Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Seeing that the bugs could go in nowhere else, when they really started to drill into the body of Dragon Warrior.

But suddenly, the wax glue on Long Zhan's body began to melt.

Long Zhan pouted: "Don't think I'm just an apprentice of Jiansheng, Long Aotian is still my father."

Long Aotian's spells are dominated by excess fire. There is a small flame in the hands of Dragon Warfare, but this small flame, but the star fire can ignite the original, and his body generates huge heat.

He couldn't show his powerful skills like Long Aotian, but Long Aotian's "fire fighting" taught him to practice every day.

He still doesn't know what Linghai and spiritual power are, but his small body has already started to produce energy.

Some rely on hard work, some rely on talent.

In the Dragon Wars, he is talented and works harder.

It is common for wax glue to melt when it encounters fire. Potter began to get serious, and finally knew the meaning of sending him.

These people, even a child, cannot be taken lightly.

Long Zhan's body was just untied. With a sword, the person rushed straight up and cut off the person directly from the waist. Potter felt so fast that his upper body and lower body had been separated.

But Potter chuckled, his body was already made of wax glue, how could it be so easy to die, the upper and lower bodies are connected again, as if there was no injury at all.

Ye Xuan, Long Aotian and Xuan Xiao have arrived at the destination they want to come by on the fast train.

The speed of this train reached 300, but the speed was not felt in the car. When the vehicle reverses the station, the station here is much simpler. There are no shops, no ice cream, no phone booth, but armed with guns and one. A tall, burly man in a suit and sunglasses.

Ye Xuan opened the curtains and looked out, they were all surrounded.

If this continues, it is a live target.

Ye Xuan looked at the leader, with a square face, a flat chin, a high nose, and a height of more than two meters, quite burly.

He stood in front of the troops, his arms crossed, and he had a posture that he would not be able to open.

Ye Xuan said, "This is to welcome us."

Long Aotian said with a fist, "Then I will meet them if I go down."

Xuan Xiao opened the door of the train, Ye Xuan walked in front, the other two were on the side!

"The situation is too great," Ye Xuan said with a smile.

The square face couldn't understand what they were talking about, everyone raised their hands and grabbed the sound of energy storage.

As soon as Ye Xuan's eyes lit up, the three people's bodies suddenly ran in three directions. The speed was quite fast, and the troops were all forced, the most advanced heat conduction tracking system used, but they couldn't catch it at all. Their shadows are just shooting everywhere, and the scene instantly becomes quite chaotic.

Ye Xuan was surprised, kicked one, and indeed flew out.

Xuan Xiao suddenly appeared from a person's head, held his head and hit the ground directly, grabbed a grab, directly chopped the man's hand, and began to use their weapons against their own people. Then I grabbed another one. These guns are being collected. I have one in the world.

Long Aotian, a fire dragon that flew directly in the hand of the "Fire Dragon King", shuttled back and forth among the crowd, and the enemies that burned did not stay.

But when the fire ran directly to the man with the square face, he saw that he didn't move at all, just reached out and grabbed the dragon head directly, Long Aotian's "Fire Dragon King" disappeared.

When Xuan Xiao saw it, his double guns were pointed at his face. After a round of striking, the man didn't move at all, and he didn't know what he did, but his body was so hard.

Ye Xuan attacked at this time and kicked him directly on the man's neck. This foot broke the mountain and broke the water, but when Ye Xuan kicked up, his expression immediately became very terrible, and he heard the bones cracked. There was a tingling sound in his leg.

Ye Xuan kicked his bone off with a kick!

The square face grabbed Ye Xuan's feet, Ye Xuan was careless, he drove a big flying car in the sky, rotated thousands of degrees, and flew out directly, and the train they took when they came, they all flew out together. Then, there was an explosion.

The fire was skyrocketing, and Xuan Xiao and Long Aotian both looked at it. This damage was not enough to cause any damage to Ye Xuan. From the fire and the thick smoke, Ye Xuan pulled off the cracked coat and walked away from the flame. Out.

"This man's body is harder than diamonds, I don't want to cut him."

Ye Xuanyou ignited. He and Qilin Sword had become one body. Reaching out, the sword protruded from his body. Because of his anger, the sword body was burning. But at this time, there was a thunder suddenly in the sky, here is underground, how could there be thunder? Then I watched, and along the lower end of the tunnel, the white current was quickly climbing over. All three were stunned at the same time, and then flew away in three directions.

The position where the three of them concentrated just now was directly hit by Lei.

"Is it running fast?" The heels haven't stood firm yet, and several scalpels have flown from the front. Ye Xuan is busy waving the unicorn sword to resist, Long Aotian directly uses the fire dragon armor, Xuan Xiao instead ran away in one direction directly.

In the direction of his rush, a man appeared. His black tights, with the kind of lady's courtesy, thin legs, and small waist, were the figure that the devil dreamed of, and Xuan Xiao thought he was a Female, but who knows, when Xuan Xiao attacked and knocked down his bowler hat, he touched the white powder, painted in red and red, also painted eyeshadow, and combed the man with big back.

But Xuan Xiao didn't have a soft hand, and swept one, but his body seemed to be a piece of paper, and it just flashed past.

Xuan Xiao made a void.

The scene now is three to three.

"It really is as strong as the rumor!" A silver-haired man, with his eyebrows and big eyes, was very handsome. He pinched two fingers, and there was still electricity on his fingers.

He just created the lightning strike just now.

"Hello!" Said the man with the knife.

The two stood beside the man with sunglasses, and it seemed that he was the boss of three.

"Sir, our sneak attack failed, and all of us are dead." In the distant command room, Linna looked at the big screen.

"Don't worry, our op8 is not so easy to deal with."

The top killer organization in the Op8 Salvation Army, they are all composed of eight people. John Porter in the fortress is also a member of OP8, and the three people Ye Xuan faces are OP8 captain Miyazaki, and the deputy captain is called the demon Shili, as well as the most powerful Lei Di, Ben & # 8226 Jaming.

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