Haiyuan calendar year 1505.

An independent kingdom located in the New World, the Kingdom of Ragna became the first kingdom to raise the symbol of the great pirate Akkado on its flag.

Akado used the formation symbol on the back of his glove as a pattern and lent it to the Kingdom of Ragna for use. At the same time, he also received nearly 3,000 prisoners from Ragna Prison.

That night many prisoners cried out that they were wronged because they only committed minor crimes and the crimes were not punishable by death. However, even so, the royal family handed them over to Accardo, which was equivalent to execution.

After learning about this incident, surprisingly, the navy did not take any action, and the government was also eerily quiet.

However, at this time, the government began to conduct a large-scale recruitment campaign. Now that they knew Akkado’s purpose, they needed more soldiers and horses, more outstanding recruits than Akkado, more than Kaido, and more than Whitebeard. Strength, only in this way can the navy continue to control this era.

The long river of time continues to flow, Accardo intervenes in wars, harvests human lives, and strengthens his own power.

Expand the territory and collect Kaido from ability users.

Charlotte Lingling, who dreams too much to build herself up and strengthens her own strength at the same time.

These three people temporarily became more popular pirates than Whitebeard, but Whitebeard is as famous as Roger, the Pirate King, and it is impossible to surpass him for a while.

It is worth mentioning that after the example of the Ragna Kingdom came out, other warring countries, as long as they were slightly unlucky and were targeted by Akkado, they all followed the example of the Ragna Kingdom and surrendered immediately. The prisoners and pirates who were used for execution were even a little crazy and did not hesitate to send beggars on the street, old people with no one to support them, and young children to Acado.

It means that you can kill as many as you want, as long as you don’t move my army.

Some of the countries here have hung the flag of Accardo, and some have simply sacrificed their lives.

He didn’t dare to be so crazy, Accardo didn’t care, and chose to devour everything they sent to him.

Most of them left their troops and lives behind, after all, they had agreed to the deal.

The terms of the deal are that every six months, the people in the prison must be turned over to Accardo.

It’s like Charlotte Lingling charges the lifespan of her people every six months.

Time has passed like this for two years.

The three monsters strengthened themselves in their own way, and the navy also expanded its strength through conscription.

Whitebeard is also expanding the number of his pirate groups, that is, there are more and more sons of Whitebeard.

In the year 1507 of the Hainan calendar, the number of people in the Akkado Dead River inventory was 60,000!

At the end of this year, the”turnover meeting” held every six months will begin again.

All countries spared by Accardo fulfill this treaty and sacrifice prisoners on death row and captured pirates at the beginning and end of each year.

“Lord Accardo, I am Squall.……”

On the waters of the New World, Accardo connected to the phone bug on his ship. Holding the microphone in his right hand, the phone bug said hoarsely with the expression of a weathered old man.

When he heard the word”Scall”, Accardo, who was sitting on the giant ruby chair, smiled and said:”Oh… he is the king of the Kingdom of Aldimi, right?”

“In front of you, I dare not call myself a king……”

The hoarse voice still came out from the phone bug,”It’s almost the end of the year. All of our kingdoms under your control have gathered people and are ready to hand over. There are 2,675 people in total. I have helped You figured it out”

“Only… more than two thousand people? Accardo frowned slightly, his tone obviously dissatisfied. You must know that two years ago, even a country could at least provide about a thousand people. Now he has visited more than ten countries, and he only has only two thousand. people?

“I’m very sorry,”

Squall said on the phone:”Because of you, Mr. Accardo, there are now a lot fewer people in every country who dare to commit crimes. After two years… I have to say that the atmosphere has indeed improved a lot. There are fewer people who dare to commit crimes, so we can only occasionally capture pirates.”

Accardo didn’t expect that due to his own reasons, the number of criminals would decrease, and the number of”tributes” given to him would also plummet.

Why does this plot feel like the contents of a”Death Book”?

“Humph, forget it, send them over.”Accardo doesn’t care. Two thousand is just two thousand. It’s better than nothing.”

“Yes, then… where should I choose as the surrender location this time?”Squall asked.

Even though he has a commander (or semi-commander) under his command, Accardo still has such an erratic character, so Accardo chooses a place where death row prisoners are handed over every six months.

Then notify the king of a country under his command, and then notify other countries to place the”tributes” of their own countries in that place and give them to Accardo.

Accardo glanced at the map next to him, and according to his current After analyzing the location, he said after a few seconds:”It’s probably in Torabia.

Torabia, an extremely cold island in the sea far away from Accardo’s current location, is almost a barren land. Because Accardo doesn’t like to be seen”eating”, he always chooses isolated islands to pay tribute.

“Got it, my lord.”

Squall said:”I will immediately give the order. At the end of the year, all these two thousand seven hundred people will be placed in Torabia.”

Accardo put the microphone back on the back of the phone bug. The phone bug in front of Squall also closed his eyes to show that the phone bug had been hung up. A man with white hair on his back and wearing a gorgeous king’s uniform. , it is the King of Aldimi Kingdom, Squall who just talked to Accardo

“The location was confirmed, in Torabia.”Squall said in a deep voice.

A few seconds later, several people walked in from outside the palace. They were wearing dark blue and almost black suits, top hats, and leather shoes. They were typical government agents.”CP”department dress

“Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty the King. This will free your country from the clutches of pirates.”

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