Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Xuan Xiao looked at the starry sky, and suddenly found that someone ran back desperately, but the dragon battle in the practice of the sword had passed, and Xuan Xiao's figure flashed and followed him directly.

What came back was the old man who had led the way for Long Aotian. Looking at his panic, it seemed that something was wrong.

"Master!" Long Zhan's nervous expression.

"Father was caught!"

Long Zhan's worried look, Xuan Xiao looked at him and nodded. This matter still had to tell Ye Xuan.

"Old man, you say slowly, what the **** is going on."

Ye Xuan was ready to take a break, but Xuan Xiao suddenly came in. Liu Piaopiao first poured a cup of tea for the old man, but the old man ran back all the way, and the cow drank several cups.

It was like a prison, with high walls, all of which were artillery, long-range missiles, and assistants. The old man revealed another secret.

Where is a foreign force stationed.

It ’s a foreigner force, which is interesting.

The old man was watching from a distance, Long Aotian went up to call the door, and ten people came out, and then he started to work directly. Unexpectedly, Long Aotian was not an opponent at all.

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan was surprised at the time: "This kind of thing would happen?"

Long Aotian is a master of Yuan Ying, how could he be caught so easily?

There is something wrong with this.

"Actually, it's not easy to say, Westerners like to make some messy chemicals. It is estimated that there is something that can restrain our spiritual power."

Ye Xuan nodded, perhaps like this.

Long Aotian was arrested, Ye Xuan of course would not be willing to give up.

"Tomorrow I will destroy that place myself!"

Ye Xuan heavily patted the table.

"Brother Ye Xuan, I'm going to save my father together tomorrow!"

As soon as Xuan Xiao retreated, Long Zhan jumped out, and Xuan Xiao shouted at him, "You will be honest with me"

Ye Xuan thinks this is a good opportunity to exercise, and he will take him with him tomorrow.

When Ye Xuan went out the next day, he was uneasy and wanted to follow, but there were still many things in the Emperor Xuan City that needed them to deal with. Ye Xuan and the Dragon War were two.

"Her husband, I will make braised pork for you at home and wait for you to come back." Duan Murong approached gently.

Ye Xuan nodded: "But the pigs from us!"

This is when they went out at night and secretly grabbed a few wild boars and came back, and there were some pigs that ran away before.

Liu Piaopiao touched his belly, and it really grew up day by day, and said worriedly: "Her husband, you have to be careful."

Ye Xuan smiled and said hello, then went out.

The progress of the Dragon War was rapid. Perhaps in a half-day trip, the two of them only took two hours to see the high wall in the distance, with a wire fence on him. From the mouth of each one was the artillery of the anti-aircraft gun. The bobbin, as well as surface-to-air missiles and radar, are really everything.

There was a cordon in front, which was also surrounded by barbed wire, and the words with high voltage were marked on it. Ye Xuan picked up a stone and threw it, and the stone was bounced off immediately.

Long Zhan pulled out the "Nirvana Sword" and said to Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye Xuan, let me come."

Far away is a sword wind, cut a hole in the high-voltage power grid, and then heard the alarm sound.

"Alarm, siren, there is enemy invasion, siren, siren!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan even dared to have an alarm. Your group of foreign devils are spreading wildly on the site of the Central Plains. Is there an alarm?

The long-range artillery fire directly bombarded Ye Xuan and the Dragon Battle. Ye Xuan reached out and waved a hand to form a protective cover. The two of them were completely unharmed.

It was just a burst of artillery fire, but no one came to see, but it was only one or two kilometers away from the fortress. Ye Xuan immediately realized that there was a mine below!

Ye Xuan brandished the Qilin Sword and stroked the ground directly. The strange thunder on the ground jumped up one after another and blossomed in the sky.

Ye Xuan is very puzzled. These traps are definitely not for the warrior, because these are useless to the warrior.

But Long Aotian was still caught, so why is this, their master has not yet appeared.


The two of them walked forward together. At this time, the door of the fort suddenly opened, and dozens of jeep cars were drilled out of it, followed by hundreds of people. Each of these people was loaded with live ammunition. It was said that it was armed to the teeth. The inner three layers and the outer three layers surrounded the people.

A Westerner wearing a peaked cap, black sunglasses, blue eyes, and a big nose, a brown beard with a chin, said in very authentic Chinese language: "Hurry up and surrender! Or we will be welcome."

Ye Xuan is simply ridiculous.

"You find someone who talks with Lisuo to talk to me!"

"I am the commander here, if you can cooperate with us obediently, I will consider not to kill you, otherwise, I have hundreds of machine guns and cannons here, as long as I order, you will all become scum Nothing left! "

He obviously overestimated himself. For a person like Ye Xuan who is highly cultivated, how could he be afraid of the threat of this gun? But this commander is so confident.

Ye Xuan just closed his eyes. A huge force directly caused the ground to tremble. This was Ye Xuan's warning. He didn't want to kill.

"You really are powers, just like the one who came here yesterday, which is really great. We have new experimental subjects. This land is really wonderful."

The commander was excited.

But when Ye Xuan heard "Experimental Subject", he immediately thought of it. Is it possible that Long Aotian has ...

Was it dissected as an experimental subject?

This group of Westerners likes to do this!

Ye Xuan started to ignite at that time, Qilin Sword just took it out, suddenly a cannon sounded, and an iron net fell from the sky.

The dragon fought out the sword, and the net didn't fall, and it was cut directly up, but when the sword touched, the arm was numb.

There is high voltage electricity!

Ye Xuan supported the protective layer on his body, but this current is very powerful, which is directly the paralysis of the whole body.

"You group of abilities, of course, we have a way to deal with it!"

Seeing that the Dragon War was almost unsustainable, Ye Xuan was about to break the net with his sword, but found that the power was no longer available.

But it was only spiritual power, Ye Xuan finally understood why masters like Long Aotian were also caught.

The current on this network can absorb spiritual power.

Ye Xuangang was about to start, the Dragon War actually got up, the Nirvana sword slipped, and the net broke.

Dragon Warfare is Juggernaut. Juggernaut pays attention to Kendo, not those so-called messy things.


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