The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 953: Zodiac guardian deity

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Fang Mu and Dead Tree came out of the illusion space.

Fang Mu seems to have gone through centuries.

Although I do n’t know how the dead wood got this information, it is definitely difficult to get in the cloud and wasteland. If it is really like the dead wood let him see, this time there is no "tree of the world" then the evil forces will open up even more A stable portal, and the creatures that are not coming in that door, what is it? Such a powerful portal is not enough to carry the power of one of them, but also depends on the support of the "Tree of the World".

"How did that tree explode?" Fang Mu asked, who wanted to know.

"I don't know, anyway, this time, as long as they come, the world will be finished."

Fang Mu may have known that dead wood wanted to fight against the Legion, but what is the purpose of dead wood? Really hope to protect this fragile world?

If so, why has the dead wood been fighting alone, can it not find like-minded friends?

"Because, no one believes me!"

Fang Mu knew what the dead wood knew. This was his terrible thing. Fang Mu stared at the dead wood in surprise. This person was too unfathomable, the strategy was unfathomable, the strength was even more so, but this one What happened to the broken arm.

It doesn't look like it's really not Ronno's opponent.

Suddenly Fang Mu realized another question: What was the purpose of dead wood to find Lonuo? Is it just to compare the heights?

Witherwood's strength is already so strong, but can Lonno take one of his arms? So what is the strength of Lonno?

In front of the dead wood, Fang Mu seemed to have no privacy, and all his performance was straightforward in front of him.

"Lonno used the power of evil energy. I went to confirm this!"

"Lonno is evil energy?" Really confirmed his guess? So what kind of power is evil energy that can make people so powerful in an instant?

"Lonno, has become a puppet of evil energy, maybe he does not know himself ..."

Lonno! Fang Mu is still very familiar with him. His * of rights is far greater than power and money. If he can, he can give everything to get rights. He is such a person.

"This man has not been saved, but he was injured by me. If you are willing to help me and stop the spread of evil energy, you will kill him!"

Fang Mu smiled: "Really let me kill him? Although you broke your arm, you have enough power to kill him."

Fang Mu is no longer as aggressive as the dead wood just now. Although he is not as powerful as the dead wood, Fang Mu still sees this obvious problem at a glance.

"You still have his life, don't you just want to know, who was Lonno taking advantage of?"

Witherwood smiled: "You are right, the person behind him must be a powerful person!"

"So, if I go and kill Lonno, the people behind Lonno will never let me go ..."

Suddenly, Fang Mu's expression became cold: "You broke your arm and pretended to be exhausted, giving others a feeling of waste wood. In this way, in your eyes It becomes useless, and you can do what you want ... "

With Fang Mu's analysis, dead wood was speechless, and every sentence he said was a dead wood's current plan.

"Now you know everything, do you dare to do it?"

"Do you want to do it?" Fang Mu asked back.

"When you use illusion against me, you are already betting, whether I am the person you want to find."

At this time, the air between the two people felt much colder, and since they were already open and honest, then everything could only be diametrically opposed.

"alright, you win!"

Fang Mu first defeated, he was willing to be a bait for dead wood, to seduce who is behind this scene.

"Are you really willing? You are the next emperor!" Said Drywood.

"If evil energy invades this world, Yunhuang will not be spared, what use is my emperor ..."

"However, the premise you must tell, your purpose of doing all this ..." Fang Mu took it seriously.

"I don't want to sell my life for an unknown person!"

Deadwood thought for a moment and said, "Okay!"

The dead wood opened his eyes and brought the square wood into the space of illusion again.

Here, Yin and Yang are on the gossip sky, and around them are twelve people. These twelve people do not know who they are, but they are combined according to the arrangement of the zodiac.

Fang Mu was kicked out of the illusion instantly, and he took three steps backwards in surprise: "Guardian of the Zodiac?"

Do they really exist?

Wither said: "Yes, this organization really exists, and it has existed for thousands of years."

Fang Mu only heard that there are twelve people in this world. When disaster strikes, twelve of them will definitely appear, turn the world around, and set the world apart.

But the war in this world is constant, and I have never seen the shadows of these twelve people. The legend gradually becomes a joke.

Withered wood opened his palm, a snake climbing on his hand one day, the carving is vivid, this is his zodiac replacement!


"The patron saint of the Chinese zodiac, we have never participated in the wars on earth, and we are concerned about the order of development on the timeline."

"Everything has been arranged, and it can never be changed, but there will often be some abnormal energy fluctuations that make the timeline fluctuate, thereby causing uncertainties in the future to change."

Fang Mu understood that it was actually the patron saint of time!

All of this can be explained, why the dead wood is so powerful, and knowing so many secrets, Fang Mu can be assured.

"Now, with the invasion of the evil forces, will the patron saint of zodiac signs be dispatched?" Fang Mu asked excitedly.

The patron saint of the zodiac is not created on earth, it is said to be a masterpiece of the universe god.

Witherwood smiled helplessly, shaking his broken arm: "This is the punishment for the patron saint to actively change the timeline!"


Fang Mu finally understood that all of this made sense, and why Drywood would say that this evil invasion will definitely fail, because Deadwood already knows the development of the timeline, and he has seen the future.

But he still has to turn his back on his principles and reintegrate this line of humanity!

"I know!" Fang Mu said lightly, and then disappeared as soon as he slipped away.

Fang Mu walked away, and the dead wood couldn't hold it anymore. A broken arm held his chest, and then spit blood on the ground.

I thought to myself: "Hey, there may not be much time left for me."

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