The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 11 Sleepless Night

The first night he spent in a different world, Xu Lai felt a bit cold.

He graciously gave up the two tents to the shooters, making sure that they had full physical strength during the day. The farmers could work a little longer at night and wait until the shooters had a full eight hours of sleep before going to bed.

Xu Lai didn't have a timekeeper, and neither did Su Ya, but she was able to roughly judge the time based on the stars in the sky.

After it got dark, Xu Lai asked the shooters to rest. It was probably after 7 o'clock but not before 8 o'clock.

In other words, these shooters were already well rested before 4 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, you can probably switch to a farmer to rest, sleep until getting up at 8 o'clock, sleep for another two hours at noon, and sleep for another two hours in the evening, which can make up to 8 hours.

It's this kind of resting method that doesn't seem very humane.

However, Xu Lai checked and found that these guys could almost lie down and sleep after entering the tent, and their breathing would calm down immediately. It was not known whether they really fell asleep in an instant.

In fact, you can't blame Xu Lai for not being a good person. It's because Xu Lai knows too little about the world and has too little information.

He only had so few gold coins in his hand, and he really didn't dare to spend them randomly.

After all, sleeping on the grass can restore your strength, and farmers don't really have to stay up until 4 o'clock.

They will be divided into 2 squads, with 5 people in each squad. Of course, 2 of them will take care of the farmland, and the other three will patrol around the camp with a torch made by Xu Lai himself.

One group of people works from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock, and the remaining group of people lie on the grass to rest and take over after 12 o'clock.

At 4 o'clock, the shooters stood up and stood guard. The farmers collectively went into the tents to rest, and the farmland was left open for 4 hours.

He and the farmers only need to recover their physical strength, health, magic power, arrows, etc. They don't have this need yet.

The evening breeze was cooler, and Xu Lai tossed and turned again, unable to fall asleep, so he simply got up and sat by the campfire alone.

Su Ya wanted to get up and take care of Xu Lai, but Xu Lai was already very embarrassed because he was not willing to build a tent for Su Ya, so he refused to let her have a good rest.

However, this woman was more stubborn than him, and it might be that her 100-point die-hard loyalty was at work. Xu Lai tried to persuade her again and again, but to no avail, and finally had no choice but to close his eyes and lie down.

Not to mention, at night in another world, except for the slightly cooler night breeze, the grass is soft, the starlight is soft, there is no noise in the city, it is quiet and natural.

Not daring to think wildly, he ran for another whole day. Although there was no big movement, Xu Lai, who had never done any heavy work, was very tired and fell asleep soon.

It's just that it's not easy for him to get a good night's sleep. Around early in the morning, Xu Lai was woken up by a patrolling farmer.

Being dull has its advantages. For example, these farmers and shooters, Xu Lai let them sleep as long as they wanted. It seemed that there was a strict biological clock in their bodies, and there would be no delay for a minute or a second.

After waking up Xu Lai, the farmer fell into a sluggish state again. When Xu Lai looked at him, he suddenly said:

Master, we heard the howling of wolves.

Xu Lai was pushed awake in the middle of the night, and his whole brain was still in a painful state of being about to wake up. The farmer said he was howling like a wolf, but he didn't even realize there was anything wrong.

Su Ya, who was also rubbing her sleepy eyes, got up and immediately exclaimed: Get all the farmers up and light more torches!

The farmer immediately heard the sound and left. At this time, Xu Lai finally heard an extremely sharp howl.

The sound was different from the howling of wolves on Earth. It was sharper, spread farther, and even had a little cadence. It seemed that every sound was slightly different.

Rubbing his head in pain, Xu Lai woke up a little and asked Su Ya doubtfully: Did that farmer speak just now?

Su Ya was stunned and explained in a dumbfounded way: Not only farmers, but also those shooters can talk. All of their functions are the same as real humans, so of course they can talk.

It's just that they don't have the ability to think independently, so certain conditions must be triggered.

Master, now is not the time to care about this issue. If there is a wolf howling, it means there must be a wolf king.

Wolves always act collectively. Once there are more than a dozen wolves, you quickly ask the shooters to get up and prepare for the battle.

It took Xu Lai a while to wake up a little. Hearing the words, he immediately issued the order. After a while, the 10 shooters and farmers were ready.

A group of people hid behind the fence. A few people away there was a farmer holding a torch high. However, within the scope of the flame light, no trace of any wild animals could be seen.

The howling of wolves in the distance was also intermittent, and there seemed to be fire in the distance.

They walked upstream along the river, so the terrain was relatively high and they could see farther.

In the dark night, the firelight was very obvious, but it was difficult to see it from a few kilometers away. Xu Lai usually didn't need glasses for his vision, so he couldn't confirm it from such a distance. .

On the contrary, Su Ya seemed to be able to see clearly from the side. She frowned and said to Xu Lai: Looking at the size of the fire, a large village should live there.

Village? I remember hearing you say it during the day, and you also came from a prairie village. Xu Lai suddenly asked.

Su Ya nodded and said: Yes, Pingfeng Grassland is quite large. There are at least hundreds of villages and a dozen small towns scattered on this grassland.

Xu Lai was surprised and said: I remember that tribes live on the grassland by water. They live in fixed villages. Aren't they afraid that the surrounding grass will be eaten up?

Su Ya said in astonishment: The grass around us grows very fast. It takes at most three or four days for a batch of weeds to grow without any care at all, and crops that are taken care of can mature in two days.

No matter how many cattle, sheep and horses are raised, there is no need to worry about the problem of grass. On the contrary, the wild grass outside the village is too strong and nourishes many wild beasts.

If the villagers don't live together, they can't even deal with the wolves in the wild.

Xu Laishan smiled and realized that he had taken the earth's experience too far and applied it to this world. Little did he know that oranges born in Huainan are called tangerines, and those born in northern Huaibei are called tangerines. The two worlds are completely different.

Listening to the howling of wolves, that village should be under attack. Should we go and help them?

This way, if we are attacked in the future, we can go to others for help.

In this dangerous place, Xu Lai really didn't feel safe. He was asked to go out to help people late at night, but he felt very unsure.

Su Ya shook her head decisively and said: Wolves are creatures with night vision. It would be too obvious for us to go there with torches. Without torches, we might get separated on the road.

What's more, the wolf king is extremely cunning. There are only 20 of us, and we might be ambushed by wolves halfway.

It is necessary to keep watch and help, but I suggest you go during the day.

Well, let's wait until daytime and wait and see tonight. Xu Lai said very obediently.

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