The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 241: Strong second-level high-level orc hero

Looking at the crumbling Thunderbirds and Dapeng in the sky, Xu Lai held Yu Lan in his arms and kissed her hard.

The hypnosis failed to make the other party fall asleep, so the spell was considered a failure, but it was not ineffective.

The thunderbirds flapped their wings for a long time, and their height had dropped from the previous thousand meters to a dangerous distance of nearly two to three hundred meters.

At this distance, Yan Feng and other horse archers could easily hit these flying troops as long as they raised their bows and arrows.

However, under Xu Lai's stern gaze, Yan Feng and the two elves could only endure it.

Ed and Silver Wing quietly put away their bows and arrows and put on their swords. The Pegasus under their crotches had begun to flap its wings slightly, as if they wanted to rush forward immediately.

Xu Lai raised his arms high. He would never allow such a good opportunity to be destroyed by a few arrows from Yan Feng and the others.

Severe pain will undoubtedly increase the chance of these birds resisting sleep. The descent speed of some ptarmigans is much slower than that of other birds.

Gebadas frantically plucked the feathers of the thunderbird. As expected, his thunderbird gradually woke up, and with Gebadas's efforts, it gradually stopped falling.

However, their few birds did not affect Xu Lai's performance at all.

When most of the birds were about to land, Xu Lai's arms that had been raised high finally lowered them heavily.

The paladins headed by Tahan sprinted out in an instant like wild horses running wild.

Xu Lai and the others were not behind, and led the knights and nomads to charge collectively.

Unlike Xu Lai and the others, the two Pegasus knights were also charging, but they were charging higher and higher, as if they were charging into the sky.

Obviously, their target is no longer the birds that are about to land on the ground, but the few guys in the sky who are gradually waking up.

Gebadas was obviously carrying the Thunderbird, and there were more people around him, but they did not dare to resist at all, and kept controlling the direction of the Thunderbird.

Because behind the two elves, there seemed to be an archangel with a group of royal griffons, charging towards Jebadas at an accelerated speed.

Ai Erwei has long had enough of these followers in the sky. Previously, Xu Lai was afraid that she would suffer due to the overwhelming number of people on her side, so he kept restraining her.

Now that we have a large number of people, there is no reason for Elvi to wait for the result.

Even when the two elves rushed over, Elvi glared at them so hard that they were so frightened that they could only bully a few of Jebadas' followers.

In fact, Jebadas is not easy to deal with. As the patriarch of the Orc clan, his hero level is not lower than Talosi, and his experience bar is even higher.

Moreover, he not only possesses the ultimate offensive skills, but also possesses the ultimate archery skills. His personal combat ability is second to none, but he never bothers to show his personal bravery.

In addition, the number of orcs far exceeds that of the Wolf tribe. Although Jebadas is ridiculed by Talosi and other pure orcs because of his race, his net worth is much richer than them.

The two elves, Ed and Silver Wing, were not really willing to retreat after being glared at by Elvy. In fact, this old boy stood on the back of the thunderbird and could throw two amazingly powerful iron axes. , leaving both of them injured.

The ultimate archery and armor-piercing iron ax, if it weren't for sitting on the back of the Thunderbird and having to master the timing when throwing it, Ed and Silver Wing would have no chance of getting close.

However, even if he was approached, Gebadas was not very afraid. He knew that he could not be the archangel's opponent in physical combat, so he directly used powerful magic equipment.

As a half-orc, Jebadas is shorter than most humans.

He first slapped his belt and summoned a huge shield, and his whole body was completely blocked by this transparent shield.

Don't talk about him, even the Thunderbird under him is completely immune to physical damage.

This is a magic shield, but it can only resist physical damage. Only by accumulating enough damage can the shield be broken.

Based on Elvi's attack power, this shield can withstand at least 5 minutes if no one else helps.

Because this shield, in addition to being able to withstand damage, also has a terrifying defense value of up to 999 points. Most of the physical damage in this world can only cause 1 point of forced damage to this shield.

Normal attacks cannot cause damage without breaking the defense, but the shield's powerful defense forces it to bear forced damage.

Therefore, to deal with this shield, it is actually better to stack it with quantity.

Even farmers with weak attack power can lose a little bit of defense value as long as they encounter a hoe.

In order to protect himself, Jebadas prepared a lot of high-end equipment for himself. In addition to the giant belt specially designed to deal with physical attacks, there is also a magic mirror ring and a triggered magic shield to deal with spell damage.

It's a pity that Yu Lan's spell directly affects the thunderbird under him. If it only affects him, he can use the magic mirror ring to return the spell directed at him to the caster.

