The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 997: The art of disguise

This little thing is interesting!

It's a mirror!

But this mirror is a bit special. It is directly polished from a whole diamond, which is quite precious.

This is a gift that Long Zhan intends to bring back to Long Er, which he exchanged with the aborigines here.

In this place, the desert is gold! The stone is a diamond, if it can be placed before...

That is simply developed!

But now Long Zhan was about to do a big thing. He held the mirror tightly in his hand and jumped off without waiting for others.

"Zhan'er!" Ye Xuan couldn't help but blurted out.

Long Zhan did an OK cleanup and touched it secretly. I don’t know where a lagging demon suddenly appeared. Long Zhan knew that there was only one chance. If he could not be solved at one time, then there would be no need to detect him to find him. !

"Long Aotian, you are here, I will go down and help!"

"City Lord, let me go!" Long Aotian also stood up, but his physical strength has not recovered, the previous injury was really too serious.

Although a lot of them have been transferred to Gong Ming, he still...

Gong Ming grabbed Long Aotian's shoulders: "Now it's not time for loyalty, let's go with the two of them!"

Gong Ming is not greedy for life and fear of death, but for the overall consideration.

All four of them are inappropriate here.

Long Aotian found that his body was swinging, and his whole body was weak.

This time Long Aotian didn't insist anymore, and nodded and said, "Thank you City Lord, Zhan'er will leave it to you."

This is still worrying about my children.

Ye Xuan also quietly jumped down, slowly moving forward along the road!

Suddenly discovered that Long Zhan was ready to do it, and at this time the demon was also turning around!

Long Zhan saw this, but fortunately, he didn't panic. He suddenly jumped up, holding something in his hand and stuffing it directly into his mouth, so that he couldn't make a sound. It jumped directly on his back, and it was a fierce blow, but found that there was no kill at all!

broken! It was discovered!

Ye Xuan became nervous. The cat rushed over quickly. Ye Xuan grabbed the devil’s neck with one hand and sacrificed the Nirvana sword with the other. He wanted to use the sword to destroy him, but the devil was already startled. Now I was trying hard to get rid of Dragon Battle, and Dragon Battle seemed to be unable to catch it.

It's not good, is it over?

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed up, and the Qilin sword in his hand slipped through the devil's crotch. From behind it was a sword that pierced the devil's heart!

The devil fell to the ground suddenly, and Long Zhan jumped off him and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

This is really a critical matter!

"Boy, you are too risky!" Ye Xuan scolded, but he didn't dare to breathe!

"Big Brother Ye Xuan, why are you here!"

But Ye Xuan reprimanded him, and still loved him: "Boy, will you die here if I don't come?"

Then he touched his forehead, Long Zhan also chuckled, the atmosphere just relaxed, and a detective guard came over without warning.

Long Zhan hurried to look for his own mirror, but the battle just now was left aside, seeing the green light coming over.

"Don't panic!" Long Zhan was really a little panicked, but Ye Xuan was very cold. He picked up the corpse of the monster beast just killed, blocking the bodies of the two people first.

It's a dead end, two people are afraid to breathe. If it doesn't work, they are ready to run.

Seeing Gong Ming and Long Aotian squeezing a cold sweat, Long Aotian's fist was about to be crushed by himself.

The guard seemed to have found something wrong. He stayed here for a while and looked around.

The beads of sweat on Long Zhan's forehead wet the ground, Ye Xuan looked at him with serious eyes and shook his head.

Thinking that Long Zhan was holding the sword firmly in his hand now, he seemed to be about to jump out anytime.

Looking at the guard not leaving, Long Aotian felt like he couldn't hold on anymore.

"I know what you want, you want to go out to attract the guards and let them run away!"

Gong Ming is the calmest one. While observing, he is drawing a map of everything he sees in front of him. He has two minds and two uses, and he is quite at ease. Then he continued: "You know this will not only involve me, It will kill them both!"

Long Aotian looked at Gong Ming incredulously, what he said was what he had in mind.

But this guard never left, he just couldn't sit still!

"Stay steady!" Ye Xuan was still cheering on Long Zhan.

Long Zhan smoked his nose and slowly put away the sword.

It was the sword just now, the sword of Long Zhan was exposed. The guard didn't know what it was, and attracted attention. When Long Zhan put the sword away, the guard left.

A false alarm is actually a surprise.

"Huh!" Ye Xuan took a deep breath. He really didn't want to experience this kind of thing a second time.

"Big Brother Ye Xuan, why are you here!"

"You're not nonsense, I will leave you alone in danger?"

Suddenly, Long Zhan felt a warm heart, and couldn't help swallowing.

This was just for props. The two of them dragged the demon's body and quietly returned to it.

Long Aotian went up to help but picked it up and started to prepare.

"What are you painting?"

This thing can be used for two people, and it is almost the same for four people.

Ye Xuan looked at the map that Gong Ming drew on the ground, and it was very detailed.

"Well, when you were doing stupid things just now, I saw that the lines of these guards are regular, you see..."

Gong Ming pointed to him and gave him explanations one by one. Ye Xuan saw it and found that it was so, and then compared the map. It was already marked in great detail.

"Okay, let's deal with which one just now!"

At this time, Long Zhan had basically completed two camouflages, in fact, being an armor was pretty good.

This fel demon is very heavy, but their skin is very light when they are cut off, and they are very comfortable to wear.

This feeling is the same as wearing nothing.

Then Long Zhan took the mirror and jumped down first, and Ye Xuan gave him instructions in sign language.

In this way, sure enough, I don't know if it was the guard just now, but he has really turned around. Gong Ming has been observing just now. The time is right now, because next time, there will be two people coming here!

When there are two guards, absolutely can't do it!

Long Zhan squatted, holding the smiling mirror, and couldn't help licking his lips!

Seeing that the guard is getting closer and closer, the same is true when he comes to the green light...

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