Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

There is no cave in the world behind the door. Ye Xuan thought it would be a gorgeously decorated tomb, but it is an ordinary cave.

The cave is two meters high. From near to far, the green fire on the wall suddenly lights up, making people feel strange and horrified.

"It's phosphor powder!" Ye Xuan sniffed.

Fang Mu touched the green flame on the wall directly with his hand, but there was no temperature.

"How come there is so much phosphor powder here, what is in it?

"I don't know, there must be nothing good in it anyway."

The glare flashlight is no longer needed. The three people started to go in. Here is the same road. The three people walked for about half an hour. This tunnel seems to have no end.

Stopped to recharge a little bit of energy, and then Yelvhan found that a mysterious mural appeared on the wall of the cave.

On the mural, there are nine suns, and a person with a bow and arrow, then a flood, and then a person with a stick.

This is the "Hou Yi Shooting the Sun" and "Dayu Governing Water" in ancient mythology, but the time when Fang Mu looked at the mural seems to be farther away than these.

"Let's come and see!" I don't know when, Yelvhan has gone a long way, and there is a figure like a monster in the mural, and it is now the confrontation of technology, there is a person flying in the sky, and then the ground begins crack!

This painting is reminiscent of Ye Xuan and the monster.

Although people paint very vaguely, it can be seen that the tricks used by people on that day were sword repairs, and there were still dead bodies on the ground. Behind the city glance to the sky ...

"This mural is a bit wrong, what happened ..."

The city flew to the sky, and it all hit one person. Is n’t that what happened when Murong battled with the dead wood? Looking back, someone suddenly jumped into the melt, and then another In a mysterious cave, there is a tall monster, a sword against him, a lot of villains fighting a group of monsters, and ...

"You said, is this a mural that can predict the future?" Because a lot of things have not happened, but it seems that what has happened is all on this, and there are many more in the future.

Fang Mu came to the other side, there was a very beautiful castle, there were two towering towers, and there was a person sitting on the tower, surrounded by believers in hats.

Later, the car broke the prince, the army invaded, all kinds of birds and beasts, all kinds of advanced technology, all kinds of battles.

Then it appeared again, a man holding a woman, the woman flew directly from the tower ...

Fang Mu's eyes became wet.

"Hey, what do you see?" Ye Xuan suddenly appeared from behind.

"Oh, it's fine." Fang Mu wiped his eyes cleanly.

Some of the murals were touched off, and then something appeared to be recognized, ghosts and ghosts. He seemed to be standing on the apex of the world.

"Is this man the master of the future world?"

"Why aren't people, ghosts and ghosts?"

It doesn't matter what I think now, let's move on.

The road is very long, and the three of them can't go to the end.

In the dark swamp, the three are also undecided. After searching for a long time, Long'er is not there. It must be in the dark swamp.

"I'll go in!" Duan Ziyun made a difficult decision, even if he died, he couldn't let Long'er be alone.

Of course, Long'er was his beloved disciple, and it was also because of Long Aotian's agreement at the time that these two people should be protected.

Long Aotian is a hero. When he knew he could not do anything, he still made a sacrifice.

"Slow down, let's go together!"

In the dark swamp, of course, there are crises everywhere, but here is not only the swamp, Xuan Xiao knows.

Duan Ziyun and Long Zhan both looked at Xuan Xiao. Of course, it was very dangerous. It was better to have three people together.

"Remember, as long as you enter the dark swamp, you must listen to me!" This is very important, Xuan Xiao must first explain.

"That line, everything is up to you."

The three men packed up and walked towards the deepest darkness.

"Listen, there is a voice in front!"

Fang Mu stopped suddenly, and Ye Xuan walking in front also stopped.

"What sound!" Ye Xuan listened carefully.

Suddenly excited.

It is water sound, if there is water sound here, then there is a way.

Because no matter where the water flows, he will flow out of this mountain and this cave.

But it has other meanings. If there is a sound of water, maybe there is really a fire unicorn, and it may be closer.

When I walked out of the corridor, it was an immense space. Zhong Ling Yuxiu seemed to enter a space that I did n’t know. The cliffs were covered with colorful crystals, and countless light was interspersed here and there, woven A strange world.


I don't know why, a ray of light shot directly at three people, and all three ran directly in three directions. Where the light fell, a deep pit was left, as if it was a bullet.

So dangerous!

When Ye Xuan wanted to ask them if they had anything to do, suddenly cold sweat flowed directly from his body.

Ye Xuan can no longer find them both.

It seems to have disappeared directly.

When Ye Luhan jumped away, as soon as he landed, countless phantoms appeared in front of him.

Is this a reflection?

Yeluhan tried to touch himself, but he was directly hurt by his phantom.

He was covering his injured left arm, and the blood was flowing. The cave was a little weird, and the shadow would hurt people.

He had to unfold the golden bell, and as it was, his own shadow began to move. Fortunately, his strength was not great. The attack was then rebounded immediately and a shadow disappeared.

"Hey, don't bother!" Suddenly, a hand was slapped on Yeluhan's shoulder. Yeluhan immediately turned back with a punch, and Ye Xuan jumped back two steps dangerously and flew away.

"City Lord Ye, you are all right!"

Ye Xuan took out the glare flashlight and irradiated it directly towards a shadow, and then all the countless shadows disappeared.

Fang Mu was still sitting quietly.

"Ye Chengzhu, this is ..." Ye Xuan turned off the strong light flashlight, the cave became taller, the dome became taller, and it was covered with crystals like stars, and there was a light on it. Shuttle non-stop.

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