The Immortal Wild God

Chapter 812: All out!


After catching this cyan brilliance, Chen Xiao at this moment also gave a low voice, the next moment the cyan brilliance in his hand disappeared without a trace, all of them entered the Shocking God Palace and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Ao Xuan in the distance and the few hidden guards all had a look of horror across their eyes. From the beginning to this place, Chen Xiao had already killed two celestial masters, one was The dark guard code-named the master, one is Ao Hai, this killing speed is really terrifying.

"you wanna die!"

Finally, watching two of his subordinates die in succession, Aofan couldn't maintain his young master's posture at this time. Suddenly, his body shook, and he began to make a move. He punched Chen Xiao in the air!

The rumbling yellow brilliance began to emerge, a breath of yin and yang of good fortune appeared, and at the same time, there were countless pictures of the country in this breath. It seemed that this punch was the epitome of the power of countless worlds.

In the same way, Lan Ruoting's eyes became serious at this moment. She could feel the power of the blow. It was not only the tyrannical energy, but also the ferocity of the breath and artistic conception. This is the domineering of the emperor. It's hard to describe.


At this moment, Chen Xiao spit out a word, and suddenly blasted it out with a palm. The terrifying power of ten thousand ways erupted directly, and it collided with this power in an instant.

"What a powerful martial arts! What a powerful force!"

Aofan also nodded at this time, "But unfortunately, these are of no use to me. Your aura is enough, and your artistic conception is enough. Unfortunately, your realm is not enough, the realm of heaven and human, a realm is a world, even It is a gap in several worlds. Of course, in front of you, you don’t care about ordinary people who are higher than you, but there are many other people who are not ordinary. You can fight across borders, and I can fight across borders, so I am one of those extraordinary people, you don’t have much advantage in front of me."

Bang bang bang!

Under Aofan's power, Chen Xiao's power burst out constantly, and it seemed that it was about to disappear completely at any time. Aofan's power was also advancing triumphantly, about to touch Chen Xiao's body surface.

"You said you are not ordinary people, but in my opinion, you are not much different from them."

At this moment, Chen Xiao said with a sneer, and then the palm of his hand suddenly shook, and bursts of dark brilliance appeared from the jade pendant on Chen Xiao's chest, and the moment it appeared again, a black energy was directly formed. The spear was the Dark Holy Spear. At the same time, the black Holy Spear this time felt very real to the touch, which made Chen Xiao also feel a wave of power.

"Hey, this trick was given to him, and he will be very comfortable."

The genie laughed at this time, "I really want to see what expression he is after."

"I also want to see."

Chen Xiao also laughed, the next moment the dark holy spear in his palm was thrown away, and he rushed towards Aofan!

"Hmm! Despicable!"

Seeing Chen Xiao suddenly coming to do this, Ao Fan cursed, his body began to side, intending to avoid this sudden dark holy spear.

It's just that his dodge was late after all. When Chen Xiao's Dark Holy Spear was still more than ten meters away from Aofan, he buzzed, and the Dark Holy Spear vibrated again, and immediately began to explode!

The horrible dark beam of light traversed the world at this moment, and the tyrannical air currents waved around. At this moment, Aofan's figure had disappeared, and the power that Aofan had burst out before disappeared without a trace.

After a long time, the black beam of light dissipated. At this moment, Aofan's figure appeared again, but the aura of Aofan who appeared again was far worse than before.

Under the explosion and destruction of the terrifying power just now, Aofan had already suffered a huge energy trauma, and at the same time all his treasures were completely destroyed by the black brilliance.

At this time, he was not dying, but he was also fast.

"Sure enough, the vitality is tenacious."

Seeing the state of Aofan, Chen Xiao also nodded, "But such a tenacious vitality appears on your body, it is really a waste, because you simply can't exert the greatest effect and effect."

As soon as he said this, Aofan's face also became gloomy, his mouth opened open and he wanted to speak, but he opened his mouth, and the blood began to spray out, which made him lose all his posture on the spot.

At this time, the young people in white clothes finally couldn't stand, their bodies flickered, and they came to this Ao Fan's side in an instant, and at the same time their strength began to release, and the rolling pressure began to flood Chen Xiao.

"There are more and more people looking for death."

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao laughed, "To be honest, I'm still worried about **** you all without effort, but now you take the initiative to gather together, which is much easier, Wentian's Gun! "


When the words were spit out, a big spear appeared directly on Chen Xiao's hands. This spear had a simple atmosphere and contained countless ancient fighting ideas. This made Aofan and the others start to fear.

