The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 822: Three women in one play

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

"Oh, Sister Piao Piao, your children are all out, and you're shy." Yin and Yang's weirdness made Liu Piao Piao even more uncomfortable.

Li Yaoyao lightly beat Ying Yao, she said too much.

At this time, Ying Yao whispered again: "You don't know, she likes to wear dings, characters, and pants the most."


How does Ying Yao know such a private matter, it is really enough to faint.

Ye Xuan and Long Aotian came back together, and the people all rounded up, expressing their gratitude.

Ye Xuan took an old man's hand and said earnestly: "Auntie, this is what I should do."

In the evening, all the households took out their own wine and meat, lit a campfire on the open space of the square, and prepared the food. Let's celebrate today.

Ye Xuan is very close to the people, whoever comes over to drink with him, he will drink, even if it is a large amount of wine like Ye Xuan, it is also unconscious to drink, Ying Yao is very funny, Ye Xuan has not been lucky for a long time Everyone would have ideas, so he persuaded Li Yaoyao and Duan Murong. The two of them even agreed to fight Ye Xuan, who was drunk, directly into a room, and the three of them ravaged him.

But I didn't want to think that Ye Xuan was so great. The three women, one by one, couldn't get up, and the next morning, they all supported the wall and went out.

Ye Xuan actually woke up long ago, pretending to be drunk and fighting against three at a time.

Do not give a fairy.

Bing Qingya got up in the morning to get some water and wash, and saw that the three of them were running on a roller belt. While running, this Duan Murong complained:

"Ying Yao, it's all your bad idea, I got it by my husband six times in one night!"

Li Yaoying also followed them and learned badly: "You have only been six times, I have been seven times, I am swollen everywhere now."

Ying Yao is the most powerful, he is eight times.

"Ah, what do you still say, this six times, that seven times, weren't you comfortable that time?"

The three blushed and stopped talking.

Bing Qingya couldn't hear what they said. Anyway, she felt very strange. She quietly went in to see Ye Xuan. Who knew that when she just entered, Ye Xuan was pressed directly under her body. Bing Qingya suddenly panicked and instinctively began to resist. Ye Xuan can directly hold his two hands.

"Hey, why, one night is not enough, do you want to steal it?"

After listening, what night is not enough? Bing Qingya's face suddenly turned red like a thoroughly ripe apple, obviously very shy, but her body was honest, her legs began to rub constantly, and she wanted to get something first. When Ye Xuan's mouth kissed, she There was a very comfortable sound.

Ye Xuan really did n’t know that it was Bing Qingya, but it did n’t matter who it was. Li Yaoya and several of them went to Liu Piao Piao to eat. She does n’t have much idea now, because the child in the belly is everything for him , Prepared some porridge for the three of them, don't eat and ask, how did you feel yesterday.

"Don't mention, yesterday's husband is a beast!" Duan Murong went directly.

"Yes, yes, it's a beast, not right, it's not as good as a beast." Li Yaoya took a sip of porridge and was almost starving to death.

"We all begged for mercy, he hasn't let us go, hey, I guess I won't think about it in my life." Ying Yao was the initiator, but the most fortunate one, was originally looking for excitement, which is equivalent to saving His life, these are three people, if he dealt with Ye Xuan alone, then don't die on the bed.

"Hey, you eat slowly. I'll send some food to my husband." Liu Piaopiao looked at the three of them gobbling, and you can imagine what Ye Xuan would become, and quickly prepared Send him over early.

"Her husband, have you woke up yet, I'll give you something to eat!"

Suddenly I heard Liu Piaopiao's voice. The two people, Chi, Guo, and Bing, especially Bing Qingya, were suddenly startled. Now their postures are too unsightly. If they are seen ...

What I was thinking, suddenly the door was not closed, Liu Piao Piao opened it with a light push, the three people suddenly met like this, Bing Qingya had a dead heart, Liu Piao Piao was also stunned, and then hurriedly Closed the door and went out.

Seeing this scene, after closing the door, Liu Piaopiao also accelerated his heartbeat, and could not calm down for a long time.

I thought to myself that the posture I saw just now was really amazing. I could n’t think of Bing Qingya, who was usually so clean and jade, and had such a little-known hot side. She sat at the door early, holding clothes that were clean and elegant, and unkempt. Running quickly out of Ye Xuan's room, Liu Piaopiao hurriedly said, "Sister Qingya, wait a minute."

Handed it up early, Bing Qingya lowered his head, his eyes did not dare to look directly at Liu Piaopiao, usually known as the Valkyrie, this would become a female rogue.

"Piao Piao ... what's the matter with you?" Bing Qingya now feels ashamed to speak, especially when Liu Piao Piao bumped into Ye Xuan.

"Sister Qingya, we are all women, shouldn't women understand each other?" After Liu Piaopiao became a mother, people became mature. Bing Qingya didn't speak.

"Sister Qingya, you have to organize your clothes first, otherwise you look like that, after being seen by the three great silver demon, wouldn't you use this handle to say your life?"

Bing Qingya only found out that her clothes were all messy, and she quickly sorted herself out. Liu Piaopiao helped her comb her hair.

"Thank you ... Thank you ..." The colder the girl, the easier it is to be shy.

Liu Piaopiao found Bing Qingya's cuteness, and then quickly let go.

Boom Boom Boom!

This time Liu Piaopiao knocked directly on the door, and also raised his voice deliberately from the door:

"City Lord Ye, is there anyone else in this room? I'll bring it to you earlier."

Ye Xuan, a great old man, of course, will not be afraid of these things. Listening to the voice of Liu Piaopiao outside, I just saw it. This is to run against myself. Helplessly smiled.

"No one, there is no one inside, don't you know?"

Liu Piaopiao pushed the door in, with a frowning expression: "I know, you are Lord Ye Dacheng."

Ye Xuanxiang: This matter is becoming more and more unruly, and now it is starting to run against itself, and she must be taught something.

Liu Piaopiao just put it down early, Ye Xuan directly sent people to the wall.

Liu Piaopiao looked at him with a frown, and then nodded his belly, saying, "Master Ye, people are still pregnant."

"Is it really good to start **** education for children so early?"

Ye Xuan was almost speechless, although now I really don't have enough vent, but how about Liu Piaopiao.

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