lai still had a magic scroll that Wei Yihong and the others bought for him, which was the magical fire-control magic scroll.

During the preparations for the war, Xu Lai had cast spells many times to add fire-bending magic to Elvy, the Paladins and the Rangers, which could reduce fire damage by 30%.

It's a pity that this scroll of fire control magic does not have any fire magic blessing. If it can be blessed with an ultimate fire magic, Xu Lai will not have to worry about these fire birds at all.

It should be mentioned that although the flames breathed by the firebirds can attack multiple units in front of them, they are also fire attacks, and they are also spell attacks.

This means that in addition to the damage reduction of firebending magic, the firebirds' attacks are also affected by resistance.

Of course, their fangs and claws are all physical attacks, not affected by resistance, but affected by defense.

In short, no matter which attack method they use, they can only cause 50% damage to Xu Lai and the others. This is the power of a hero.

Before the fight started, one's own side first lost 50% of its attack power, and then its defense power was reduced by 35% under the effects of the master offensive technique and the monster killer.

Except for the fact that the health value has not been affected, the level of this group of at least level 7 creatures has dropped to level 6, or even level 5.

As for Xu Lai, under the influence of specialization and morale, his attack and defense were increased by at least 50%, not to mention doubled.

Even the health value has been increased by 30% with the blessing of the sacred blood bottle.

Xu Lai also has a powerful talent for speed, which makes their movement speed and attack speed comparable to high-level creatures, which is equivalent to raising the level 4 rangers to level 5 or even level 6.

One is reduced by at least half, and the other is increased by at least half. One increase and one decrease, what a huge difference.

Even if Xu Lai didn't have any high-level troops and only had the 120 rangers and mercenaries, Xu Lai would still dare to challenge these Firebirds.

Of course, in that case, the losses may be serious.

There was a loud bang, and the swooping damage of the 13 Royal Griffins was even more shocking than the previous time when there were 14.

If you were fighting against people, the enemy would have changed positions as soon as you saw the Royal Griffin taking off.

But wild monsters are wild monsters. They don't have any intelligence at all. They can only know how to fight back after taking this blow in vain.

Because the fire bird is a top-level creature of the fire system and is naturally immune to any fire spells, Xu Lai's blindness and magic arrows have no use.

However, Yu Lan's spell is still effective.

Yu Lan's first random spell was a slowdown that had a huge impact on the Firebirds, reducing their movement speed by a full 25%, instantly reducing the Firebirds' movement speed of 15 points to 11 points.

At this speed, even the rangers who had been blessed by Xu Lai could easily be bullied.

The Phoenix, which originally had 21 points but now only has 16 points, needs to be careful.

With Xu Lai's blessing, Yan Feng and the others were just a bit faster than Phoenix.

But if they stopped to shoot arrows, they would be easily overtaken by the enemy.

Therefore, only at the beginning, after Yan Feng and the others fired a round of mounted fire at the Phoenix, they immediately started running without looking back.

At this time, Xu Lai's 1st and 3rd Cavalry Squadron also launched a collective charge.

Of course, Xu Lai's heroic knight was the only one who rushed at the front. Under the collective spell cast by seven Holy Light Knights, everyone began to charge despite being invincible.

The same is true for Elvi. She carries an invincible shield and is completely unafraid of the Fire Shield of the Immortal Phoenix. The flaming sword does not defend at all and relies on her speed advantage to suppress the Immortal Phoenix.

After the Royal Griffin dived, the Firebirds collided head-on with the charging knights. Their bodies instantly turned into flames, and they left this beautiful world one by one. (End of chapter)

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