The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 983: Encounter the Fel Power

Gong Ming found a map the size of a poster with everything locked in the world.

Ye Xuan knew this world again. This golden desert was only the tip of an iceberg. This world may be bigger than the earth.

He is divided into two areas, separated directly by a huge sea area in the middle. Only through the portal can you enter each other's boundaries. This sea area is called the "Black Sea!"

Gong Ming pointed to this sea area and said, "Fel energy comes in through this sea area."

After speaking, he sank a little and said, "This sea area has always been an unsolved mystery. I don't even know how big and deep this sea area is!"

"Fel energy comes from here?" Long Zhan said.

"Yes, there are too many secrets in this sea area, but the energy in this sea area is infinitely huge!"

Powers that are too powerful are the kind that can't be controlled, since the fel forces can come from here. How strong is the power of the Fel Force?

"So, in this sea area, there is a tunnel opened by fel energy, but..."

Gong Ming didn't finish what he said. Suddenly, the Fel Force came from the front, the number was not very large, and it was different from what they had seen before.

It's a group of things that look like walking dead. There are about dozens of them in number, and there is one that looks like a leader. He is personal and knows his face is indeed a sword. He wears something like a mask outside. It seems to be a shell, with a sword on his back, but this sword looks full of anger.

"Broken, we were found!"

The walking dead rushed over directly, Long Zhan volunteered:

"let me do it!"

To deal with this group of miscellaneous soldiers, he still managed to catch them, and did not disappoint Ye Xuan and Long Aotian, as long as he entered, the miscellaneous soldiers would be beaten up and down.

"There are evil forces here?" Ye Xuan asked Gong Ming as he watched Long Zhan's battle.

"I don't know, but it looks like it is!"

Miscellaneous soldiers are easy to deal with, but the leader is not so easy to deal with. Long Zhan fought him for more than a dozen rounds, and he was lost. He was crushed and beaten. Long Aotian clenched his fists and wanted to go up. I helped, but Ye Xuan stopped him:

"Don't worry, Zhan'er is not so weak yet!"

Then asked Gong Ming: "Do you know him?"

Gong Ming shook his head: "The evil forces are all united and weird. Where can I get to know such messy things?"

"Then have you ever met? Know what special abilities he has?"

Gong Ming was even more helpless. Ye Xuan and Long Aotian had also seen the evil forces he had seen. In fact, he knew very little about the evil forces.

Suddenly, the situation of the battle changed. If Long Zhan had been struggling to support it, now Long Zhan has been pressed to the ground.

The Fel Demon suddenly jumped up, swung the big sword in his hand vigorously, and watched Long Zhan’s head directly knocked down. Long Zhan could not get up anymore, and rolled quickly. The place where the sword fell almost fell to the ground. Being able to split in half, Long Zhan's heart hadn't completely relaxed yet, he suddenly realized that his body couldn't move.

Long Zhan felt a bitter chill in his heart. It was because his body had already been split apart, and he now had no control over his body.

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed suddenly. It was not that Long Zhan could not move, but that he seemed to be trapped in a magic circle. This circle was still quite strange. There seemed to be green fel energy around Long Zhan.

The fel demon was holding the sword, it was like the hunter saw the prey falling into the trap, and he was not in a hurry to end his life.

Taking a stroll in the courtyard, he lifted the sword and walked to Long Zhan's side. Long Zhan really used his energy to suckle, and he still couldn't move his body.

"City Lord!" Long Aotian didn't have Ye Xuan's order, even his own son would not make a move.

The Fel Devil had long discovered the group of people here, raised the sword high, and glanced here again, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared, and at such a distance, he arrived at Long Zhan's side in an instant.

"It's so fast!" Gong Ming couldn't help being surprised, almost like an instant transfer. At the same time, the Qilin Sword was in his hand, and the fel demon's sword had fallen quickly. Long Zhan knew that his time of death was coming, and felt afraid, and closed his eyes forcefully...


The two swords collided, and both Ye Xuan and the Fel Demon were bounced to both sides.

The fel demon slowly stood up. Although what he saw just now was only a moment, Ye Xuan slashed him with seven or eight swords.

But when it was cut on the body, there was no effect at all, and Ye Xuan also saw that he was not wearing any armor at all, but his skin, which was a metal cuticle that was harder than steel.

Ye Xuan was holding the sword's hand, numb in bursts, just a moment ago, the Fel Demon just made a move, he couldn't stand it!

"Fuck, why is so strong!" Ye Xuan knew in his heart that he was not his opponent at all.

Every time Ye Xuan faces someone stronger than himself, he is extremely excited, but this time he is indeed deeply afraid, this is one of them, and it is definitely not the strongest among the evil demon.


The fel demon continued to come here, fighting for a long time is no way, you must leave quickly.

"You two, hurry up and save Zhan'er. I'll stop him."

Long Aotian was shocked: This is not Ye Xuan who he knew before. When he encounters an enemy, even if he is dead, he will have to destroy them. Today, did he give up before he fights?

Ye Xuan clenched the sword tightly again, and the next move was to show him some color.

His head looks too uncomfortable, so deal directly with his head this time!

"Let's go over!" Gong Ming called out Long Aotian in a daze.

Only then did Long Aotian react: "Ao, OK!"

Then, a strange circular magic circle suddenly appeared at the feet of the Fel Devil, and then it disappeared so easily in front of Ye Xuan's eyes. When he reappeared, he was already beside Long Zhan.

"Be careful!"

The energy trapped in Long Zhan is very strange, as if it had taken root on the ground. Long Aotian and Gong Ming couldn’t do it when they wanted to hug people up. When the two of them figured out a way, Fel Demon He came over suddenly, kicked Long Aotian away, grabbed Gong Ming, and said in a low voice.

"Gong Ming, you are back!"

The fel demon actually spoke at this moment!

And he also called Gong Ming's name!

This sudden change makes people feel incredible.

And Gong Ming didn't know what was going on, he was arrested, and he heard his name even more.

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