Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

A huge explosion, the devil killed half in an instant!

This is Ye Xuan's newest and strongest killing trick. This is to deal with Xuanwu City. Try it here first.

Such a huge force, such a huge explosion, wiped out dozens of demons in one breath!

Long Aotian looked over and said: "City Lord, why are you so powerful, you haven't wiped it out!"

Ye Xuan took the sword back: "I have released the most power in my life ..."

This trick has a lot of loopholes. It was discovered when Ye Xuan exhibited it. His skin was deeply burned. However, Gong Min ’s "Holy Light" would form a protective film on his body. Armor is similar, but still has a strong healing ability. Greatly offset the side effects of this trick.

Long Aotian watched Ye Xuan wipe out so much, a little bit unconvinced.

"Leave the rest to me!"

Ye Xuan was slightly surprised!

"You also have new tricks?"

Long Aotian squeezed his fingers and clicked.

"I use it for the first time, you give some guidance!"

The demons are not without wisdom, they have all dispersed, Ye Xuan has concluded that they are organized and disciplined.

Ye Xuandao: "It's up to you!"

Long Aotian shouted: "City Lord, look at me!"

Long Aotian's sudden effort is a trick he used before,

"Black Dragon Flames!"

With both hands holding the sky, a black dragon went straight to the sky, Ye Xuan looked slightly different. This black dragon rushed directly into the sky, not like hitting the enemy.

At this time, the living demons of the stone statues in the sky were scattered a little, and they became a group of monsters, and they were somewhat affected.

But suddenly, the big dragon rushed down from the sky again, and Long Aotian caught his big move with his body!


The landslide cracked and the ground moved.

Long Aotian directly digested his black dragon!

The whole person has also changed appearance!

Behind him seemed to grow demon wings, a long horn grew on his head, the whole body was covered with black air, and his breathing became rapid.

"Father ..." Looking at Long Aotian, Long Zhan murmured.

Although Long Aotian seemed to become a demon, he didn't seem to lose his sanity.

"City Lord, did I scare you now?" Long Aotian seemed to be very proud!


Ye Xuan sneered: "How can you scare me?"

But Gong Ming was cold sweat, and his glasses were golden. He didn't know why, how could a mortal have such a heavy demon spirit.

It is the evil spirit of the devil, not the evil energy, which is different.

After gaining this power, Long Aotian's fighting power changed dramatically. With the movement of his back wings, the whole person really flew up. It fell like a heavy bomb from the sky and exploded. , Caught a demon around him, and tore it open with force.

The demons are not the opponents of Long Aotian now. They tried to gather again. Ye Xuan shouted, "War, let's go!"

"Go up, I will use the Holy Light to protect you!"

Ye Xuan has a little understanding of Gong Ming's power of holy light. Perhaps his personal combat strength is not strong, but he can provide good backup support for team battles.

Ye Xuan's fighting power with Dragon Warfare, in conjunction with Gong Ming's Holy Light, the fighting power got a qualitative leap. It was simply a slap in the face. Without any disadvantage, Ye Xuan's sword could easily cut off the demon's skin without effort.

Hundreds of demons turned out to be opponents of three people.


As long as the portal is not destroyed, the demons will be delivered continuously. This time their proficiency is obviously more, no longer the kind of axe, but a group of puppies like them, but they The skeleton of the whole body, only sporadic flesh and blood, is just like those zombies!

"Be careful!" Ye Xuan shouted.

Because their number is obviously too much, that is, Ye Xuan's "Wanjian Qifei" can not be killed, and it is still endless, it is just like the flood.

Long Aotian's body was already covered with these things. He could only think of dogs as scratching lice, throwing one and ten up again. They only used their claws and fangs. Ye Xuan quickly pulled out, but this group The little devil didn't give them a chance at all. Ye Xuan took a step back, and they quickly followed.

"Why so much?"

At this time, Dragon Warfare was already submerged. Long Aotian saw the same, and his eyes suddenly turned red again. With a punch, the huge energy directly opened a way and rushed directly on Dragon Warfare.

good chance!

Regardless of his own safety, Ye Xuan rushed up, reached into his hand, grabbed Long Zhan's shoulder, and suddenly felt a weak body for a while. Look again, his hand was already bitten by the demon!

"Not good, poisonous!"

"It's okay, let me come!"

Ye Xuan's hands were in front and behind, and a golden sphere of light was dragged up and pushed out directly. It happened to fall on the two people. Ye Xuan's bad feeling just disappeared immediately. Forced again, grabbed the shoulders of Dragon Warfare and pulled the people out. Dragon Warfare stabilized his figure in the sky and jumped away.

The two were out of danger, but Long Aotian had already killed too much, and it was difficult to withdraw, but this group of demons did not have a very good way for Long Aotian. It was not an opponent at all.

"Brother Ye Xuan, these are controlled by people, I just saw it!" Long Zhan and Ye Xuan stood side by side, and then suddenly pointed to the past, Ye Xuan's eyes quickly focused, and sure enough, in a humble In the corner, there are three seemingly small demons, calling a portal.

The group of demons came out of the small portal.

Ye Xuan glanced at Dragon Warfare: "I will kill you a way out and you will destroy the three dogs for me!"

This is a good way. With so many demons, only Ye Xuan has the ability to destroy them together. The strength of the dragon battle is not enough, but it is not a problem to deal with those three guys.

Ye Xuan put away the sword, but eight lightsabers appeared suddenly behind him, and the eight swords were merged into one, which was manipulated by Ye Xuan and flew out immediately. Dying will die!

Dragon Warfare quickly followed from behind. Gong Min had been trying to find a way to save Long Aotian from the predicament just now, but he didn't notice it. When he saw it, it was too late!

"Don't go!"

The dragon battle is over, and with the sword raised, it is necessary to destroy the portal, the three demons that manipulate the portal ...

Within a radius of a square, a huge half white ball ...

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