Chapter 1240

“The ancient barbarian was seckilled by Lu Yuan, the second in the core of the Heavenly Sword Saint Academy?”

“Is the core of the Heavenly Sword Saint Courtyard the second strongest?”

The spectators from all star realms were shocked when they saw the ancient barbarian being killed by a spike. They didn’t know that Lu Yuan had the ability to kill the ancient barbarian with a spike last year.

In their opinion, the core of the Heavenly Sword Saint Academy was third, and there was no way to hurt the ancient barbarian with a full shot.

But they didn’t expect that the ancient man, the core student who seemed so terrifying to them, could not catch the sword of Lu Yuan, the second core of the Heavenly Sword Saint Academy.


“This strength is terrifying.”

“I have already said that as a top-level high-level Sacred Land Academy, the strength of its core students may be somewhat different from that of the top-level Sacred Academy Zhenwu Sacred Academy, but it is definitely not weak. You can see it now.”


“It’s really scary. One sword killed the ancient barbarian in seconds.”

“From here, we can see that these core students of the Holy Land have a huge gap in strength, which is just a core position, and the gap in strength is simply huge.”

“The third core Zhao Xiao opened the sword pupil 143, and a full shot of the sword only caused a trace of damage to the ancient barbarian, while the second core Lu Yuan directly killed the ancient barbarian with a single sword. The difference in strength was so big. It’s unimaginable.”

“I don’t know the core of the Heavenly Sword Saint Academy, and what strength the president is.”

“From the eyes of ordinary warriors like us, we can only speculate on the strength of the core students of the Advanced Holy Land Academy.”


“I don’t know which core student Zhenwu Shengyuan will send out next.”

“Liao Fang, the third in the core, or the second in the core, Goddess Zhao Linyuan.”

“There is a high probability that Liao Fang will be the third in the core.”

“I feel so too.”

At this time, Zhenwu Shengyuan floats on Sky Island.

“Liao Fang?”

The core first looked at Liao Fang.

“I’ll go, just to see how much his strength has grown in this year.”

Last year, he suppressed Lu Yuan within 20 strokes.

This year, Lu Yuan’s strength has improved a lot compared to last year, but his strength has also undergone a qualitative transformation. He believes that the results of this match will not change as much as last year.

“Come on, Senior Liao Fang.”

“Haha! Rest assured that with the strength of your senior Liao Fang, it is still easy to suppress Lu Yuan.”

“I’m coming!”

“Sure enough, Liao Fang, the third in the core of Zhen Wu Shengyuan, was sent.”

“Look at Lu Yuan’s eyes.”

“He’s serious.”

“Even the sword was pulled out.”

“Is Liao Fang, the third at the core of Zhenwu Shengyuan, so strong?”


The core of the Heavenly Sword Saint Academy is also the president who looks at their own family together.

“If Lu Yuan had this year’s strength last year, he might be the same as last year’s Liao Fang, but in the past year, Lu Yuan’s strength has greatly improved, and Liao Fang’s strength will only improve faster than him.”

“This is the gap.”

The core students are always in the process of catching up, but if they stop and improve slightly, the core position will be surpassed by the others, and the resources and benefits in all aspects will also plummet.

Because of this, especially the top-ranked core students of various holy places, they are always trying their best to improve their strength, and they dare not slack in the slightest.

Tianjianzi believes that Liao Fang, who is the third in the core of the top Sacred Academy Zhenwu Sacred Academy, is the same. He dare not slacken in the slightest. Lu Yuan’s strength has grown significantly this year. He believes that Liao Fang will only be more terrifying than last year and Lu Yuan will defeat. Unless Liao Fang can grow beyond that, catch up with Liao Fang.

But obviously he has not yet reached this level of growth.

The result of the two battles is the same as last year, but there are no changes.

The difference lies in how long Lu Yuan can play against Liao Fang this time and how many moves he can stick to.


“have not seen you for a long time.”

“I waited for a year for Liao Fang’s battle.”

“It can be seen that your strength has improved a lot this year, and so am I.”

“Go ahead.”

“Huangquan Jianyi·Biluohuangquan.”


With the power of a sword, the terrifying yellow spring came, and the water of the rolling yellow spring annihilated the battlefield. The two stood on the water of the yellow spring. The corpses and souls in the yellow spring seemed to rush towards Liao Fang, wanting to drag him into the world of the yellow spring. Into reincarnation.

“Your Huangquan sword intent has improved a lot from last year, but it is a pity that my heavenly Taoism is also the same.”

“The Daowen of All Heavens·Clean Destruction”


A huge shining golden light text appeared on the battlefield, and in the next second, all the water of the yellow spring and the sword intent of the yellow spring in the battlefield were directly purified.

One of the strongest powers of Liao Fang, Dao Wen of the heavens.

It is the power of literature and Tao inherited by the third dean of Zhenwu Shengyuan. The dean has traveled through the heavens and worlds and has seen countless civilizations destroyed, the world and planes destroyed, the birth of the universe, and the birth of life.

In the end, the Daowen of the Heavens was created, a terrifying power of Daowen, which can purify all power, ban all power, and destroy all power.

Among the core of Zhenwu Sacred Academy, only Liao Fang has learned the Daowen of the Third Dean. He also relied on the terrifying power of Daowen to become the third in the core of Zhenwu Sacred Academy.

But it also ends here.

If you want to go further, it is impossible to become core second and core first.

All above are monster level.

Not to mention the guild leader, that is the enchanting level.


“That is the third power in Zhenwu Shengyuan’s core?”

“So strong!”

“It can be seen that Lu Yuan, the second core member of the Heavenly Sword Saint Academy, is really not Liao Fang’s opponent.”


“I don’t believe that you can’t break your Daowen from the heavens.”

“Huangquan Jianyi·Huangquan Netherworld Realm.”


“Have you finally realized the realm of Huangquan sword intent.”

“Huangquan Silent Domain…!”

Seeing the completely changed battle environment in the battlefield, the power of yellow springs emerged around the world, and the world was full of silence. There was no vitality. The power of yellow springs wanted to flow into Liao Fang’s body, but he was easily purified.

“Very terrifying power.”

“Eligible for me to display that Taoist text.”

“The Daowen of the Heavens, Exterminate.”


The Dao Wen of the Heavens·Exterior Dao Wen is the Dao Wen of the heavens comprehended by Liao Fang in the past year, and it is also one of the most terrifying Dao Wen of the heavens. It can be used by the third dean to instantly destroy a plane world.

And even though he can’t do it to destroy a plane, he can still do it just to destroy a domain of Huangquan nirvana.

The terrifying power of annihilation and killing, a momentary impact completely destroyed the Huangquan Netherworld Realm.


Lu Yuan himself also suffered a blow from the power of extinguishment, and suffered a lot of injuries.

…! .

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