Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

This weapon, not an ordinary weapon, is said to suppress all darkness:

"Twelve Golden Wheels!"

The twelve golden wheels resemble the sun, and no one can tell from the hands of anyone. There are only legends. At that time, the descendants shot the sun, and nine golden birds fell to the ground.

When "Desperate Jialan" was born as the "Twelve Golden Wheels", the night instantly turned into daylight, and it was extremely hot. The whole Xuanwu City was full of fire, like a sea of ​​fire!

The "Twelve Golden Wheels" only exist in legends. Today, the withered tree cannot suppress its own fears.

Why dead wood has such a powerful weapon!

This blazing, fire unicorn can't bear ... Suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the fiery sky.

Bing Qingya also stood up. With this kind of energy, the God Ring "Hou Tu" became restless, and the aura exploded. I wonder if this is a response or a challenge!

"Twelve Golden Wheels" and "Emperor, Hou Tu" are legendary **** soldiers, which are extremely spiritual in nature. There are ten such weapons, which generally do not appear in the same era. If two pieces appear simultaneously, or More than two pieces, this world will be destroyed!

"Hahaha, really interesting, you didn't let me down!" Zhuoya was so excited.

Ye Xuan, who is thousands of miles away, can also feel the power of the "Twelve Golden Wheels".

His spirit sea was restless, that is, the incomparable "Gong Ming" also frowned tightly. Who was the power of such a powerful Holy Light?

When the demon wrestling with Ye Xuan's two stone carvings, Jin Guang suddenly shone down. The two stone carvings' demon apparently resisted the two golden lights, and they wailed in pain, and their strength was weakened a lot. When I found an opportunity, he grabbed his hand and lifted it up directly, like an athlete.


With a loud noise, they directly hit the other body. Under the golden light, their bodies quickly turned into stones, and they all turned into stone powder.

This golden light helped a lot, otherwise Ye Xuan would lose the fight.

"What's going on?" Ye Xuan wiped a sweat!

"Of course it's my credit." Gong Minshang came from Feng Gong!

Ye Xuan expressed disdain, but did not debunk his lies. This strength was completely different from that exuded from Gong Ming, and he stood behind with no movement.

"Sorry!" Long Aotian whispered in a low voice!

Long Zhan stood in the distance and said, "Come and see!"

Under this golden light, no matter whether it was dead or alive, the demons turned into green thick water, feeling very sick.

"This is also your credit?" Ye Xuan deliberately asked Gong Ming.

Gong Ming swallowed a sip of saliva, which was simply a work of magic. With such a big contribution, he would never dare to bear it alone!

Even if the strength of the strongest paladin in the entire "city of sky" is added together, there will be no such effect.

No matter who it was, this helped a lot. Ye Xuan took a deep breath and watched that everything in front of him had been flattened, so the next road still had to go on.

The rest is to enter the demon's complex, where is there a portal!

At this moment, the door was opened from inside without using a few people.

Seeing that not only made several people stand up, two rows of demons came out of them, they were all the same, with strange horns on their heads, dragging powerful tails behind them, carrying the same The axe weapon came out in a uniform motion.

There are hundreds of this visual inspection!

This is completely different from the previous one, this is the army!

Well-trained troops!

"City Lord ..." Long Aotian kicked back!

"This is not something we can solve. I underestimated the number of demons here. Let's go quickly."

Gong Ming also said so.

Long Zhan did not express an opinion, but he also knew that it would be impossible to walk from here!

This place is so close to Qishan Daying, if you let them go out from here ...

And this is just one of the portals. If it is not sealed, there is no way of knowing how many such things enter the world through the portal.

"No, we can't go, we must destroy it!" Ye Xuan said firmly.

"Destroy, you are crazy, this is a demon, you don't know how powerful they are!" Gong Min was a little crazy.

He just wanted to prove himself, but found that the development of the situation was much more serious than he thought. He just wanted to save his life.

"You really don't want to go?" Gong Ming looked at several people, but no one would leave.

Long Aotian counted the number, one hundred and sixty!

"Urban master, this skill is too much."

Ye Xuan nodded: "Fortunately, they are fighting brute force!"

Ooo ... Ooo ...

Suddenly, from the depths of the jungle, a horn of battle came!

Ye Xuan felt very familiar with this sound, but forgot where they heard it from. At this time, the sky was sparse, and there was a sparse sound in the jungle around the demon castle.

The dragon battle grabbed his nirvana sword, and the disappeared monster appeared again!

They are all over the mountains and in different shapes, still wearing simple armor and carrying ordinary weapons in their hands.

Werewolves in wolf-headed hands, they knocked on their chests, behind which were large one-eyed giants carrying large stones, huge three-headed and six-armed things that could not be said to have anything, holding various weapons in their hands.

"It's a real leak, it rains!" Long Aotian murmured.

There may be the possibility of running away just now. I haven't run this time. I guess a few people are going to die here.

That beast will definitely hate them. The first time to break the army of monster beasts is Emperor Xuancheng, and there is him Ye Xuan and Long Aotian.

"This is your reinforcements?" Gong Ming asked strangely.

Ye Xuan did not speak. At this moment, Ye Xuan was also afraid.

Long Aotian quietly said, "Run if you have a chance!"

Don't care about honor anymore, now life is the most important.

Father's love is like a mountain, Long Aotian can die here, but he can't bear to watch Dragon War also die here.

"These are not your reinforcements, are they enemies?" Gong Ming was nervous.

"Why are you so insulting, the **** is coming." Gong Min finally upset Long Aotian and asked loudly.

Gong was scared to pee his pants. There was a demon in front and a monster behind!

This can't survive anymore.

Woo ...

At this time, in the jungle, the horn of battle blew up again. Above the demon's fortress, those strange birds that seemed to be decorative were all alive.

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