The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 129 Lancers, Infantry and Archers

Counting the miners, Xu Lai conservatively estimates that his town has more than 300 people, which is equivalent to consuming more than 300 units of food every day.

After today's battle, Xu Lai also packed up a lot of horse meat and returned, and the ones that couldn't be packed were left to those who were unwilling to leave.

So Xu Lai will clear out his backpack later, and he should be able to have enough food for the next few days.

But to prepare for a rainy day, Xu Lai tasted the sweetness and naturally wanted to make more copycats, so it was necessary and necessary to reserve military rations in advance.

These 16 farmers will directly invest in food production after the farm is built.

After all the farmers were arranged, the entire town seemed completely idle.

Wei Yihong didn't think there was anything wrong with Xu Lai building a town without saying hello to him. He was still immersed in the big changes in the village offices, manors and other buildings.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Lai took Wei Yihong to the warehouse with a smile, took out all the equipment he had stored in the space backpack, and asked Wei Yihong to help sort them into categories.

Since he had accepted Urdola and others as his subordinates, Xu Lai naturally had to equip them with corresponding equipment.

Therefore, after sorting the equipment into categories, Xu Lai had to keep some of it, and he could not let Wei Yihong take it all away and sell it.

In addition, Wei Yihong also had to take away the calligraphy and paintings, jewelry, jewelry and antiques and other things.

Of course, these things are not urgently needed by the temple, but with the endorsement of the temple, Wei Yihong can find a caravan to sell them.

I believe that those caravans have traveled thousands of miles to deliver a lot of resources, and they are not willing to go back empty-handed, especially since the largest output of the grassland is all kinds of cattle and horses, and their transportation capabilities are extremely strong.

Wei Yihong, who had been idle for a few days, did not reject the job Xu Lai gave him.

And from the perspective of work content, Wei Yihong feels that his importance is constantly increasing.

Xu Lai roughly explained to Wei Yihong what he was doing. In fact, since Xu Lai hurried back to do a big upgrade alone, plus pouring out so much equipment in one breath, Wei Yihong could also guess what Xu Lai did. .

Therefore, instead of being secretive and making people feel that you are not trusted, it is better to tell the other person openly.

Sure enough, when Xu Lai told Wei Yihong that he had easily wiped out an entire village, including more than 400 horse thieves and thieves of all levels, with zero casualties, the shock on Wei Yihong's face could not be concealed.

Of course Wei Yihong was shocked. He was the same person, with the same starting point. Wei Yihong had several more years of life experience than Xu Lai. As a result, he himself became a refugee, while the other party could easily kill the horse thieves who gave even the nobles a headache.

How can the gap between this be measured by reason?

Of course, this also has a lot to do with people's luck. After all, Wei Yihong is much luckier than Wang Chao and the little girl named Dong.

Xu Lai gave a brief overview and introduced the origins of various jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, mainly what kind of room they were looted from and what their previous packaging was.

Whether in modern society or in this world, Xu Lai has no research on this kind of luxury goods. Apart from being able to tell at a glance whether they are good-looking or not, and whether they are bright or not, the value is really indistinguishable.

Therefore, he could only provide this additional information so that Wei Yihong could classify it accordingly, so as not to be slaughtered when it was time to sell it.

Judging from the current situation, it is certain that they will be ripped off. The endorsement of the temple can only prevent them from making trouble and being underpriced. It is definitely useless to go to the temple.

Probably after explaining the jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, Xu Lai felt a little hungry, so he said goodbye to Wei Yihong, leaving a lot of stalls for Wei Yihong to clean up slowly.

There was no one idle in the whole town now. Unless Xu Lai called out the farmers on the night shift who were resting in the farm, he would have no choice but to mobilize Lin Yao and the others.

These people couldn't cook for him, so he had to do it himself.

Since having Yu Lan, Giselle and the others, Xu Lai hasn't done anything personally for a long time.

However, in the brand-new courtyard, the kitchen alone is larger than the room Xu Lai rented before, and has all kinds of utensils.

The main courtyard that belonged to him was separated from the east and west wing rooms by a pond. Xu Lai had to cross a small bridge to enter his own room.

It is said to be a room, which is larger than a suite. The large room is not only separated from the front and back, but also has two wing rooms on the left and right, which are used for bathing, washing, dressing, etc.

The most important thing is the obviously widened big bed, which is more than three meters long. Although it may be a bit cramped for four people to lie on it, at least it should be able to sleep.

After a brief visit, Xu Lai immediately got down to business. The Abel crystal in the room was still there, but because Xu Lai was not around at 12 o'clock last night, there were no new crystals today.

In the space backpack, there is also a treasure chest of the God of War's Feet collected by Xu Lai. Although this box is not very big, it does have special space inside. Xu Lai estimates that it is several cubic meters.

