I didn't use an umbrella in such a heavy rain, and once I got close to him, he felt chilly all around him.

Pushing open the door of a bar, there was a lot of laughter, but after he came in, suddenly there was no sound!

This bar is more like a casino, it's full of smoke, and even a bit spicy eyes!

Pai Gow, Mahjong, Poker! After Ye Xuan came in, they all maintained a high level of vigilance.

And at this time, suddenly there was a seat, his mouth was swearing and his hand was not good enough, Mahjong, who was pushed in front of him, got up and walked away.

This road is still very spacious, but it didn't take long to come to Xuan Xiao's body!

It seems to be about the same size as Xuan Xiao, but the man is dark and sturdy, with a face full of flesh.

"Boy, I don't have long eyes, I can't see the uncle, I lost the money, I feel upset, I don't want to get out of here!"

"Biaozi, what does your loss have to do with this brother? Don't **** look for trouble. You don't know this is Along's place. You caused trouble, who caused the trouble, Aaron made him unable to eat. Go, don’t forget, Along is a cultivator, at least in the Yuan Ying stage!"

The long hair on the same table just now stood up and reprimanded the man named Biaozi loudly.

The man named Biaozi still looked unconvinced: "Chih, Ermaozi, here is your shit, don't take the mouse to get into trouble!"

Then he glanced at Xuan Xiao fiercely. Xuan Xiao's body was covered with water, and he lowered his head without looking up.

Biaozi didn't seem to get a response, as if he couldn't get angry, he "cut" and pushed Xuan Xiao away and walked outside by himself. At this moment, Er Mao came over.

Feeling very polite: "This brother, do you have time to play two?"

Xuan Xiao was not interested at all, walked towards the bar without saying a word, and dropped a handful of gold coins in his hand.

The eyes of everyone present were green, and this handful of gold coins could buy almost all the wine here.

"Hey, what this man has is money!" A skinny monkey walked to Ermao's side.

The bartender on the bar saw so much gold, he didn't dare to neglect, and the waiter should be more enthusiastic and enthusiastic. No matter what kind of wine, he took it!

Xuan Xiao didn't taste them one by one, but drank everything.

"You're right, this kid has so much money that I can't afford to spend. Since he is not hooked, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

This group of people is even more disgusting than the Zhengtai gang that they have met before. These people are secretive and you don't enter, so you can only do it with guns outright.

"But, Brother Ermao, you see that he is carrying a sword on his body. I don't know that everyone with a sword is a master of cultivators!"

The skinny monkey felt scared when he saw Xuan Xiao's Luo Lijian, and he withdrew in his heart, and slapped Ermao on the back of his head:

"What the **** is this age, you one with a gun is scared by the one with a sword..."

Long Mao looked at the sword in Xuan Xiao's hand and said in his heart: "In fact, this sword is very valuable!"

Long Mao knows a bit of antiques. At first glance, he can see that this sword was made by an expert, and it is very hostile. This kind of sword is called an "evil sword" on the road, and ordinary people cannot suppress it. , But if people who can conquer it, this sword can wish him peace in the world, and ten thousand people will be king!

"Look, he has a skinny look, he gave us money today!"

This is Aaron’s place. Aaron may be on the second floor. Ermao went up and down for a while. He reached an agreement with Aaron and Aaron didn't care, but he got 20% of the damage and compensated for the damage!

Ermao looked at Xuan Xiao’s bulging money bag, and a few gold coins were exposed. This will be done today. If they are all obtained, these things will be enough to buy such two bars. Moreover, And the sword on his body, find a master who knows the goods, then in this life you will have no worries about eating and drinking.

What a dear in this chaotic world! His mother's gold is the closest.

Ermao is not the heroic knight who just beat and hugged the injustice. With a cigarette in his mouth, most of the people in this bar stood up, and the remaining half left their original seats and found a corner to be surrounded.


Er Mao patted Xuan Xiao's shoulder, and everyone behind him took a step forward.

Xuan Xiao didn't realize that there was someone behind him, and his hand went into his money bag again.

Deng Deng Deng... is another handful of gold coins dropped on the table.

"This wine is not enough!"

"Enough to drink, not enough to drink, you are here today. If you know me three dog barks, I might be in a good mood and leave you a pair of pants!"

Er Mao's appearance is extremely arrogant. Although he is not good at learning skills, he is also a cultivator. There are such a group of unlearned brothers under his staff. These people are unrelated, old, wives and children. They are in troubled times every day. Live forever.

"Hahahaha!" Ermao's words made the audience roar with laughter.

The most uncomfortable thing is the bartender. Without the boss's order, he didn't dare to leave here for half a step. Looking at the gold coins on the bar, he dared not accept it.

This hand went up tentatively, and Er Mao stared at him fiercely.

The bar hurriedly withdrew his hand, not knowing what to do. Looking back at the second floor, a man with a dragon tattoo on his face nodded to him.

The bartender's heart strengthened. The hand continued to stretch up, Er Mao was cheerful, and secretly touched two and hid them in his pocket. The bartender brought up the wine, Ermao didn't say a word, he just started Xuanxiao's scoop if he talked about it!


With a crisp sound of the wine bottle, the wine bottle in Ermao's hand was empty!

Ermao stunned. It was knocked down just now, and Xuan Xiao didn't move. Why was this wine bottle strayed?

"Fuck, I don't believe it, how about trying the bullet!" A pistol opened the insurance with a click.

Xuan Xiao held the wine in the cup in his hand and paused in the air for a while.

"Be scared, bullets are not eye-catching. If you want money, you still die. Get your own idea!"

"Damn it!" Ye Xuan finished speaking and took a sip of wine!

"Haha, the kid is really a kid, he is acquainted, then take off your wallet and the sword on your body. As for your torn clothes, if you are doing well today, you don’t need to take it off. , This wine, you also take it."

Er Mao is still flaunting his might, and he has a gun in his hand.

Suddenly, this Er Mao felt very uncomfortable in his body, not only him, but also the little brothers he brought, all clutching their stomachs and rolling on the ground!

"Boy, **** you..."

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