For a whole day and a half, the two warships led by Zefa and Garp each passed through the New Amazon Lily and returned the same way. When they arrived at the Amazon Lily, they discovered that the government’s attack on the Amazon Lily had not happened. Led by the thief empress Boya Hancock, they search for Accardo.

When Hancock and the others met Zefa and Garp, both sides were smart enough to avoid the battle.

Hancock knew he couldn’t beat him and kept silent, while Garp and Zefa were more concerned about Accardo’s situation and the government’s tricks, heading towards the Red Earth Continent.

“Um? That is……”

Garp’s face froze while he was biting a donut. The two ships in front of him, the sails with the World Government logo on them were too conspicuous.

However, both ships were in dilapidated condition, and the cross sign that represented the government’s majesty seemed to have been violated. It was broken like a rag. The blood dripping from time to time on the sails told Garp and the others that a fierce battle had just occurred here..

Zefa quickly ordered Dalmatian and the others to speed up. The closer they got, the more frightening the scene they saw was.

On the deck of the ship, very fine blood spurs more than ten meters long were constantly sprouting in all directions. On the top of the blood spurs, government agents wearing black suits were strung on them.

To describe it, it’s like a hedgehog with a bunch of reptiles strung on its back.

Zefa and others jumped onto the government ship and found that in addition to the government agents in suits, there were also more than a dozen women wearing costumes with the logo of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

“what happened? Government people and Kuja pirates actually died together?”Damating frowned and said in confusion.

“There is no doubt that this is a good thing done by that guy Accardo. Zefa looked at these”skewers”, frowned his eyebrows on his glasses, covered his heart with one hand, and said to himself:”I know his abilities.””


Suddenly, a painful groan was heard, and Zefa and others immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

On the blood thorn on the right side, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit but covered with a light gray cloak was groaning slightly.

It was Spangdine, the spy chief responsible for dealing with Neptune this time.

“save people……”

As soon as a sailor said two words, Garp narrowed his eyes and sighed:”We can’t save him, at least we can’t save him.”……”

“Mr. Karp……”

Just when the sailors were wondering why Garp said that, the navy doctor also said:”Although I don’t know what the structural material of the thorn is, it penetrated his lungs. From the damaged area, whether the thorn was broken or Pulling him out will cause death on the spot.”

A student from Zefa, who had just graduated, was very sympathetic to Spangdyne’s situation,”Then… let him die like this?” The ship’s doctor is used to seeing this. thing, shrugged and said:”It’s a pity, this is the reality.”

“But before you die, ask them what their purpose is. Zefa had a gloomy face. It was hard for him to have a good look towards the people in the government.

Zefa walked under Spangdyne, who was stabbed five meters high with blood. He raised his head and said,”I am the Chief Admiral of the Navy Guerrilla Army.” Zefa, behind me are Vice Admiral Garp and Vice Admiral Dalmatian of the Navy Headquarters. Tell us, what is the purpose of the government agents coming here, and what is this inexplicable mission we accepted?”


Spangdain’s mouth continued to overflow with blood, and Zefa couldn’t bear it anymore. He was very angry now. The 1,500 guerrillas he brought out this time were all his students, and he lost nearly 600 for this inexplicable mission. Man, can he not be angry with the government?

“Say it.”

Zefa almost gritted his teeth and popped these two words out of his mouth.

“No, government, this is government… top secret……”

Spangdyne vomited blood as he spoke, and managed to say a word,”Save, just me…otherwise, the Navy will……”

“I don’t care what your secrets are! What exactly is the purpose of government?! Zefa was so angry that he knocked down the spandyne hanging on it in one breath. Fortunately, Garp stopped him in time. Garp raised his head and said:”The navy is the navy, and the government is the government. Can your life be extended?” It’s in our hands now. If you don’t explain it clearly, don’t expect us to help you treat it.”

Although Garp is usually silly, he has been a veteran of the Navy for almost half a century. Even though he knew that Spangdine was hopeless, he still said this.

Spangdine was deceived enough, and his eyes flashed. With a strong desire to survive, he said with difficulty:”Hai, Hai, Haihuang……”

I barely managed to say two words clearly, but there was nothing more to follow. he died


These two words were turning over and over in the minds of several people present.

“Anyway, let’s return to the headquarters first.”Garp patted Zefa on the shoulder and jumped onto the head of his ship.

Zefa was too lazy to care about the life and death of these people, turned around and left, thinking in his heart:”Poseidon, Poseidon…could he be referring to the legend? the one in……”



On the other side, Akado drove the Nine Snakes pirate ship stolen by Lalia and the others back, deliberately avoiding the route and not colliding with Zefa and the others.

Bai Xing must not have swam in the sea for a long time. She was scurrying around Akado’s boat. Seeing her joyful look, Akado suddenly asked:”Aren’t you afraid?”

Bai Xing was surrounded by all the fish in the middle. Startled, he looked up at Accardo. After a few seconds of silence, he timidly said:”At first, I was very scared, but now, I have almost recovered.”

A trace of surprise flashed in Accardo’s eyes, and he smiled. He is growing in the direction he wants. Although he is still very fragile now, he has shown a vague ability to be independent. Hancock’s education is very good.

Hua La La~~

The sound of waves came, and Accardo Shirahoshi took a look. A ship marked with the logos of Nine Snakes and Accardo was heading this way. Mary, who was standing on the bow of the ship, also noticed the two people. He waved his hands excitedly and said:”Master Akado~~Shirahoshi~~That’s great. It’s okay, you two.”

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