The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 987: Holy Light and Fel Energy

Hometown, relatives.

The Fel Demon walked up to meet Gong Ming, his hand could become as sharp as a blade.

Gong Ming looked at him and smiled.

"You can still laugh out!"

"I laughed at you for becoming the way you are now, and at myself even more, for being inspired by you."

"My family is very important to me, and my hometown is also very important to me. I used to just blindly pursue strength and get everyone's approval. I am from the Sky City. Isn't anyone approving of me yet?"

My hometown recognized me, and my relatives recognized me!

"But what about you?" Gong Ming's voice suddenly became loud and high-pitched, and the fel demon's expression was taken aback, as if his heart began to shake.

Then his eyes became greener: "Go to hell!"


The knife pierced directly into Gong Ming's body and directly penetrated his body.

Gong Ming's weak body staggered back two steps, and Long Aotian was supported by Long Zhan and walked over.

Long Aotian pushed Long Zhan away, going up to help.

"Slow!" Ye Xuan stopped him.

"City Lord, this sword is not brisk!" Long Aotian said worriedly.

"This is his consciousness, a real warrior, this is a sacred battle!"

Gong Ming was already determined to die, and Ye Xuan didn't go back to disturb him.

Looking back at Long Aotian: "Is your injury healed so soon?"

Long Aotian's injury was too thorough, and it was really incomprehensible.

Long Aotian looked at his arm, also very strange.

"This kid's power is indeed a bit evil. I thought I couldn't hold it anymore, but my body suddenly didn't hurt..."

The power of the holy light is so domineering, Ye Xuan thinks again, the power of the holy light is definitely not only here.

He also had an urge to cultivate.

"Are you really afraid of death?" The Fel Demon suddenly became violent, and he seemed to be afraid!

"I have the blessing of the Holy Light, I believe in the Holy Light!" Gong Ming had never been calm before, and Ye Xuan started to look at him with admiration.

"Then die for your holy light!"

This time, instead of using the knife in his hand, he drew out the saber from his body. With a push with his bare hands, Gong Ming’s body flew into the sky uncontrollably. Then, the devil grabbed the sword with both hands and was in the air. Cut horizontally and vertically, the swords fell on Gong Ming's body.

He originally had pierced scars on his body, and now he was hit by such a heavy blow, Ye Xuan prided himself on such an attack, his body made of steel couldn't hold it.

But the devil didn't seem to want to kill him, he just wanted to torture him constantly to get rid of the bad breath in his heart.

Gong Ming uttered a heart-piercing cry in the sky like this, but he could still support it to death, and he didn't even want to resist.

This was a duel between two people. Ye Xuan suddenly felt that no one was wrong, and the wrong was in the hearts of the people.

Human selfishness!

Gong Ming did this to make atonement for all mankind.

"Please forgive me, I will spare your life!" the devil said suddenly!

This surprised Ye Xuan severely!

Could it be that Gong Ming took his hurt like this to awaken his inner heart!

"No! I won't beg for mercy, I feel the warmth of the Holy Light now!"

"The Holy Light has long abandoned this world!" The demon suddenly yelled. His heart is about to collapse.

The heart of the devil collapsed, does the devil have a heart?

"No, it's not that the Holy Light abandoned you, but you abandoned the Holy Light!"

When this sentence was finished, Gong Ming’s body began to change. His body was radiant, almost as if a **** descended from the earth, his beam, Linglong Aotian and Long Zhan could not look directly at him, but Ye Xuan was too excited, so He had never felt a powerful force. It was the kind of absolute power, the kind of power that was absolutely irresistible.

There seemed to be an armor made of gold on his body. This armor was indestructible, with two golden wings on its back, and the power of the devil could no longer control the palace in the holy light.

"How is it possible, there will be no holy light in this world."

"He has abandoned us long ago. When the evil energy invaded, we prayed sincerely that it abandoned us!"

The devil suddenly left, and the green in his eyes began to recede, turning into a muddy patch, but it was only an instant.

"The Holy Light exists in everyone's heart. It is a force of firm belief. If you don't believe and fight, the Holy Light will not care for the weak!"

The phrase "weak" directly aroused the stronger anger of the devil!

The weak! He never felt that he was stronger than he is now!

"Those who believe in the Holy Light are the real weak!"

"Not good!" Ye Xuan yelled. The devil is about to release all his power. This power is incomparably powerful. He carried Long Aotian and Long Zhan, who had not yet reacted to it, and Fei. Normal run.

The power of the fel demon is the largest he has ever seen, and maybe it can destroy the world in one go.

But he still has to run desperately, so if there is a little hope, then just a little bit, he also wants to send Long Aotian and Long Zhan out.

"Come and feel the power of fel in my body!"

"Come on then, the Holy Light is never afraid of real challenges!"

A huge demon appeared on the devil's body, which was a bit like "Desperate Jialan" Ye Xuan just looked back and couldn't help the flow of cold sweat in his heart.

The huge demon also has double wings on its back, with a strange horn on its head, and this feeling...

It's like "Desperate Jialan!"

Gong Ming flew straight down, he turned himself into a sword, and the huge demon used the sword to resist him.

When the fist and the sword met, the two forces of gold and purple completely collided together.

"The worm shakes the tree, not knowing whether to live or die!"

"Is that really the case? I'm not fighting alone!"

The devil's eyes widened suddenly, his fear was self-evident, Ye Xuan's fist was actually still increasing in strength, and the devil's sword was breaking at the beginning!

"Impossible, impossible, you can't be my opponent!" The demon's cry began to be miserable.

"This is the power that the true power of the Holy Light believes in!"


Accompanied by Gong Ming's yell that resounded across the sky, Gong Ming directly penetrated the devil's body, opened a huge hole in his chest, and severely wounded the devil.

" is impossible..."

The huge demon incarnation disappeared, and the body was lying on the ground. A big hole was also opened in his chest, and the blood was flowing and the earth was dyed red.

The scene of the doomsday just now disappeared suddenly, and a beam of sunlight appeared in the sky thick as ink.

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