After discovering that no matter how she used her sword skills, she could not cause damage to the shield, nor could she cross the shield and directly hit Gebadas behind the shield, Elvy did not choose to retreat.

The blue flame on the sacred sword suddenly turned into a golden flame under the influence of the sacred power.

As an archangel, the only two spells Elvy can cast are resurrection and sacred flame.

It's a pity that the only two spells cannot be recognized as spells by the archangel, but are recognized as similar to biological instincts.

For example, the fire element is naturally immune to fire spells, the Minotaur is born with high morale, and the vampire is born with the ability to suck blood.

These can be achieved using spells such as Fire Immunity, Rejoicing, Vampiric Touch, etc.

However, these spells are unable to take effect under the effect of banning magic. For example, Yu Lan's forgetting spell has a similar effect.

But biological instinct is not a spell, but an innate ability.

Resurrection and sacred fire are considered to be inherent in nature, which has advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that it is not subject to the spell enhancement blessing of the effect of holy units. The advantage is that it can take effect most of the time, and its scope of application is wider than that of spells.

What lights up on the sacred sword at this time is the sacred flame that Elvi can only release once a day.

Affected by its own specialties, the duration of the sacred flame has increased after all, and can be 7.5 minutes longer than other archangels.

However, when an archangel unleashes divine fire, the battle is often over within minutes.

After being beaten for a long time, Jebadas was ready to fight back. A blue-patterned ax that he specially used for close combat slashed hard on Elvi's archangel weapon.

The ultimate offensive technique and the ultimate defensive technique on the archangel canceled each other out, but the additional skills of the equipment and its own attack power still affected Elvy.

Elvi's body was paralyzed. This ax was also unusual. Since it was equipped with powerful lightning power, all enemies hit by it would be temporarily paralyzed.

The duration of paralysis varies according to the physique of each enemy. Elvie's physique is not low, and the paralysis can only cause a short-term effect on her for a few tenths of a second.

But just a few tenths of a second was enough for Jebadas' next attack to arrive.

Jebadas is not greedy for damage. As long as the attack speed and damage can barely break the defense, he relies entirely on the additional lightning damage to kill the target.

Because this can firmly control the opponent, it is equivalent to anyone being hit by him, who will be continuously paralyzed until death.

This advanced equipment and Gebadas' powerful combat skills were the reason why he was not worried about the Archangel's attack before.

Unfortunately, the archangel's iron will can only make them immune to the control of mental spells. Spells such as hypnosis, including blindness, have no effect on them.

But they still cannot avoid control spells such as lightning's paralysis, frost's freezing, and earth's slowness.

Elvi gritted her teeth and endured the opponent's constant attacks. She couldn't move her body, but she still summoned several royal griffons to attack Gebadas from behind.

However, under the protection of the giant shield, Gebadas completely ignored the threats behind him. He even took the initiative to control the Thunderbird and accompanied Elvy, who was unable to flap her wings, to descend together.

Elvi, supported by two pairs of wings, could not fall very fast even if she was motionless, but she would rather fall directly to the ground at this time. She did not believe that Gebadas dared to land together.

Of course Gebadas didn't dare, so he drank a bottle of accelerating potion, which doubled his attack speed in a short period of time.

Suddenly, there was a clang, and Gebadas' battle ax was blocked by the sacred sword.

However, Xu Lai's anti-magic cloak, rune-patterned trousers and primary resistance finally took effect, directly resisting the lightning damage of the battle ax twice in a row, allowing Elwe to gain temporary control of her body from paralysis.

Jebadas, who drank the accelerating potion, has a very fast attack speed, but his agility is amazing. With the blessing of Xu Lai's speed power, Elvy, who increases her attack speed by 20%, is enough to deal with it.

Even while constantly blocking attacks, Elvi was able to find time to strike a blow at Jebadas.

Although the damage was offset by the giant shield, the sacred flame's ability to ignore defense caused the huge shield to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jebadas was a little panicked now. He fumbled around in his belt and took out another bottle of strength potion.

However, even after taking the strength potion, her strength temporarily surpassed that of Elvi, but every attack was still blocked by Elvi who was more skilled in swordsmanship.

On the contrary, because she kept searching for props from her belt, Elvi found several opportunities to completely smash the shield with a flying blow.

Finally, in the desperate eyes of Jebadas, Elvi cut off the thunderbird's head with a sword.

Gebadas's mount was stopped, and Gebadas, who was in mid-air, could no longer rely on himself and quickly fell to the ground. (End of chapter)

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