Xu Lai has always kept this box as his own treasure box. His gems, crystals, etc. are all placed in this box.

From the thieves' lair, Xu Lai brought back a large amount of gems and crystals, and of course there are still some left.

But Xu Lai didn't know how much he would save.

Xu Lai dumped out all his space backpack, leaving only food and immovable items such as arrows still in it.

There are a dozen boxes on the ground, a large number of rare resources, and some props that Xu Lai is not planning to sell.

It's a pity that those horse thieves couldn't use the treasures, otherwise Xu Lai might have been able to find a few useful treasures.

He first used his original orc battle ax to break all the locks on the locked box. He was also careful when opening it, wearing gloves on purpose, and hid behind the box.

Yu Lan had told him before that the box could ensure that it was not a magic box, that there would be no mana fluctuations and that it could be opened physically.

But she didn't know whether there were traps or traps in the box, and no one knew about it.

However, he was still overly worried. None of the dozens of boxes contained any traps, including the three treasure boxes from Andy Yin's secret room.

Yin Andi's three boxes are not big, and none of them are filled with gold coins.

In the first box, there was a small box of mithril, a total of 8 ingots. It was only spread on two layers, barely filling one third of the box.

Each ingot of mithril can be directly converted into 1,000 gold coins. It is a more portable valuable than gems and crystals.

Of course, even if Xu Lai doesn't know the value of mithril yet, this method of use must be the lowest level. After all, mithril can be converted into gold coins, but gold coins cannot be converted into mithril.

However, such a portable and valuable item, and the one on Andy Yin's body is only 9 units, is enough to show that this thing is really rare.

The other box was very full, and as expected, it turned out to be a whole box of bright gems.

Xu Lai sorted all these high-end resources into different categories and put them one by one into his big box. Finally, he got 163 rare gems and 102 rare crystals.

Relatively speaking, in the human race, gems are still more valuable than crystals.

Now he really made a fortune. Xu Lai had been saving for so long, but he could only save more than 20 units of gems. However, he had more than 30 units of crystals because of the existence of Aber Crystal.

But now these high-end resources have directly multiplied several times. Even if one of them is sold for only 100 gold coins, it is more than 10,000 gold coins. The total of all rare resources is more than 30,000 gold coins.

And how could a gem only sell for more than 100 gold? After all, this is a rare resource with high demand among humans.

Most of the boxes contained more or less rare resources, but only a few of the two boxes contained a box full of gold coins.

This box seems to be quite a lot. In fact, when I poured it out and counted it, it was only two to three thousand pieces.

However, Xu Lai did not want too few gold coins. He built a council hall, a manor and a large manor in one go, plus 9 houses. Xu Lai consumed a lot of the gold coins he captured.

After getting the supplement, Xu Lai re-counted his gold coins according to weight. The number was about 16,000, including his original deposit of several thousand gold coins.

The money seemed to be a lot, but Xu Lai calculated it carefully, but the gap was still very big.

Not to mention the pile of blacksmith shops, grocery stores and other shops in the town, as well as the construction and upgrading of houses, arrow towers, city defenses and other buildings.

Xu Lai would definitely build the town's own spearman training camp alone. The price of this thing was not cheap, so Xu Lai seized a lot of basic resources from the village.

However, the Lancer Training Camp is expensive, but it does not require man-hours. Xu Lai can build it whenever he wants, and it can be built immediately.

In addition to the spearman training camp, Xu Lai also obtained three drawings from the thieves, namely the infantry training camp and the shooter tower. Needless to say, Xu Lai will definitely build these two things.

There were three drawings in total. Xu Lai used them all directly in his room. As expected, these three buildings were added to the list of buildings in the town.

[Infantry Training Camp]: Provides 5 level 2 infantrymen every month, with a construction cost of 2,000 gold coins and 50 units of wood.

Note: This building is a heroic can only own one.

Note 2: You can spend 10,000 gold coins, 500 units of wood, and 200 units of stone to upgrade this building to a [Swordsman Training Camp], which can provide 5 level 5 swordsmen every month, and you can spend gold coins to directly upgrade level 4 warriors to 5 Level swordsman, requirements: castle.

[Archer Tower]: Provides 5+1 level 3 shooters every month. The construction cost is 3000 gold coins, 100 units of wood, and 50 units of stone.

Note: omitted

Note 2: You can spend 6,000 gold coins, 200 units of wood, and 100 units of stone to upgrade this building to [Longbow Camp], which can provide 10+1 level 4 longbowmen every month, and you can spend gold coins to directly upgrade level 3 archers to Level 4 long archer, requirements: fortress.

[Advanced training ground]: Quickly improve experience by consuming money/time.

Note: In addition to soldiers, the advanced training ground also allows independent warriors, captains, generals, heroes (nobles) and other special units to enter training

Construction cost: 5000 gold coins.

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