If before, they would never be afraid when they saw this Wentian Gun, they would be excited. After all, they didn’t know Chen Xiao’s tyranny before, but now they have seen Chen Xiao’s power, they know very well. Understand that Chen Xiao dared to take out this thing to deal with them, it was already 100% sure that they would die, of course it made them fear!

"cheer up!"

At the critical moment, Ao Fan of the Supreme Gate yelled, "The way of the emperor is to face! No matter what problems or dangers, you must first learn to face them. If you don’t even dare to face them, you don’t deserve to be Emperors! You are the core of my supreme gate. Don't let me down in you! Don't let down your efforts!"


Hearing this, they shouted in unison, but these young people began to look dignified, and looked at Chen Xiao stubbornly. It was obvious that their eyes were much better, they were no longer as fearful as before, and they began to become full. courage.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Chen Xiao also nodded when he saw this scene, "Dare to face it is the real first step. Only when you face the problem can you think about how to solve it. But the problem you are facing today is me. This problem is for you. It's too big, too difficult, you can't solve it."


After the words were finished, Chen Xiao's right hand was suddenly slammed, and the huge Wentian gun in his hand also brought a powerful white star brilliance on the spot, and hit one of the young masters on the spot!

The young master's eyes condensed, his body vibrated, and the power of the rolling space was released, but before his power was fully displayed, the starlight from Chen Xiaowentian's spear directly hit him, causing his body to explode on the spot. Come!

Flesh and flesh are flying all over the sky. Seeing this scene, these supreme youths who have finally inspired the courage are all dull!

At the same time, Aofan's mouth was wide open. He already knew how fierce Chen Xiao was, but Chen Xiao was so fierce that he shocked him again!

With the spear in his hand, he would directly obliterate the existence of a triple peak of heaven and man!

He really couldn't find someone stronger than Chen Xiao.

"Go! We have to go! This is a monster!"

"Yes, young master, we must go!"

A few words sounded at this time, but these young people from the Supreme Sect began to express their opinions and wanted to leave. Looking at their eyes, Aofan didn't know what to say at this time.

This situation is really too dangerous. If he continues here, he can't say this. If he just escapes, then he may not escape!

With Chen Xiao's strength and speed, as long as they disperse, they will face massacre!

"Whether you go or stay, you all have to die."

At this moment, Chen Xiao said with a smile, "I think about this, Aofan, you should have seen it very clearly."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the young people at the Supreme Sect changed. At this moment, Aofan's face was pale, and the next moment he said, "Chen Xiao, you don't want to bluff people and fight this kind of thing..."

"Hehe, I know that fighting is manifested through action, and next, it's time for me to manifest combat." Chen Xiao smiled at this moment, and the next moment his body moved, he rushed to these young people at the Supreme Gate. , The Spear of Wentian in his hand began to assassinate one after another!

Boom boom boom!

Terrifying explosions appeared one after another, and flesh and blood filled the void at this moment, and it was visible to the naked eye. These supreme disciples who came here all exploded at this moment, and the soul was directly absorbed by the blood and swallowed!

After just a few breaths, only the Supreme Gate was left, Ao Fan, Ao Xuan, Ao Tian, ​​Ao Yun four people, and a few guards did not come out, the rest were all killed by Chen Xiao.


Looking at the four of them, Chen Xiao also nodded at this moment, and then said to Ao Fan, "You have a good cultivation of the dark guards, but the means of hiding are too bad, I can easily find them."


After the words were finished, the sound of meat entering sounded, but Chen Xiao’s Wentian spear suddenly pierced a space and directly picked out the body of a man in black. When the man in black was picked out, the blood on his body was still there. He kept erupting, and his eyes were filled with puzzlement and shock. It was obvious that he didn't know how Chen Xiao found him.

"Under absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are jokes."

Chen Xiao looked at the eyes of the man in black and said lightly, "The same reason, under absolute power, all tricks are also jokes, my power is stronger than all of you, naturally all your methods, In my eyes, it can be broken at will."


After finishing speaking, Chen Xiao's palm shook, and for a while, Wentian's spear exploded, and the body of the man in black was directly exploded on the spot, and the tyrannical force spread out. At this time, Chen Xiao's body spurted again. A **** brilliance swallowed these **** powers directly on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the young people around were even more frightened. At this time, even these pretentious young people at the Supreme Gate began to tremble and their eyes were full of fear.

No one can truly face death, except for those who have experienced countless death experiences. From this point of view, these seemingly powerful supreme geniuses are actually just a joke.

None of them have experienced real death, they are just giving death to others.

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