Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

In the afternoon, the ring has been set up. Suzaku's performance has made everyone full of expectations. Only when the master of Emperor Xuancheng came out to have a double defeat, so who dares to continue the challenge?

To everyone's surprise, the city owner of Emperor Xuancheng had already stood on the ring.

"City Lord ..."

"Is Emperor Xuancheng already desperate?"

"The lord of the city played in person, so who will fight?"

"Emperor Xuancheng has been forced to a dead end, and now there is a good show."

Everyone in the stands had a lot of discussion, but they all knew that Ye Xuan was powerful and defeated by a monster that had never been defeated, and also broke the siege of Emperor Xuan City by Zhuque City.

Ye Xuan played himself. Although he didn't think he would lose, he felt that Emperor Xuancheng was in danger.

Also in the stands, there were no more people in Emperor Xuancheng than in the morning, and several masters were gone.

"Murong battles, can you dare to fight me?" Ye Xuan provoked directly.

The major city masters watched Murong's battles and stood up.

"Really, is it really a showdown between the two city owners?"

But Murong stood up and did not mean to go down, but contemptuously said: "Can you be qualified with me?"


There was an uproar, the battle between the two, there were no more than ten times back and forth in the past, although they were all equally divided, but Ye Xuan was slightly higher. This is the self-confidence of Murong's battles. Crazy talk?

Yan Tianqiang is already getting mad, how can he be so underestimated?

Ye Xuan's face was also very ugly. Fu Tianqi whispered in Murong's ears, Murong nodded.

"Ye Xuan, you want to fight me, the one who defeated me first."


An instantaneous person stood directly on the ring, and this person was on his back, looking very strong.

"Ye Xuan, Ye Chengzhu!" With a contemptuous smile, he didn't put people in his eyes at all.

This person will also use the technique of instantaneous body, it seems to have responded to Ye Xuan's guess, these people have practiced "Wuji"

But this "Extreme Promise" is a peerless exercise, why can everyone practice? This Murong battle is a typical villain, not so generous.

Ye Xuan shouted, "I don't have enough to fight, let's all come together."

"Okay, I meet you!" Murong clapped his hands in battle.

More than a dozen masters of "Ping Ping Ping" came together, all of them used to go up in a flash.

At this time, Long Aotian also came with a wound and took a breath of breath after seeing it.

The fast speed of this "instant technique" is really overbearing, and it is really a cold sweat for Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan gave a cold smile.

Behind him, an air sword rose suddenly, huge, shining with brilliant light, and dazzling, this crowd could not open their eyes, they could only cover it with their hands.

However, some people in the crowd were unshakable, drinking a sip of wine, and said lightly: "There are also sword repair people in this world."

"Sword repair, what is sword repair!"

From this point of view, the people around him are beautiful, handsome and handsome, but the appearance of this drunkard is very annoying. A young woman with a flower like a jade is standing beside him, and the eyes that this person can't help become emaciated. .

"This beautiful woman, I see that you are black in Yintang. I'm afraid that it's a disaster. Can you let me count it for you?"

The woman saw the handsome and handsome person, but she was also a person of heart, but her eyes became lustful. Unfortunately, the young woman was surrounded by his man. At that time, he punched directly on the left eye.

"Oh, why are you still beating people?

"I hit you as a lecher, dare to seduce my wife!"

Regardless of what is going on on this stage, the following is a lively anomaly. This is a young man, with an uncle and a young uncle, crying after the crying father who was beaten by the handsome boy with the giant sword, and repeatedly called Injustice.

"You hit the wrong person, the wrong person."

At first glance, the man saw that the person lying on the ground was no longer the drunk and **** just now, and that the second king living next door.

"Why are you here, people just now?"

"I know, I was pulled directly, and I was lying here and beaten by you. Who did I mess with?" Wang Lao Er screamed innocently, and he didn't know the **** people who had been beaten. .

This king's second son was not doing anything. He usually peeked at a widow to take a shower.

"The boy runs fast, otherwise he will hit his shit."

The man carrying the sword is now at the forefront, watching the game on the stage with interest.

Ye Xuan didn't move like a mountain, and his body was surrounded by sword qi, no matter what technique they used, it was difficult to break his body. The master of Suzaku City has exhausted the whole body of the solution, and it is also impossible to crack.

"You are all exhausted, and you will be replaced if you are exhausted!" The giant sword behind Ye Xuan was divided into countless sharp-pointed sharp weapons, and they fell down in a row, even though they had golden bells, but they broke through the defense instantly. The three of them were killed by random needles, and the dead items were very ugly.

Murong battles sitting in the stands, some can't sit still, Fu Tianqi has no expression on one side.

The masters of Suzaku City saw that neither offense nor defense was possible, but their hearts were born, but they all dared not act rashly. Yan Tianqiang applauded them, and the audience applauded.

"Is it okay." The youth took another sip of wine.


Someone photographed him behind the boy, and suddenly turned back to see that it was a delicate and exquisite face, and it was pure and elegant, just that pure and elegant.

She did not leave, but was mixed in the crowd.

"Beauty, I see you ..." The young man immediately smiled when he saw the beauty.

"Little nonsense, who the **** are you!" I've seen it last night, and can kill the monster with a sword.

Bing Qingya's ice-condensed sword has been placed on the young man's waist. After a slight movement, he will pierce his body immediately.

Bing Qingya couldn't feel the spiritual power exuded from him, and looked at his very thin body, which seemed to be weaker than ordinary people, but when he fled just now, it was even more powerful than the "instant technique". It's like replacing the body directly.

"Beauty, it wasn't the first time to meet each other. Why did you use a knife and a gun directly?" The youth was still a hippie smiling face, either not afraid of death or too confident to escape from Bing Qingya.

"Little nonsense, who the **** are you? Why did you come here, and what is your relationship with Suzaku Castle, is it a spy sent out?"

When the young man heard it, he laughed directly.

"If I'm a spy, I'm afraid you will all run away, ha ha ha!"

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